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  1. #1

    Can't log in or change char name "Unable to seal" error

    I'm having a problem with the character name change but also when I try to use the support links to ynkinteractive I get this error. [User Error]: Unable to connect to Database. Please verify the username, password, grant permissions and the database status. (library/class.SWIFT.php:632) I don't know why its doing this but I would like to play on my old account and get my stuff back. I've tried to contact support but that error occurs can a GM contact me or can I just give my account ID so it can be fixed because I can't send a ticket.

  2. #2
    Can someone please help?

  3. #3
    Have the same problem

  4. #4
    Hello I haven't play game 1 year ago. When I Start the game and I try to log my account information dissapears so I can't log into game :/ ... if someone can help would be awesome ...thanks

  5. #5
    Yeah, I was going to start playing again too, but having the same problem. I guess it's safe to assume that after 6 months Rohan could give a sh*t

  6. #6
    Same problem anyone resolve this yet?

  7. #7
    mine says unable to seal more than 10 items in the inventory....and i cant get on any chars unless i rename them....smart system there

  8. #8
    yeah.. i sent a ticket in..3 days ago.. still no reply.. l0l.

  9. #9
    I sent in a ticket for the same issue today. Awaiting a response. It won't let me log in unless I change my characters name, but it won't let me change the name because I can't "seal" my character, to many items in the "inventory", whatever that means. No idea what to do. Any thoughts?

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