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  1. #71
    Well... Someone needs to raise that bloody depressive mood here D:

  2. #72
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.
    It's bloody, alright.
    Keep your friends close - your farmers closer
    Leveling slow - to give you a headstart

    BlazingSun | Sushi | Mischievous
    Gasten die ik droeg en zich nu niet gedragen voor hen werd liefde gekoesterd maar is nu diep begraven
    Bladzijde zoveel omgeslaan, de strepen die ik verdiend heb heb ik veel opgestaan
    En voor ik ga slapen stel ik u voor aan mijn normen en waarden
    Peasant | Farmer | Rancher

  3. #73

    I'm moo-ing to bed >.>

  4. #74
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.

    Edited due to heavy request.
    Last edited by EaglePhoenix; 06-07-2016 at 02:34 PM.
    Keep your friends close - your farmers closer
    Leveling slow - to give you a headstart

    BlazingSun | Sushi | Mischievous
    Gasten die ik droeg en zich nu niet gedragen voor hen werd liefde gekoesterd maar is nu diep begraven
    Bladzijde zoveel omgeslaan, de strepen die ik verdiend heb heb ik veel opgestaan
    En voor ik ga slapen stel ik u voor aan mijn normen en waarden
    Peasant | Farmer | Rancher

  5. #75
    Give me at least a Milka cow

    Edit: The government approves. Gnite
    Last edited by knuffl88; 06-07-2016 at 02:36 PM.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    That was with you! We were talking about the game though.. guess those screenshots were taken at JUST the right time, huh? I think we were talking about how terrible the gossip is in game, about your awful reputation, and if I remember correctly, more of your ideas on improving the game, that I REACHED OUT TO YOU to ask about. That was the time we were discussing some of your ideas regarding the re-introduction of the Sister's accessory sets, yeah? We covered a lot of topics that day actually. I forget though, as it's been a while. You stopped talking to me, remember? You got upset at me for denying multiple requests from you on things that we just won't do for you, and I guess your true colors came out after you realized that you're not earning special favors from me because I asked for your input. I used to stick up for you Iceyy, but you just lost the benefit of my doubt. You show us the kind of person you are time and time again, and it's time I stopped ignoring it.

    PenguinJoe, you are so right, you don't even know! It's all fine though; the whole scapegoat thing is pretty common in situations like this. With no one to blame, it's easy to pick on the guy that's readily available, so here I go filling that hole. I purposely keep my distance from players because of situations like this. People pretend to be nice, to want to be my friend, to "help" R.O.H.A.N., but in the end it's people just trying to push their agendas on me, or to try and garner information from me, and they are always disappointed when I don't give them the special favors they wanted. I want to say that they don't also disappoint me, but I need to be honest and say that sometimes, they really, really do..and While I have met some truly awful people on this game, I have also met some super helpful ones too! To those awesome people (You know who you are~), thank you for your information, support, and help. I really do appreciate it!
    Trust me, I do know. Have lived the support world for 20 years. And indeed while there are the few customers that are helpful and truly understanding of what you can & can't do, the vast majority have no idea and are all over you for every little thing that goes on. YOU are your company to them and YOU are the one that gets the frustration taken out on your hide. You would be shocked at the improvement in my health when I retired from that. Most of my family was. I earned every single one of my white hairs.

    Rohan was the one place I could come to to blow off some steam beating on (legally) the youngsters.
    Last edited by PenguinJoe; 06-07-2016 at 02:38 PM.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    I have to admit though, when Karazy barged in on these forums, I was not impressed. I think it may have showed, not sure.
    I had to adjust that opinion half way through.

    Nevertheless, despite all the efforts (hats off for that), I feel it's a one man show and feels more like carrying coals to Newcastle. It's even harder knowing that some solutions are just out of hand reach due to formalities and dev requirements.
    I'm also pretty niffed atm about the ticket handling. I've had quite a few done in my time and never had any real complaints about those other than the standard copy paste - but this one overshoots all I've seen for now.

    Like I've said before, it's tough staying just as motivated/enthusiastic - but I do reckon that perfectly well goes both ways.

