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  1. #1
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    [Calendar] April 2018

    Greetings Shiltzians,

    Here are the events we will be conducting this month.


    Are you ready for fun challenges and be able to open the final Portal for awesome Prizes?

    • No PK is allowed.
    • Every registered player inside the portal have to participate.
    • AFK players will be disqualified and won’t get any prize.
    • Players who disconnect will be disqualified also.
    • Everyone have to be actively participate on the event in order to win.


    *For finding lost NPCs:

    Random Costume:

    • Ray Family Pirate Costume
    • Black Cat
    • Doctor/Nurse Costume
    • Red Bruce Training Suit
    • Old School Costume
    • Cat Mage Costume
    • Martial Arts Costume
    • Green Bruce Training Suit
    • Baseball Uniform_Away
    • Ghost Costume
    • Flame Lucifer
    • Japanese Ukata

    *For Finding kinapped players:

    Random Hairdye:

    • Red Hairdye
    • Blue Hairdye
    • Yellow Hairdye
    • Green Hairdye
    • Violet Hairdye
    • Black Hair Dye
    • Gray Hair Dye
    • White Hair Dye
    • Orange Hair Dye
    • Pink Hair Dye

    *For crossing the Portal:

    • 20 Roses
    • 1 Golden Chest Key
    • 1 Old Knight Scroll
    • 1 Rascal Rabbit Balloon
    • 10 Cash Voucher
    • 1 Fame Ticket 600

    *Participation Rewards:

    • 10 Roses
    • 10 Cash Voucher
    • 1 Fame Ticket 300
    • 3 Piya-gra
    • 1 Deadly Lasagna


    Jason comes to Shiltz to hunt you all. You will have to be fast and run from him!

    • GM will summon a portal at the center of Zaid to be teleported to the registration map.
    • Once registered, you will be teleported to a map and you will have 5 minutes to hide before Jason start hunting.
    • If Jason hunts you and kills you, you will lose
    • The survivors when the 30 minutes have passed, wins
    • If GM Jason finds everyone, the last one alive will be considered the winner.

    • No PK is allowed, if someone does will be disqualified.
    • Resurrection/Revive is not allowed
    • Once GM kills you, your name will be write down in the death list
    • Mounts are allowed.
    • Players cannot give the location of anyone, if someone does, will be disqualified
    • The GM is the Jason and have 15 minutes to find and kill everyone!


    • Winners
    o 4 x Piya-gra
    o 1x Rascal Balloon
    o 1 x Fame Ticket
    o 50 x Roses
    o 10 x Cash Voucher

    • Participation Reward
    o 2 x Piya-gra
    o 10 x Roses
    o 4 x Cash Voucher


    Are you strong enough to survive The Hunger Games? Let’s find out.

    Registrations will take place during the event itself. Take this into account please!


    For Duran:

    • You can form groups of 5-6 and when GM announces the start of the event, can choose a flag and wait to be assigned to a bigger group.
    • At the time of the event, GMs will form 5 alliances of maximum 30 players
    • The solo players who want to join must make a line and wait for the call.
    • Each alliance will receive a costume with duration for the event.
    • When the alliances are formed, will be teleported to the designated area for each alliance.
    • The duration of the event is 30 minutes
    • The winner alliance will be the last one standing or the alliance with more survivors.
    • The Solo players will be selected by the GMs by order of arrival.

    For Arus:

    • GM will form the groups, depending on the number of participants
    • The solo players who wants to join must make a line and wait for the call.
    • Each group will receive a costume with duration for the event.
    • When the groups are formed, will be teleported to the designated area for each group.
    • The duration of the event is 20 minutes
    • The winning group will be the last one standing or the group with more survivors.
    • The Solo players will be selected by the GMs by order of arrival.

