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  1. #81
    what a terrible grammar... don't skip your school time to play seal kid. Learn english more before you put any words in this forum.

  2. #82
    Who is the Wagon Driver?

    One day, there was a father and son. his father is an adventurer who always travel for a long time. he always said that,"in this world there are many treasures abundance." yet when he returned home, there are none treasures he brought back. people did not believe him, including his own son. "There's No treasure in this world, there are only monsters roam everywhere." He did not complained with what people said and still doing it anyway. finally, he was sick and his son asked him to stop doing that stupid thing.

    but his father smiled and said, "one day you will understand the stupid things you call it." Then his father passed away. the boy felt sad but was annoyed because his father had done a stupid thing and curious about the treasure that his father had said. he decided to look for the treasure that his father searching for. day after day, year after the year he passed. he did not find any treasure despite reached the end of the world. He lay down on the green grass and under the blue sky, with the wind blowing. feel tired and disappointed, all that has been done is meaningless.

    He saw an old man passed by and said, "how beautiful the world is and I can not see it. "The boy was surprised to heard the old man. He
    realized what he was looking for, the treasure that his father said. he felt stupid. "even a blind old man can fell it, how could i can not find it." since then he has future goals, he will show the treasure that his father told to everyone. he wants everyone know the treasure that we are always seek is not a real treasure. because the real treasure is something we can feel, not to be shown.


    sorry for my Bad grammer

    IGN : Ferlucy
    Server : Duran
    Last edited by Achillesom; 04-15-2016 at 01:04 PM.

  3. #83
    Its The Story about NPC Gaius

    Flowers, Blessing, Purehearts and romance. That's what Church Face is all about, right? Well, maybe not.
    Zimmerman from Lake Cross reveal the story why he become Gaius "Holy Guardian of Elim".

    a long time ago, when two world between bale and human still connected, zimmerman lost his father during bales invation to human world.
    that day, we were fishing at lake in cross lake, the bright sun suddenly dissapear and many black holes show up.
    one of that holes opened right next to my father. with fishing rod, my father tried to protect me by facing that monster.. because i just stand, shocked and freezing.
    that day have really change my life. that Mr.Catfish was too strong for my old man. He was eaten by that monster.
    See that happened to my father, i was angry and shout as loud as i can.. in that confusing and angry situation,something awakened inside my body also Seal of Water comes from bottom Lake.
    I feel full with Power and i have "Battle Mace" in my Hand. My body also feels so light and i can move really fast like Wind pushed me from Behind. That monster try to hit me with his tail, it hit me but i dont feel any hurt.
    then my turn to hit that monster, one hit and it disappear and it become a pouch of item and drop also accessories. when i use this accessories i feel more power surround me.
    I heard sound from "Seal of Water", it said he open my ability to fight and survive and save the human world from Bale and from now im a priest and my name is Gaius.
    i went as fast as i can to save my village but its too late, everyone was collapsed and some of them were eaten like my father.
    I remember that town elim is the nearest town from my village and it have best wall in Shiltz.
    at the time i arrived in town, i meet many people with different ability, they seems stronger than me , carrying shield, big blade , even i see hunter and magician but i see no one like me.. they are also awakened by Seal of protection.
    so i make party with them and they become powerfull because my present in party. it seems i can support them. give them divine power, movement , attack speed , better defence and more accuration.
    after epic battle, in the end we can kill all cactus and ostrich monster so the town can be saved.
    After that accident, we decide to train more people to become our apprentice.. i even have ability to revive who collape during fight with Bale..
    now im old, and i glad that theres so many apprentice that strong and they can keep the world save even monster still there.
    Reason why i stay in this church, i stay in this Church to maintain Shield of protection accros elim,this church is made by holy element from seal of water, light, earth and light
    so dark element cant invade the town and no holes will appearin this shield of protection is like barrier, it surround the city so people without power still can go fishing and still go to park within my barrier.

    i hope someday, if i passed away, better priest can have more power than me and expand the Barrier around Shiltz world and remove all Bales

    IGNŽ: Crystalmonster
    Server: Duran

  4. #84
    My Name " River From ELim" an Apprentice from NPC Gaius

    n many religions, being a priest or priestess is a full-time position, ruling out any other career. Many Christian priests and pastors choose or are mandated to dedicate themselves to their churches and receive their living directly from their churches. In other cases it is a part-time role. being a priest consisted merely of offering periodic sacrifices to the Norse gods and goddesses; it was not a full-time role, nor did it involve ordination. Gaius save me from Bales attack and he told me i have power and need to be awoken. so since then i become his apprentice and live as priest in church.