    Also, what happened to: what happens in jail, stays in jail?
    Isn't that some kind of mutual, (un)written agreement?
    I appreciate that EP, I really do! All I can hope for is that I can change the mind's of the people that doubt me. It's a long road, but I'm still not discouraged after my time here, and I don't see that happening any time soon either! Yeah, the jail is/was supposed to be a safe place for convos; I go there to be able to give my full attention to whoever is talking to me. As you can see, some people just want to cause trouble for the sake of causing trouble.. R.OH.A.N. is an escape from people's real lives and issues in them. People act the way they do on the internet because they do not fear repercussions for their words or actions on it; the skinniest kid can suddenly become the toughest guy with enough hard work and dedication to his game and you can be the trolliest internet tough guy without fear of actually getting hit in the mouth or just in general laughed at IRL. People WANT to feel powerful online, for they are lacking and missing that in their real lives. Personalities shine through their actions, and with just a modicum of effort, you can see just what peoples wants and intentions are. Some hurt and want others to hurt too, to feel their pain and sympathize with them in their own twisted kind of way. Misery loves company, right? xD Others live their fantasies of power to feel in control of SOMETHING in their lives; others enjoy their perfect virtual bodies and play happily without the insecurities they live with everyday in their own REAL lives. The list goes on indefinitely, but at the end of the day; we're all here for one reason or another..

    Make your reason a good one~

  8. #78
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    No where
    Funny how no one understands that GMs are the middle man between the company and the players
    Keep up the good work man.
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    That was with you! We were talking about the game though.. guess those screenshots were taken at JUST the right time, huh? I think we were talking about how terrible the gossip is in game, about your awful reputation, and if I remember correctly, more of your ideas on improving the game, that I REACHED OUT TO YOU to ask about. That was the time we were discussing some of your ideas regarding the re-introduction of the Sister's accessory sets, yeah? We covered a lot of topics that day actually. I forget though, as it's been a while. You stopped talking to me, remember? You got upset at me for denying multiple requests from you on things that we just won't do for you, and I guess your true colors came out after you realized that you're not earning special favors from me because I asked for your input. I used to stick up for you Iceyy, but you just lost the benefit of my doubt. You show us the kind of person you are time and time again, and it's time I stopped ignoring it.

    PenguinJoe, you are so right, you don't even know! It's all fine though; the whole scapegoat thing is pretty common in situations like this. With no one to blame, it's easy to pick on the guy that's readily available, so here I go filling that hole. I purposely keep my distance from players because of situations like this. People pretend to be nice, to want to be my friend, to "help" R.O.H.A.N., but in the end it's people just trying to push their agendas on me, or to try and garner information from me, and they are always disappointed when I don't give them the special favors they wanted. I want to say that they don't also disappoint me, but I need to be honest and say that sometimes, they really, really do..and While I have met some truly awful people on this game, I have also met some super helpful ones too! To those awesome people (You know who you are~), thank you for your information, support, and help. I really do appreciate it!
    this was few months ago, I really apreciate the time because we talked not only about game, we talked about MvsC2, tekken and other skill games from past. Some people have the habbit when they see new GM they want to be friends with him to have some "benefits" in my case is so rare that I talk to someone unless for support, but that day you started talking about Jin kazama, sentinel, blackheart because I was with my friend "babybonniehood" lol so for me it just was a interest casual conversation. I like integrations like that, not bootlickers.
    Vengeance is Always an Option

    JustDark server jin (inactive- the most hated DK on server)

    Musician, kickboxer,nurse,Bmet, comedian, Rotary International and a Liar..... any doubt? feel free to pm me

  10. #80
    Hahahaha! Brujo!! I remember this too! I was telling you all about my Jill/Tron Bonne and either Sentinel or Captain Commando team I used to play back in the day! We complained about how OP Magneto/Storm/Psylocke was, and yeah, we even talked about Tekken too! Hahaha, I had to google the name of the character I played in Tekken 5 to remember (Asuka Kazama!), but yeah, we had a good time. Thanks for the good memories Brujo~

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