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  1. #1
    Conscript littledevall's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    LaLa Land

    max stat rings from regular drops

    it seems like the rate for nicer stats on the rings should be turned up a bit. im sure its extremely rare find a max stat and its only going to get used for 1 thing...forging. it couldnt hurt to turn the higher stat drop rate up a bit. it seems way easier to find high stat armor parts, but not rings.
    Long Live Rohan!

  2. #2
    yeah man I want max stat agi for the onyx katar I'm planning to forge and none of those appear so far :3 been farming for it for 3 weekends, so far still disappointing heheh

  3. #3
    Hello, we will add your suggestion to our report.

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