    IGN :Mutantking
    Server: Duran
    Last edited by cdseal9; 04-24-2016 at 08:12 AM.

  5. #85
    1. Card Collector Karo
    Karo is a successful merchant. He was born with a golden spoon feeding him--he was meant to be successful. Born from a rich noble family, Karo has it all. His parents are kind, loving, and they get along very well. They doted Karo very much, being the only son in the family. Even when he was just a toddler, everybody around Karo know that he will inherit the Merchant Guild of Elim which his ancestors founded.
    Karo is smart and he had been provided with wonderful teachers and expensive books since young, nobody in Elim doubted him to not be successful in Business. Karo was perhaps not the most good looking man in Shiltz, but he has a nice smile and had mastered the art of communication since young--women, even those who were born noble, were no problem for him. He has it all and he knows it.
    But like playing a game in the easiest mode, Karo quickly find himself bored to death. There was no challenge in his life, at all.
    One day, Karo decided, on an impulse, to just try and enjoy the drinks and foods from Elim's biggest Tavern. It was a decision made on a whim and it had changed Karo's life forever. Karo heard tales of monsters, dungeons, mysterious caves and islands from the adventurers who came to Elim and wind down inside the Tavern. Karo, who had never been fond of violence or sport, was intrigued. He never knew that something which he had long deemed barbaric was actually exciting and eye opening.
    Karo did want to leave Elim and have his own adventure. Boy did he want it. He dreams of it every time he goes to sleep and often find himself day dreaming to be an adventurer. Karo wished and prayed to actually be able to see the world of Shiltz from the eye of an adventurer, not from the safe comfort of a carriage.
    But nevertheless, Karo has his own responsibilities to his family and employee. Besides, he was to old to try to train to wield a weapon with his weak physique. He would be dead in matters of hours in the vast wilderness of Shiltz. He finally decided to just indulged himself with heroic tales and detailed descriptions from other adventurers he meet.
    Karo, however, were starting to ran out of interesting stories. He knew what he need, though, stories from great and powerful adventurers who had traveled far and wide, perhaps even to other mysterious realms unknown to him. But it was hard for Karo to find such powerful adventurers. Successful adventurers, like Karo himself, were busy people after all. They have no time to indulge Karo's selfishness.
    Karo was a smart man, he quickly find what powerful Adventurers need that he could give--fame. Adventurers need the honor and fame to be able to fully access Elim's resources, and a man as rich and as influential as Karo, was capable of spreading the Adventurer's name far and wide. Even to Nobles, who were like Karo's younger version, hesitant to mingle with those of lower birth or adventurers.
    When adventurers know what Karo had promised them, they swarm him and try to get the most benefit from him. Thus, Karo tasked a few of his trusted aid to spread the cards far and wide of the dangerous zones of Shiltz. Only those who have the special cards will then be allowed to tell his or her tales to Karo, as they have proved themselves to be able to get those cards back from powerful monsters in dangerous areas. The number of adventurers able to 'sell' their stories to Karo greatly decreased, but Karo was pleased with the quality of stories he was getting.
    Thus, Karo now spends his days waiting in Elim whenever he can. He is waiting for adventurers who had retrieved his cards and will tell him of wonderful and exciting stories of monsters and mysteries. For those who are able, Karo will spread his or her name and honored them with fame.
    IGN : Chilimonster
    Server: Duran

