So it has come to my attention that I have way more weapons than I have accessories so I think I need to liquidate some of my weapons in return for things I need.
I have a 4part zhen 66% dd 2.0 a 4part mace 68dd 2.0 an epic zhen.
It has also come to my attention that PWI no longer sells or plans on selling shiney option items which means high DD even IF they sell new 4part weapons high DD will not be as high as it is now.
So that being said I will trade my 4part mace with 68% dd for a +12 Feath/flame diamond.
Im willing to trade my epic for any of the following. Epic dagger, sword, katars. If you have any of these let me know.
The 4part zhen I see there's some controversy over. Mostly because it has less hp on it than the 1.0 4part and less than the 3.0 4parts. However that being said it has higher DD than many of the 1.0 and 3.0 4part zhens.
So if you have a good offer for trading on the 4part zhen. I would be willing to take a +8/10 feath/flame for trade on it.
Keep in mind that I have sat on these weapons for the last 10 or so months since the last time I quit and have recently came back. I dont NEED to sell/trade. There are some items I would like to get. If trading for them helps me. So be it. Otherwise ill keep them cause im not going to cut off my foot to fit it into a shoe.