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  1. #1

    Surely player count decreased after you added OP quests, its rewards & daily rewards

    that was final nail in the coffin
    whats the point of playing if you give such good **** for free?

    its like you gave one million USD to each person in the world, surely value of money would go down. you thought people will want to play if you give them some good items? wtf

  2. #2
    Hello karolgu95 could you please tell us about what quests are you referring?

  3. #3
    Guard blackS24's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by HatheiGM View Post
    Hello karolgu95 could you please tell us about what quests are you referring?

    Hes reffering to quests each month, different world drop, and u get boxes , or pouches, gather 250, or 2500, convert into more boxes, and kinda OVERFLOW the game with all the items that are sold on ITEM MALL for REAL money, kinda free to play move, its great,but it feels like its free to play easy mode ON.

    My perspective, i have farmed for 4 months, got enough armor reinforce stones, and abradants, i basically had enough to make opa boots,armor,gaunt,helm,taset, and ive gained few +10s +12s which i sold and made more good items. Kinda great, but pay to win players are equal to free to play players now, its strange, we are used to rohan that wants all our wallets in order to make one opaniel armor haha

    anyway, influx of huge amounts of IM items is leading to all items becoming cheap as fu kitty fuu k .

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by HatheiGM View Post
    Hello karolgu95 could you please tell us about what quests are you referring?
    i mean Crystal Quarry > ahkma cave >.. quests that let you level up from 1 to 60 in one day
    they also give u superb items like Froianne set +25 (or 35) mdef and +25 pdef

    sure its low level stuff but thats pretty daunting if you can get level 60 in one day

  5. #5
    Guard blackS24's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by karolgu95 View Post
    i mean Crystal Quarry > ahkma cave >.. quests that let you level up from 1 to 60 in one day
    they also give u superb items like Froianne set +25 (or 35) mdef and +25 pdef

    sure its low level stuff but thats pretty daunting if you can get level 60 in one day
    lvl 60 in one day, lvl 90 in two, lvl 115 in four days, then 6 months if ur 12h online to 115+50 so... that early 1 to 60 boost is funny

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by blackS24 View Post
    lvl 60 in one day, lvl 90 in two, lvl 115 in four days, then 6 months if ur 12h online to 115+50 so... that early 1 to 60 boost is funny
    How do you do 60-90 in 2 days?

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