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    [Update] Patch Notes 06/20/2023

    Greetings, Rohanians!

    On this post you will be able to find news regarding events and contents.

    The following contents had been conducted during our Maintenance:

    ☄️ Level Jump Event 🚀
    💡 New Armor & Weapons Sets & Amazing Rewards for New characters!
    💡 Important: You don't have to create a new account, just a new character. Please choose and plan carefully which character you wish to use since this decision is permanent.
    ☄️ Reorganization of Guild Skills.
    ☄️ Power Arena Season 9 - Start.
    ☄️ In Search of the Truth - Login event - Start.

    ☄️ Power Arena Quest - Restart.
    ☄️ Ruler's Weapon - Removed.
    ☄️ Premium Season Pass (Spring) - Removed.
    ☄️ Power Arena items - Removed.
    ☄️ Astral Power Ascendance - Playtime - End.
    ☄️ PVE Def removed in the following Talismans:

    - Talisman of Supremacy (30D)
    - Talisman of Super Tenacity (30D)
    - Supreme Commander's Badge and Changed stats.
    - Commander's Badge and Changed stats.
    - Talisman of Tenacity (8Hr)
    - Talisman of Tenacity (7D)
    - Talisman of Tenacity (30D)

    ⚠️We made the changes to balance the PvE Def as some players had exceeded the limits required by character.
    ⚠️We are currently working on new items to boost PVE Def, we will have news regarding this soon.

    ☄️ Astral Power Ascendance - Playtime - Rewards supplied.
    ☄️ Ruler's Weapon - Supplied.
    ☄️ Power Arena Season 8 rewards supplied.

    ☄️ Royal Sword Season 30. More info: Click here
    ☄️ Week Sales. More info: Click here
    ☄️ Premium Season Pass (Summer). More info: Click here

    ⭐ We are currently working on options for our most experienced players so they can use their E-Cash, please stay tuned to future updates!
    AESIR Special Services enabled on our Web Page!
    ⭐ We would like to hear your suggestions and if you find any issue about the this last update, please remember to report it through the Ticket Platform.

    Thank you for your continuous support!

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    Last edited by SasoreGM; 06-21-2023 at 08:07 PM.

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