    • Resurrection is not allowed. Item “Revive” is not allowed.
    • Any equipment and weapon is allowed
    • Pet and battle pet is allowed
    • You must wear the costume provided by GMs
    • No Luck build on characters is allowed. (Although Throw anything on Gambler is allowed)
    • Potions are allowed (But there were no potion merchant inside the arena)
    • Single elimination tournament (Only 1 team will be the winner)
    • Incomplete team is still allowed to participate the match. However Teams that have below 3 members within 5 minutes after the scheduled time will be forfeited.
    • Hackers/Cheaters seen during the event will automatically kicked and suspended.

    In case of the match results to 2 defender that unable to kill each other, both teams will be eliminated to the match. If it happens in the final round there will be no winner but only participation rewards.


    • Winners
    o 2 x Golden Chest Key
    o 2 x Black Rune Stone
    o 3 x Fame Ticket
    o 1 x Old Knight’s Scroll
    o 2 x Rascal Rabbit Balloon

    • Participation Reward
    o 1 x Golden Chest Key
    o 3 x Piya-gra
    o 2 x Fame Ticket


    Are you ready for an amazing space travel? Put your helmet and space suit to travel far away from home.

    • You will have to go to the center of Zaid and wait until the GM summons the spaceship.
    • Once the event starts, you will have to enter the spaceship and travel to the Moon Map.
    • On the Moon, you will have to kill all the enemies and survive as much as you can.
    • Once the group keeps cleaning the moon from evil bales, special candies’ monster will appear.
    • You must kill and collect as many Candy Souls as you can.
    • Keep these colorful souls to trade it with NPC Sully on Elim for awesome prizes.

    • Help to defend the Moon from the Evil Bales.
    • Kill as much candies as you can once they appear and collect their “Souls”.


    Zombie Rabbits are lurking in the world of Shiltz. Wreaking havoc and destroying anything in their path. Calling all the citizens of Shiltz to unite and push away this evil Rabbit.

    Eliminate all Zombie Rascal Rabbits that lurks in different areas of Shiltz.
    The event will last a maximum of 30 minutes

    Zombie Rabbit’s Loot


    GM will roll the dice 5 times and the sum of the 5 roll will get a Today’s Lucky Number. Guess this number, before the event starts.

    When the GM announces the start of the event, player will have to whisper him/her a number from 5 to 30
    The duration of the registration will last a maximum of 5 minutes
    Any number whispered after the registrations is ended, will not be considered
    If a player give multiple numbers or the same number multiple times, will not be considered
    The GM will roll the dice 5 times
    After the 5 rolls, Today’s Lucky Number will be announced and this is obtained by the sum of the 5 rolls

    1 x Black Rune Stone
    5 x Fame Ticket
    1 x Golden Chest Key
    10 x Piya-gra


    Find the hiding GM across the Shiltz to get a permanent costume! Just be aware of the Zombie Rabbit Bales that lurks around the GM if he/she was found.

    Find the GM, clues will be given to what they can see around them
    Only the first finder gets the permanent costume


    A permanent costume

    Participation Reward
    3 x Piya-gra
    3 x Fame Ticket
    2 x Cash Voucher
    1 x Black Rune Stone

    Costumes Available:
    • Ray Family Pirate Costume
    • Black Cat
    • Doctor/Nurse Costume
    • Red Bruce Training Suit
    • Old School Costume
    • Cat Mage Costume
    • Martial Arts Costume
    • Green Bruce Training Suit
    • Ghost Costume
    • Flame Lucifer


    GM’s have lost their cookies and you can help us to collect them back.

    You can only grab 1 cookie per event
    Mounts are allowed
    GM’s will give hints of where he lost the cookies at the moment of the event.

    3 x Fame Ticket
    2 x Cash Voucher
    1 x Rascall Rabbit Balloon
    30 x Roses
    1 x Golden Chest Key

    **** NOTE: GMs can change the rewards during the events ****

    April 27th: Due to a technical intern maintenance there will not be event today at 15:30 PDT. This event will be rescheduled soon.

