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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Enough of your bull**** I wish I could forum ban you for all the stupidity that comes out of your 1 word per minute keystrokes.

    Offhand 50% buff is HUGE for guardians across all servers. Also if he 1/2 ass geared a vit dekan or a templar it would be the same end result for him. Lucas guardian on ran can tank 2 dekans at once and kill them too. Meriana lvl 110 ranger on ran could kill full vit dekans priests and more and he wasnt even using crazy +12 hero dex rings. You never have anything constructive to say about the balance in rohan and I cant stand seeing you here derailing a thread intended on fixing the game.

    Like seriously can you get out of ahkma cave and maybe experience some endgame pvp? Because I see all kinds of classes in my pvps your just blind.
    I actually saw a lot more class variety in ahkma then I see in upper, and pvp was a lot more balanced fighting other noobs in ahkma then the stupidity of what its like in Gratt. Maybe things are that much different on Ran but on Jin its near impossible to get enough hp to tank a dffs from a good dk, you'd need 40k+ hp then pot quick to tank the 20k+ ffs following, then be able to drop his 150k+ hp, of which there's a chance for the dk to pot or health funnel. That makes pretty much everyone not a vit build a 1 shot on Jin.

    That guardian your talking about must have been fighting two retarded/massively under geared/low level dekans if they can't figure out how to nuke that guardian at the same time, use toxic pot so he can't pot, hit him with dark spell, or at least some stuns, and wait for their ffs cd's to reset, or worse case scenario if dark spell is not viable because mobs are hitting the guardian, and the guardian has rohas up, they still have dragon skin and a stun break to help them avoid/mitigate combo damage, plus pots and the ability to health funnel themselves or their friend if need be. Please sir, don't try to belittle me by giving examples that are either 2 total noobs with **** gear/low level that have no clue what to do fighting someone pimped out, or if that isn't the case then it is obviously a flat out bull**** lie.

    Vit fish and templars need a nerf, are you denying that?

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Templars were intended on being stable damage dealers thats why their melee is pure in the first place. Doesnt matter guardians and defenders can kill people with their inflated melee NO PROBLEM!

    Future stat inflation is bound to happen? Not if players voice their concerns over this stat inflation problem from now. 120 all stat costumes are stupid alm scrolls up for sale permanently is stupid 300 vit accesories are stupid if people voice their concerns from now the developers may not come up with any more crazy stat inflation items.

    So your idea of a templar is some1 who uses magic skills to deal damage instead of their regular hits? Ever heard of a warlock they do it better. Yes there are some magic damage nukes but they were not intended to completely outshine regular hits with blunt mastery. Picture if every class was just a nuke class wed be in dekanhan not rohan.

    Also templars are not broken by themselves I have no IM on my templar besides the monday tsb reward (100 attack) and I have 19k melee. A templar with +8 insurgents hit me today only 1k dmg. Give any character guardian ranger str def blablabla the steroids that the PIM has and they will hit more than me. Ive seen a ranger do 8k seige hits on a 71%dd target using 30% range attack scroll. All templars have over other classes is they can do things much easier than the rest can.

    I will not talk about vit dekans here because this is a templar balance discussion.
    Delete rohan please.

    Problem solved ^___^

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neophyte28 View Post
    While I want templars balanced, the "make it inflated" argument is no longer valid because the magic attack that's converted is already pure. It stands to rights that the conversion should be pure > pure. Simply making it inflated means dividing the converted amount by 4 which is all well and good but what are those templars who don't have the sickest gear and those under level 90 going to do? Might as well delete the character.

    The real answer is to apply a rolling soft cap to the conversion factor. I won't go into details publically, not because it's a YNK secret (which it isn't really cus I just worked it out by myself, eventually) but because blunt mastery's workings is something that should be left as one of those mysterious things, like the number 42.

    The biggest problem by a long way at the moment is the excessive amounts of vit/HP characters have along with equally silly amounts of healing. This actually justifies the existence of templars as they are. Cool so fix the vit/HP issue and then you can fix templars right? No, they went and buffed other classes and threw the balance even more out of the window.

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


  4. #64
    Colonel FrontlinerCDV's Avatar
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    One of Linn`s boys doing the dirty job for her
    My dexguard dropped a Dekan with 100k HP/6x DD(pre heroic, so no dex twins for me) before but in larger scale pvps thats not going to happen because you just get disabled.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Why are you so sure that they wont remove this item? Why are we so afraid of changing the things that are broken in this game? We have to collectively agree that things have to get done regardless if it doesnt benefit certain parts of the rohan community.
    k another strellan-the-drama-queen incomin'

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Enough of your bull**** I wish I could forum ban you for all the stupidity that comes out of your 1 word per minute keystrokes.

    Offhand 50% buff is HUGE for guardians across all servers. Also if he 1/2 ass geared a vit dekan or a templar it would be the same end result for him. Lucas guardian on ran can tank 2 dekans at once and kill them too. Meriana lvl 110 ranger on ran could kill full vit dekans priests and more and he wasnt even using crazy +12 hero dex rings. You never have anything constructive to say about the balance in rohan and I cant stand seeing you here derailing a thread intended on fixing the game.

