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  1. #1

    Thumbs down 1-84 solo quest lines

    I was going to post several links to help walk through beginning players especially those who didn't get the vengeance pack the solo quest lines as part of the used to give max pd&md pieces to help make a full max edwin set. It's sad to see this is no longer the case making this seem more like a pay to win scenario and making the struggle more real for those who missed the vengeance pack.

  2. #2
    make the vengeance package BACK AND PERMANENT PLEASE

  3. #3
    Yea for making multi account another stupid indo

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Monia993 View Post
    Yea for making multi account another stupid indo
    I'm french actually. You know, baguette and croissant land.

  5. #5
    the vengeance package is a HUGE advantage gift to new comers of the game if they gonna make the new queasts in the caves that gives the HUGE xp rate
    , that also gives the player/ers the boost to reach 70 . and for those buttons we are given as a login reward and also those two buttons we got from the wooden box
    , to be used they need pockets to be put in , without those pockets the buttons are useless , better way for the buttons to be used is like the growth seals , just keep
    the buttons in the inventory to get the boost from the them as for the growth seals . how hard can it be . and make the beginner pakage gift permanent , and add back those
    special weapons that was given as a gift from cassandra in the fishinghole at lvl 10 , give the players something worth thier time in the game .
    Last edited by bruce133; 12-12-2020 at 05:47 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    yah your right. dont get me wrong im one for the grind i like farming personally but man i lvled a scout up with no ferkin weapon and no casandra quest. ill tell you what. if i wasnt a vet and i didnt know what i was doing. i would have quit half way thru the basic training area. tbh if i didnt know what i was doing this game would have been way to hard from the begining. for new players that come after the ferkin event is done i dont expect them to continue playing for very long. its almost impossible to play at low lvls if you dont have a main. harder then high lvl for sure

  7. #7
    They honestly have nothing at all to lose money wise from letting noobs have ferken weapons, you can’t make money off of people that quit the first month, it needs to just be permanent it’s that simple.

    Later on onyx weapons will be released and then even after that abyss weapons, these will be true end game weapons with higher stats so people will still spend money to forge them.

    We can bitch and complain all we want but the main problem will always remain there, these are incompetent people that we are dealing with. They think $100 from 1 player is better than $20 from 10 players. I am literally in awe of every decision they make lmao

  8. #8
    Can u guys help with a quest called "Deliver to Helena" i cant find Lesmond the boss i need to kill help pls

  9. #9
    I have a boss in the Cave. His name is Vien or something, surrounded with snake and 1 red dragon. I have around 1000 P Defense but i got hit more than 3400hp for just 1 turn of attack. Any help for the quest? I also have an issue which i didn't understand. I also make a thread for that, take a little time if you could answer it. Thank you.

  10. #10
    Hello Issyl19 could you please submit a ticket with an screenshot of your quest? http://support.playwithi.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit.

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