  6. #86
    Archmage Iruel
    Iruel is a quiet and serious man, dedicated to his studies of Shiltz, monsters, and most important of all, magic. In his youth, Iruel spends his days experimenting magic and monsters inside his laboratory or training to master every spell available in Shiltz.
    But one day, an accident happened. Iruel was not an arrogant man, but he was dedicated to his research and confident of his skills. Bravely, he tried to combining Time Warp, Teleportation, and Stick Booster. It was not a good idea and Iruel realized it as well when he practiced it in reality. It was hard enough to stabilize his own magic to defy time just for a tiny bit. But then he was arrogant enough to try to defy both laws of physics with Iruel's mortal level of magic? Bad, bad idea.
    An explosion happened because of it. Iruel's magic explosion then caused a little crack in the Shiltz's dimension, destroying his beloved laboratory and at the same time causing him to be sucked into a temporary worm hole. Thankfully, the worm hole was energized from Iruel's own magic power. Before Iruel is thrown to God only knows where or to which dimension, his magic power run out and thus the worm hole disappear. Thus, luckily and with just a slight margin, Iruel stayed in Shiltz and was able to return to Elim.
    But it was not as easy as it sounds. Although Iruel was still in Shiltz, it was in a place which he had never seen before. Well, nobody had probably discovered it before him. Why, you ask? Well, Iruel was on a floating island thousands of meters above sea.
    Life was possible inside it, however. For starters, Iruel had no difficulty of breathing! It's amazing!
    Because of it, Iruel was very intrigued with the island. Intrigued was an understatement--Iruel was obsessed. He knew, somehow, that the Island was fueled with magic. Powerful and perhaps very ancient. He quickly started his research and explore the island.
    Well, sadly, Iruel had spent all of his luck to not die from the magic explosion. There was no civilization on the floating Island and it was filled with monsters. Very powerful, at that.
    He then named the Island Alcanez, his last name. He admitted, it was a little narcissistic on his part, but he's the first person to name it! So what?
    Iruel was not a weak man. He was an Archmage, for goodness sake! But even he was having trouble.
    Especially when he encountered a dragon. When it happened, almost both of Iruel's eyes popped out from its socket. Dragons were supposed to be extinct! But there it was, mighty and powerful, ruling the island with its tyranny. Iruel fought it, of course. Dragon's heart is, after all, famous for the magic essence in it. Besides, the Dragon was guarding a treasury filled with luxurious boxes and gold.
    Again, however, Iruel had failed.
    Well, Iruel was able to kill it after days of intense battle filled with trickery from his part. But then, right after the dragon breathed his last breath, its body disappeared. And then, he was unable to bring every luxurious boxes and gold he had encountered for a mysterious reason. However, the boxes are mysteriously locked. Iruel was enraged! He failed to obtain a Dragon's Heart and instead he had gained several unopenable boxes. The price? Hundreds of expensive potions. He was even more enraged when he found the same Dragon, alive and well, roaming on the Island a couple of days later.
    It must be the magic power of the island! It has to be! If not, what could cause this maddening regeneration of the dragon?!
    But even after days of searching the Island and escaping the attacks of monsters, Iruel was unable to unlock its mysteries.
    Finally, Iruel was running out of tricks, energy, potions, and food on the floating island. He had no choice but to make a teleportation array and go back home to Elim. But Iruel is a dedicated researcher and an Archmage with soaring pride. He did not like to fail and he did not like it one iffing bit when he saw the Dragon snorted at him. A dragon snorted at him! A mere monster, snorted at the Archmage?! Iruel was then beyond enraged.
    The moment Iruel went back to Elim, his eyes still seeing red, he realized that Elim was filled with people. There were other powerful people beside him and some were more experienced than him in combat; Adventurers!
    Quickly Iruel's anger vanished. He quickly reported the island to the King and asked for permission to let the Adventurers roam the Island filled with riches and mysteries. In return, Iruel promised the King of the Magic Power and research gained from the Island will be presented to him. The King of Elim quickly agree.
    Ever since then, Iruel stayed in the middle of Elim town, inviting adventurers into his teleportation array to go to the floating Island Alcanez in promise of riches and adventure. In return, Iruel will get the research data which he badly need without even lifting a finger from the adventurers who seek him. Iruel is pleased with himself. Iruel is not all powerful, however, thus he can't send everyone everyday to mobbed the island. If he could, Iruel would in a heart beat. Just the thought of killing the Dragon again and again filled Iruel with excitement. Take that, you stupid dragon!

    IGN : Teemonster
    Server : Duran
    Last edited by forsythia; 04-15-2016 at 02:39 PM.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by devilplayer View Post
    what a terrible grammar... don't skip your school time to play seal kid. Learn english more before you put any words in this forum.
    Why so butthurt ?

  8. #88
    Archer's True Name is Atalanta
    Because she was born as the princess of Shiltz from affair Royal Prince (Now King of Shiltz) and one of his servant, Atalanta and her mother muss accept to be expelled from City and muss leave in village.
    her mother died by giving birth and she was abandoned in the mountain immediately after birth, but she survived thanks to divine protection from Artemis. She was nurtured by a female bear, a sacred beast of the goddess Artemis.
    In gratitude, she is a fervent follower of Artemis. She grows into an excellent huntress, and accompanies the Argonauts. She is most known for 10 arrows shoots. no monster can blow a single hit to her. she was ordered by Artemis to help Typharet to maintain peace in earth as a new warrior. Her coming is well known as Blades Of Destiny because its her destiny to use arrow blade to protect Shiltz from being attacked by monstrous monster.
    Because of her limit of present she recruit many beginner, farmer and workers to teeach them how to shoot with arrow.. she teach them how to become a hunter. Now her Student go to all side of SHiltz world together will another adventures to maintain peace on earth. atalanta remain in village and decice not to back to elim to avoid any conflict with Shiltz Kingdom. nice Decision Atalanta

    IGN : Papenburg
    Server uran
    Last edited by codeseal33; 04-15-2016 at 03:36 PM.

