Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
By your own admission you are an outlier existing outside of the intersection point while the majority of players exist close to the intersection point.

I dont play this game anymore because it sucks peepeepoopookaka but can you tell me how many other templars exist outside of the intersection point? 2 more? 3 is pushing it.
Factor in party buffs & scrolls you reach the intersection point real quick vs. normal classes on party buffs/scrolls even with a lesser base as gear. Don't forget that the exponetial scaling gives you a flat amount of exponentially generated melee which is further boosted by percentage wise boosts.
(A full abyss set +5 gives you 1516 of ur main stat + like 400-500 all stats? factor in 1k title etc you don't even need rediculous gear to reach high intel just endgame lvl/title/abyss and some rings)

Now factor in you can gain an UNLIMITED amount of stats trans thoughout time, you could in the future have full gear +5 and still reach 5 million melee.

Quote Originally Posted by Mixture View Post
You are ridiculous! you come with false accusation and go on to assuming that the comments here are from non full geared templars, i can understand how you think without even trying. Excuse you but i have a nicely geared temp able to reach 3M on abyss mobs easy. but that is not what this post is about. this post isnt about how much dmg you can do boy. Because you THINK you have nice gears you FAIL to see this from other perceptive. Salve's dmg was used as an example, a way to say high dmg isnt new. your stupid picture is stupid lol and that exponential rise is also stupid, i mean look at it. if that was the case everyone would be Templars. You ppl talk about the future of the game, without knowing the impact of the game currently. with that stupid picture , even a 10% decrease in blunt would not significantly reduce anything in that exponential rise. And to think that you think "any other class" scales like that is beyond words ........... lol
''your stupid picture is stupid and the exponetial rise is also stupid'' I'm sorry you can't handle simple facts nor highschool mathematics. It really was a courtesy to explain this, I already expected most people not to get it because this forum-community is mostly made up of absolute morons with an IQ lower than my shoesize (you're lucky I have big feet lmfao).