    Like seriously can you get out of ahkma cave and maybe experience some endgame pvp? Because I see all kinds of classes in my pvps your just blind.
    Fact of the matter is Dekans and Templars are massively more OP on Jin than on Ran. I've explained this and proven it multiple times. The server discrepancies are massive and acting like they aren't honestly shows that you've really got no idea what it's like on Jin. Temps hit for 10k bases easily, good ones maxed out SHOULD be approximately three-hitting other targets. As a non-vit class, any given pro vit DK will one-hit you. There are some 70k-non-crit DFFS's going around, which on Ran equates to something along the lines of 105k. Stating the claims as nonsense is just foolish.

    As far as the hero skills go, they should just delete them all and start from scratch, but I'm pretty sure the chances of that happening are effectively 0%. That being said, some ratio tuning could solve a LOT of problems, if it can happen. The idea of reverting teardrops to >10 sec cooldowns is great, but in order for that to actually happen, PvP would need to be slowed down a tad (however teardrops could be changed such that they keep their 10 sec cd's but heal a lower, fixed amount, such as 30-40k hp.

    ~┤HellHunter - Ranger (Jin)├~
    ~┤Mystery Character surpassing HH (Jin)├~
    Quote Originally Posted by kiosk05 View Post
    Having me around is exciting! It's pretty much the most fun you can have with your clothes on. =p
    Have a problem? Look no further

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by TheHellHunter View Post
    Fact of the matter is Dekans and Templars are massively more OP on Jin than on Ran. I've explained this and proven it multiple times. The server discrepancies are massive and acting like they aren't honestly shows that you've really got no idea what it's like on Jin. Temps hit for 10k bases easily, good ones maxed out SHOULD be approximately three-hitting other targets. As a non-vit class, any given pro vit DK will one-hit you. There are some 70k-non-crit DFFS's going around, which on Ran equates to something along the lines of 105k. Stating the claims as nonsense is just foolish.

    As far as the hero skills go, they should just delete them all and start from scratch, but I'm pretty sure the chances of that happening are effectively 0%. That being said, some ratio tuning could solve a LOT of problems, if it can happen. The idea of reverting teardrops to >10 sec cooldowns is great, but in order for that to actually happen, PvP would need to be slowed down a tad (however teardrops could be changed such that they keep their 10 sec cd's but heal a lower, fixed amount, such as 30-40k hp.
    They should do to heroic power what they did to teleport. Make it not work, essentially delete it and just give everyone srs's to get rid of it and put the points elsewhere.

    Well they cant rlly do that cos then u cant get later points.. so they just have to change the percents from 5-25 to 1-5 or 2-10 or something...
    Last edited by Kophy; 04-24-2013 at 11:11 AM.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Gadwin83 View Post
    I wouldn't complain at all if temps were hitting that on Jin lol. But...when they're hitting 10k regulars with attack speed socketed into their weapons, and now popping for 30k nukes, it pretty much amounts to instant death for anything not a vit build. If every class was hitting these numbers I wouldn't be complaining about templars either, I mean, I'd probably not be playing because pvp amounting to less then 3 seconds per encounter really isn't fun at all.

    It seems like balance amongst classes really isn't all that terrible until you throw templars and vit dekans into the mix, then it just gets stupid. If the devs just "accidently" disabled wffs/dffs/blunt mastery for a week just for hahas, it would probably be the most fun week on Rohan in years.(for everyone who doesn't play exclusively a temp/vit dekan, just imagine some of your uselss alts being playable again) Its really too bad they won't just give them their much needed nerfs and just get it over with already.
    They're trying. Changing classes aren't as easy as you think. Temps are a bit hard because it involves looking straight into blunt mastery because the conversion inside blunt is whats op, and it isnt an easy fix by any means. Vit dekans can be nerfed easily, and there are plans for it, but the GM's here can't just change skills, they have to get approval from Korea. And Korea's a bitch when it comes to "changing their game". So try to ease off the gms a bit, they have less power than you think.

  9. #69
    Unfortunately the way it stands now, temps balance the game more than they hurt it. As Shadow said earlier, they need their high dps (and its closer to 15-20k per whack on Jin compared to the 10k on Ran) to be able to tear through vit dekans and teardrops and such. While I will agree that they do need a nerf to make them more fair to other classes, they can't be the first thing the GM's fix. If the GM's were to drop down temp damage to a "fair" amount, the game might actually take a turn for the worse. In order to look into balancing Templar damage, other aspects of the game (i.e. vit dekans, teardrops, vit wizzies/priests, etc) would have to be taken care of first, otherwise all you're doing is reducing the amount of kills. In my opinion, the easier (and the one with less complaints) would be to buff up other classes to temp/dekan level (guards and str dhans are basically already there, at least for Jin) and make all classes more viable, rather than focus on hard nerfing the 2 biggest damage dealers in the game.

  10. #70
    Ish had the right idea. First tds gotta get fixed then dekans gotta get fixed then templars need to get fixed.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
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