  9. #89
    Flora [NPC]

    Long ago when are peoples still young, Flora came to Lime.
    everyday, she's telling a story about shiltz to all people in the Lime.
    But the story is not true, she's kept lying everyday to people.
    didn't know what she's target, but all the people is belive in her.
    One day, a knight came to Lime. He's look Flora telling story about shiltz.
    he's got goosebumps and trying to shout out to all people about the real story.
    All the people start to angry at Flora and nobody believe to her again.
    Time pass so fast, Flora now is elder in the Lime.
    But she's kept tell lying to children in the Lime who will start the adventure.
    The knight who knows about that, he's built the library in the Lime.
    Now, Flora can't tell lying again.

    IGN : Yoongi
    Server : Duran

  10. #90
    Olsen, Father of Craftmanships

    We all knew who Olsen is, but what we haven't yet known is the origin of this annoying yet charming bold blacksmith who we all love.... Or hate.

    A long time ago before the era of Shiltz modernize weapons, the old Shiltzians used nothing more but rocks, clubs, and irons to defend themselves againts Bales. When bales started to evolve and become stronger, many Shiltzians lost the fight.

    Back then, Olsen was just a teenager. He is the son of "Ole", a Norwegian huntsman, and "Sarah", an Arabic dancer. Olsen foresaw a horrible future. "If Bales kept on getting stronger while we kept on fighting with basic weapons, then we surely are hoping for extinction." says Olsen to himself.

    From that moment, Olsen decided to persue the art of crafting weapons and armors. Starting from basic materials such as irons and rocks, he did thousands of craftings and experimentations, where he finally invented different armors and weapons for different classes in Shiltz.

    It doesnt take that long for Olsen to became a very famous craftman, many Shiltzians even addressed him as "father of craftmanships". He is the one and only person who pushes beyond boundaries, making it much easier for every Shiltzians to survive this eternal conflict with bales.

    Olsen did not stop there, he kept on conducting numerous experimentations and research till he discovered that weapons and armors can be refined with rare gems such as crystals, rubies, diamonds, and pink diamonds. Refined weapons and armors will not only have better functions, they may also shine beautifully.

    A few years later, runestones were discovered. Olsen learned that not a single Shiltzians are capable of using these runestones. He studied these stones and discover that runestones are capable of increasing the success rate of refinement. He decided to help fellow Shiltzians in putting these runestones to good use. Since he was already rich, plus refining was indeed his interest, he did not require any payment for this service.

    Olsen spent his lifetime helping fellow Shiltzians refining items. Generous, stubborn, yet kind.. He finally met the love of his life. Her name is Dileza, she happened to take great interest into craftmanships as well. They both vowed their love by the romantic view of a mysterious snowy land. A while later, they both married to each other and had two children named May and Kane.

    However, their love story ends tragicly. After 20 years of happiness, Dileza suffered leukimia. On her death bed, Dileza made Olsen swore that even after her death, Olsen should not be drawn to sadness, he should keep loving her by doing what he did best, that is to keep on refining, to build and improve Shiltz refinery into something big and prosperous. Olsen agreed to the Vow.

    After Dileza's death, Olsen remembered his vow. He went to the eternal winter place where he and his wife used to vow their eternal love. To honor his vow to Dileza, Olsen named the place "Zaid", in Arabic words means "prosper". This is the place where he build a Blacksmith Cooperative Society and continue his work as a generous yet inspiring crafter.

    Olsen's daughter,May loves his dad's job. She wanted to become a blacksmith. Everyday, she stood by her father's side, trying to discover the secret of becoming a great crafter. While Kane wanted to live a swordsman path. Unfortunately, the bold old man forbade this decision.

    Even until this very moment, you can always ask Olsen's help to refine your gears. He will always be there to help you... Love him or hate him, he would not mind... Because that is just who he always is.. A true Shiltzian, a loyal husband, a good father, a silent hero who knows so many, does many, but talks less. He is.... Olsen.


    Ign: Helleanicia
    Server: Duran
    Last edited by kevinpng91; 04-17-2016 at 12:25 AM.

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