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  1. #1

    [Community Event] World Religion Day

    Greetings my dear Shiltzians!

    The 16 of January was World Religion Day!

    Our community is big and pluricultural, so as always we like to know more about our members.

    Please share with us what your family or personal religion is, you could tell a brief introduction or perhaps special dates that are important for your religion, anything you want to share we are glad to know!

    We will make a raffle between all our participants to get 15 winners.

    2x Fame Ticket
    2x Old Knight's Approval
    20x Game Master's Piya-gra


    ⚠️ The event starts on January 18th to January 20th.
    ⚠️ Rewards will be sent on the 21th
    ⚠️ One account PER PLAYER
    ⚠️ Multiple accounts will reduce the chances of winning.
    ⚠️ Double-check that you typed correctly your answer before sending it
    ⚠️ Be aware we are allowed to disqualify entries that we deem not eligible for rewards for being incomplete, incorrect or being unrelated to the event.

    That being said, let's start!.

    Much love,
    Seal B.O.D. Team

  2. #2
    Ign : Rickyandrean
    Server : Arus

    I live in Indonesia (Gmt +7)
    My family and I are Muslim, some special dates in Islam include
    -Ramadan on 1 April 2022 to 30 April 2022
    -Eid ul-Adha on 9 July 2022 to 13 July 2022
    -Al-Hijra on August 9, 2022
    -Prophet's Birthday on 7 October 2022

    Much love for, Seal B.O.D

  3. #3
    IGN : Muzakka
    Server : Arus

    hello, I'm Muslim, I live in Indonesia

    In my religion there are some special days or times including:
    the month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr on the 1st of Shawwal, Eid al-Adha on the 10th of Dzulhijjah and other big days.

  4. #4
    Ign : Sofiaag
    Server : Duran

    I'm moslem, and i can share something to you all that the ritual obligations of Muslims are called the Five Pillars.
    First pillar : Syahada (Declaration of Faith)
    Second pillar : Salah (Prayer)
    Third pillar : Zakat (Almsgiving)
    Fourth pillar : Sawm (Fasting)
    Fifth pillar : Hajj (Pilgrimage)

    That's it. Thanks everyone ^^

  5. #5
    Ign : Methgurlz
    Server : Duran

    Hello my internet homies!
    I'm from Nonthaburi, Thailand. My family are Buddhism but now I'm an Atheism.
    (I've been study in Christian school when i was young too.)
    I believe in myself, love and respect to all fellowman.

    But i can share some of Buddhist activities to you, my friends.
    Some of Buddhist love to go to temple to give some respect.
    Sometime with lotus and incense for relieve their mind and good thing to come.
    We also share our food to the monk in the morning if we need some bless or a good start of a day!

    Love and peace )

  6. #6
    IGN : Reznior
    Server : Duran

    Dear Netizen,
    I am moslem and Indonesian
    My Favorite Date is every 1 Zulhijah
    it's Eid Al-Adha Day
    That day mosques are slaughtering cows and sheeps then distributed them to the needs and locals(free meat).
    Because that time we have so many meats to eat,
    i often eat so many so that my stomach become full
    Best day because i can eat so many to fill my skinny body.
    Also like to see my mother cooking happly all day long.
    Some local child doing jokes about it too, scare other fat childs by told them that they looks like cow and gonna be slaughtered

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