Evo-ing pet and look after them on Seal is one of my hobby.
So, why not doing analysis at once? and I start from Seed first
For newcomers who interested in Melee Character
*especially Warrior, start from
Moo Moo Pet is good for you! <3
From Bud, it can be one of these:
Let's choose *Moo Moo first! <3
The Final Stage is indeed not announced yet xD so~
just see the teaser, LOL:
~Bud to Junior Moo Moo:
-Location: Anywhere
-Time: Afternoon
-Success rate when I evo it in a row: Never Fail <3
~Junior Moo Moo to 4th stage:
-Location: Sevis
-Time: Sunset
-Success rate when I evo it in a row: 4x times