:arrow: To enter ice castle , you must kill water bells on the outside of the castle near a lake , until you get a key , with that key you can enter the warp of ice castle .

Here you are on the entrace of ice castle , with a Girl [Npc] in ur right and a warp to 1F on your front.

Talk to the girl 1st , she will ask for 20 Ice Castle NewsLetters .

Here are the maps of ice castle :




20 Ice Castle NewsLetters :

Kill Tubbs ( the ball with white hair monster wich can be found only on 1F ) .

That quest has a bug wich is : you can throw the quest and then just skip it , but you are adviced to do it for fame .

After bringing 20 newsletter to the girl , kill q Q Lemon to get a quest , bring it to the girl , she will ask you to kill 10 ice dude , you can find thos look like snowman monsters at the entrance or 1F.

after killing 10 of thos ice dude talk to the girl again then she should ask you to bring 5 flame seeds.

How to get 5 Flame Seeds ?

1st you must kill sword boss on 2F until you get the key to prison , with that key , walk to prison entrance warp then enter the prison and kill the monsters insid until you get 5 flame seeds

Note : keep killing the monsters insid the prison until you get the key for ice quenn room .

Now you can start farming ice armor top , boots and bottom .

How to farm Ice armor top , boots and bottom ?

Walk to ice quenn room then kill her 1st time to get a manuals ( as quest item not as a throw )

1st kill : Ice Armor (B) for boots .
2nd kill : Ice Armor (B) for Bottom .
3rd kill : Ice Armor (T) for Top .

now you got the 3 manuals , you need an item to turn thos manuals into real armor , the item needed is a letter wich is called Odd note or tales i forgot , wich can be gotten only from Tubbs on 1F , it might take hours to be gotten , only one of that Odd is needed for the 3 pieces of the armor .

Now you have the Odd wich can be gotten from tubbs as well as the manuals of ice armor, go to zaid then talk to [Merchant]Master Keymaker keyro wich can be found at D4 cordination .
Give him the odd then you can make ice armor , each part need a pink diamond .

Now , how to get Ice Armor cap ?

The cap can not be made by manuals , so just dont wast your time killing ice quenn and waiting for her to drop manual for cap to you , the cap can only be gotten when all the quests of ice castle are done .

Where have we stoped our quest ? at 5 flame seeds yea .

bring the 5 flame seeds to the girl as she asked you to , then she will give you a bag of flame seeds for Boy[NPC] at 3F.

he will not accept it as he dont know you verry well yet .

Talk to Ice Dude[NPC] on 1F to get a quest asking for 5 smilling leaves wich can be gotten from the smilling tree at the outside of ice castle .

Talk to the npc at the entrance wich look robin hood and he will ask you to get 20 lemon and 20 mirror fragment after it .

Now go to kill Ice Golem at 3F until you get a pen ( quest item ) .

bring it to the girl and then she will ask you to get 10 Ice sheet , kill the ice cubs at 2F and 3F until you farm thos sheets then bring them back to the girl .

Go meet the boy then kill ice Quenn , kill her once and the quest item wil be trensformet to another one , go meet the girl again , and she will give you the ice band manual .

Important Notes :

Ice Quenn will not throw Manuals anymore if you have farmed the cap , so make sure you get the 3 manuals for top bottom and boots then move to other quests for ice cap .

I didnt enter ice castle since old seal so i might forgot some stuffs , if there is some wrong info , help me correcting to make a full guide of ice castle .