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  1. #1

    New player 3 account.. need help chosing 3rd class.

    Hello Everyone.. I just started playing Rohan 9 or 10 days ago. I've been incredibly active and leveled like crazy.. I have a 105 scout(exp pouch), 99 Vit DK and 98 Priest.

    Althought i do realise i made a mistake... VIT DK. I like the class but i feel like its lacking damage and i would need incredible gear to deal nice damage and not only only be a punching bag since recent nerf back in 2016.

    What im looking for is a good farmer but also good in pvp and considering im not rich in-game yet... (slowly but surely) which class would fit me the best?

    I've read White Artic Fox Guide many time but its still a dilema for me so you're opinnions will be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Vit dekan is a great farm class actually due to the way zhen mastery works I think? (not opening the game to tell you the answer for that)

    Based on what you have described VIT DK is exactly what you are looking for, get the broken as **** PA talisman and a HP zhen and start slamming mobs left and right.

    You could toss the scout for a predator for pvp but they are only good with gear (like everything in this game) but can help with your farming abilities using heal trap.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  3. #3
    Yeah.. thinking about it you're probably right about dk..I might get my hand on that talismant finally.
    I have read somewhere that the PA talisman w/e you call it has been nerfed or was gone ??? i can't tell ( never actually seen one yet)..so this might help me change my mind.

    For Predator there is just too much player playing one right now -_- The Pm is filled with them half the time haha ( i dont even invite them to ronelia anymore) but shh.

  4. #4
    Dont think so, people are suggesting to change the talisman to give 1000-2000 vit instead of 200k hp (which would be 20-40k hp and 2k-4k pdef) which is fine and dandy for dekans.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  5. #5
    DK doesn’t have passive aoe, sage does and is OP farmer but you need good gear or they don’t hit hard.
    For a cheap dps aoe farmer make a predator full agi. Eventually get an Opa katar and your good to go.

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