Greetings Rohanians!

Here is a guide that will help you enjoy these wonderful new events,Health comes first event and Attack on Duck event
Let us all welcome Ducky! a fine and brave duck who will reward amazing items! to those can complete his missions.

Event Duration:
April 6th (After maintenance) until May 5th (before the maintenance)

Details of the Event:

➡ Health comes first!

We have added a new mask for you all to use and benefit from.
To get it, you will have to go to your Capital.

Humans have to go to talk to Rihit Del Lagos<King of Del Lagos>
Elves have to go to talk to Rima Regenon<Queen of Via Marea>
Half-Elves have to go to talk to Zhonat Rotus<Kai'non Commander>
Dhans have to go to talk to Taciano Sima<Par'Talucca Commander>
Dekans have to go to talk to Denelius Don Endriago<King of Armenes>
Giants have to go to talk to Rhett Travarre<King of Draht>
Dark Elves have to go to talk to George Lyonan<King of Ignis>
Trinities have to go to talk to Pobu<Prophet of Arepia>

Once there, talk to your corresponding NPC and complete the quest called "Health comes first! " and you will get your new Prevention Mask!

Once you get your Prevention Mask!, you can be at ease and go out to hunt down the monsters in the world.

Now, since we know a simple mask will not help too much, you can enhance it!
Go pay a visit to Marche, she will help you make it provide higher bonuses.

NPC <Marche>
*Found in Fishing Hole near NPC <Letze>

After talking, she will improve your Prevention Mask! for a reasonable price...
The first option, will require your Prevention Mask! and 1x Fantasy Armor Reinforcement Stone (Event)

And then there is a safer alternative. For this one, you will also need a Safe Enhancement Stone

Each level you enhance the Mask will provide higher bonuses!
As we know most of you like to see the stats displayed please look at the image below!

If you are wondering where you can get the Fantasy Armor Enhancement Stone (Event) due to your level or gear, worry not, since your level is not an issue...
Be aware the Fantasy Armor Enhancement Stone (Event) works as an ARS VI besides being able to be used to improve the Prevention Mask.

You will be able to get them from:

-Fantasy Armor Reinforcement Package (Event)

-Mystery Box

-Golden Duck Egg

-Premiun Duck Egg

You will have to complete the quest from the event and open the boxes!

NPC: Ducky <The Newbie>
This new NPC can be found in the Fishing Hole

For the duration of the event you will be able to hunt rebel ducks and monsters for a chance to get one of the items below while slaying specific monsters:

You can start to track down those rebel ducks in the maps below perhaps you may even find their leader!

-Del Lagos
-Via Marea
-East Bahran Island

*Duck mobs & boss will respawn at fixed intervals starting from 00:00 following with 03:00 then 06:00, etc.
*They must be killed in order to respawn waiting for the timer while they are alive will not spawn additional ducks.

<Duck's Supplies>

<Golden Duck Egg>

Here are the things you can get from it:

Ducky comes with 4 new quests!

➡ Quest 1: Call of Ducks

This quest requires you to get Duck's Supplies x 300 and bring them to Ducky.

“Duck's Supplies” is a World Drop, this means that you can get it from killing any monster (Elemental dungeon and Ashkeena included).

In exchange you will receive Mystery Box x1 .

<Mystery Box>

Here are the things you can get from it:

*You have a 17% chance to get "Magical Feather" from Mystery Box

➡ Quest 2: Heavy duty

Ducky is in need of a brave person to help him retrieve a massive amount of Duck's Supplies. For this quest you will need:
- Duck's Supplies x 3000

Check the table above to see where to get these items.

In exchange for assisting him get the the required amount of supplies for the war he’ll give you:

<Mystery Box>

➡ Quest 3: Duck or Phoenix?

For this quest Ducky will urge you to recover Magic Feathers as they are vital for the upcoming battles.
For this quest you will need:
-Magical Feather x 5

In return Ducky will reward you with 1x Premium Duck Egg for recovering the magical feathers.

<Premium Duck Egg>

Here are the things you can get from it:

➡ Quest 4:[Daily Quest] Duck Season

Ducky needs the help of brave adventurers to take down the rebel ducks.

For this quest you will need to hunt:
-Rebel Duck Assassin x5
-Rebel Duck Dekan x5
-Rebel Duck Ranger x5

Those who aid Ducky with this mission will receive:
<Mystery Box>

We sincerily hope you enjoy this duck event as much as we do!

Best regards,
-R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
Vengeance Never Ends