Indonesian people are famous of bad commentar...
Because u people cant have good item,u said battle of richest... well as u can see, lot of player in facebook sell they equipment and cegel for some money... and start again from 0.. of course you will never have fancy item.. if ure only think, hunt ruby is just enough or selling box from sage is good coz u can have cegel from it and sell cegel for 1,5 dolar for 1b and with it you can buy fried chiken.. ironic..
What do you want from this event? No equip team battle? Thats a very very very stupid idea.. no need item = u play for free and not support this game provider.. gm also person. They need money and if company dont have money so they dont work.. no work = no gm = no game = goodbye seal.. and of course for you its ok coz u always sell your item.. tough life