    Best Regards,
    Seal: BOD Team

    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

  2. #2
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    From April 01st to 05th

    Sunday 01st
    07:30 AM PDST – Travel to the Moon (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek(Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Duran)

    Monday 02nd
    07:30 AM PST – Grab the Cookie (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Duran)

    Tuesday 03rd
    07:30 AM PDT – Wacky Race (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)

    Wednesday 04th
    07:30 AM PDT – Hunger Games (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Arus)

    Thursday 05th

    07:30 AM PDT – Hunger Games (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Portal Quest (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Arus)

    Best Regards,
    Seal: BOD Team
    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

  3. #3
    Schedule for Rabbit Invassion Please.

    We need refine something with freely.

    Best Regard


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BabyChinta View Post
    Schedule for Rabbit Invassion Please.

    We need refine something with freely.

    Best Regard

    Please be informed that there are no Zombie Rabbit event for the moment. We will let you know if one is going to be schedule in the future.

    Seal Online Team

  5. #5
    From April 06th to 10th

    Friday 06th
    07:30 AM PDT – Jason's Hunt (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – The portal quest (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Travel to the moon (Duran)

    Saturday 07th
    07:30 AM PDT - Jason's Hunt (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)

    Sunday 8th
    07:30 AM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Duran)

    Monday 09th
    07:30 AM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Grab the cookie (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Duran)

    Tuesday 10th

    07:30 AM PDT – Jason's Hunt (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Duran)

    Best Regards,
    Seal: BOD Team

  6. #6

    We inform to all Seal Online players that we will have to cancel Grab the Cookie event on Arus today due to technical issues.

    Sunday 8th

    13:00 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie Arus(CANCELLED)

    We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.

    Best Regards,
    Seal: BOD Team

  7. #7
    From April 13th to 19th

    Friday 13th
    07:30 AM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Travel to the moon (Duran)

    Saturday 14th
    07:30 AM PDT - Hide and Seek (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Duran)

    Sunday 15th
    07:30 AM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Duran)

    Monday 16th
    07:30 AM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Arus)

    Tuesday 17th

    07:30 AM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – The Portal Quest(Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Duran)

    Wednesday 18th

    07:30 AM PDT – Protect the Overlords (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Grab The Cookie (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Arus)

    Thursday 19th

    07:30 AM PDT – Protect the Overlords (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – The Portal Quest (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)

    Best Regards,
    Seal: BOD Team

  8. #8
    From April 20th to 26th

    Friday 20th
    07:30 AM PDT – Jason's Hunt (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Duran)

    Saturday 21th
    07:30 AM PDT - Hide and Seek (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Arus)

    Sunday 22th
    07:30 AM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Jason's Hunt (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Duran)

    Monday 23th
    07:30 AM PDT – Wacky Race (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Grab The Cookie (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Duran)

    Tuesday 24th

    07:30 AM PDT – Hide and Seek (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)

    Wednesday 25th

    07:30 AM PDT – Shiltz Busters (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Jason's Hunt (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Duran)

    Thursday 26th

    07:30 AM PDT – Shiltz Busters (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Duran)
    17:30 PM PDT – Jason's Hunt (Arus)

    Best Regards,
    Seal: BOD Team

  9. #9
    From April 27th to 30th

    Friday 27th
    07:30 AM PDT – Travel to the Moon (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Jason's Hunt (Duran)

    Saturday 28th
    07:30 AM PDT - Hide and Seek (Arus)
    13:00 PM PDT – Grab The Cookie (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Grab the Cookie (Duran)

    Sunday 29th
    07:30 AM PDT – Hide and Seek (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Wacky Race (Duran)

    Monday 30th
    07:30 AM PDT – Wacky Race (Duran)
    13:00 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Arus)
    17:30 PM PDT – Hide and Seek (Duran)

    Best Regards,
    Seal: BOD Team

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