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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by YuMadBro View Post
    Thats all?, don't post a pic of Ugur here bro have some respect for him being a retard, what happened to your dekan you spam links about your 71 DD zhen that is not even yours but keep farming 24\7, when will you pvp, didn't you farm enough? I keep 1 shotting you , you sure you are useing upgraded or the person who lend you will only let you link it to people?
    The quieter you are the more you can hear

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracyla View Post
    Thats all?, don't post a pic of Ugur here bro have some respect for him being a retard, what happened to your dekan you spam links about your 71 DD zhen that is not even yours but keep farming 24\7, when will you pvp, didn't you farm enough? I keep 1 shotting you , you sure you are useing upgraded or the person who lend you will only let you link it to people?
    Lmao Koce, indeed Musti's dekan is basically a safezone trash talker and a forums camper, he might need another 2 moths of farming to step out of the sz.

  3. #53

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by withoutu View Post
    Loading retards............

    1 result found: YuMadBro

    Carry on posting image macro's showing how much more retarded you are

  5. #55
    Ya, I'm so mad :c

    That rage though.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by withoutu View Post
    Ya, I'm so mad :c

    That rage though.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by ImYouRDestinY View Post
    Since they are still burnning for me. i'll try get down to their level and make this essay

    you know, celebrities dnt always have time for their fans.

    i mean Rohan community need a bigger dumpster the trash is floating.

    about the #999999 Thread about me and my real life or my pics or who am i lol tht was made by the heart broken boy who i rejected and still butthurt until this day because i played with his feelings and shetted on him later cuz hes trash.


    my fb is not for my close friends.

    because they already know me very well. tht fb is for stalkers only. and it's working good with u monkey fools.

    dnt get me wrong. i love all my camels and i do want to give them some attention.

    i do have my real personal fb tht they never and wont find it even if they search their whoel life which i doubt wont spend their whole life searching for it.


    even tho only a few friends saw me. you horny camels with brain damage. forget tht this is a pvp game,

    ur char = not u. u r not supose to prove something to anyone or show them your face

    or even tell them who u r. u login u pvp u log off. u enjoy the game. but since you keep getting kicked out of the game by me. you got nothing else to do than make a research of me since the day i born .

    posting pics of my favorite model as written there in my fav model pic" some haters like to save pics"

    and like a good dog u did what i said exactly . i was told by gm not to reply the thread, but im stubborn

    and i would edit it,reason? its written in the comment , also to prove how sick u r and how much u would dedicate all ur time for me.

    and if i wanted to pretend i wouldnt post a full famous pics of her in my fb. INCULDING my pics.

    if you think i'm fool enough to let trash random people see my face you are wrong. even tho you got my pics. you still think im her and shes me LOL.

    i'v posted my pics on fb many times. but ofc not for everyone to see it. why havent you post it? worried of something? or u realise ur looking silly keep posting pics and personal stuff about ppl in a online game forums.

    my fb got 2x friends only. and hundred of friend requests of camels tht i wont confirm.

    because i know you are camping my FB . unfortunatly i dnt share real info

    if you think making threads about my personal life

    will make me some how " lose" in game or lose friends its the other way round .

    im getting more friends @@ friends from the highest, higher, way too HIGH lvl if u know wat i mean


    how dumb you are stalking my favorite model pics and thinking its me?
    and where did i pretend to any of my friends tht shes me?

    you post pics of her saying its me . ( even after you saw my own pics)

    whos dumb?!@@ everyone who saw me LIVE. would get confused between me and her. but yet i never lied about me or my fav model

    @ ugur, he says i use skype but i dnt webcam , omg do you seriously think ill webcam everyone haha, i mean ask ur dogs guys. why go too far? u got ugur. ask him if he know about my fav model or if i pretended she was me.

    the only close friends who i webcamed are still sticking around with me and laughing at your posts.


    anyways this is a PVP online game

    not a mission to know WHOS WHO. lmao

    and honestly . im getting a wonderful wonderful life.i'm really the most happiest girl in the world believe it or not. i just liked to share tht with yous.

    while you are still here butthurt for losing Rohan. get over me. and the most important is to get over your selves .

    man even nicki minaj sang for me on her song Envy" :@


    @superman .ppl already know my fb info whats the point of posting it here in pvp game forums? make me more popular? or to express how angry i make u and say ur so mad. well thx lol

    i gave you many chances to win i stop playing until you get ur sh!t together and make a huge zerg but then i come back and sh!t on ur zerg and then you quit for another 2-3 months

    tough broken hearted boy posting from noob accounts tho? they gave u the warning bt u dnt know gms can track ips? dnt be scared n be a men or ur manly limits stops at posting girls pics only? xD

    @jyd\sam." who is currently using Elfa char cuz she cant afford shet even after webcaming random camels. you too stop camping my fake social media. let the sick stalking for my broken hearted guys.

    lol and ur thread got ignored by people who got a bigger view to the world

    didnt bother replying to the silly thread. they dnt burry their brains in the rohan small world. in other word they got a life.

    @Shawn, trust me i would never correct to anyone who calls me " bro" in game and say tht im a girl. cuz around all these horny camels who never saw a girl before. rohan world would be very awful. specialy when tht girl keep shetting on them


    heres a ss of how dumb and retarded you are in the year 2015 camels still threatening girls to post their pics .ok

    do you know tht the pics camels can see is the only pics i "decide" and choose. tht they can see? there is [friends only and there is public] . i have my pics on my fb. what i decide u can see. is like i said. tht you will save and post like a retard xD.

    as you can see the date is 2014 last year. and u can't change dates on pics\comments at least in FB. now tell me an easy excuse and a dumb one to make u look less dumb and say tht i photoshoped xD ok.


    sorry but, even when im semi quit. i'm still wining Rohan . weather u post my pics or not , im wining .nobody seem to care but yous.

    i'm still wining you have the right to get all angry.

    you know whats funny? is every time you post a silly thread like tht.

    u suddenly become active , and ur ego is too high to pvp but then. i shet on u agian .

    and then u jump in forums and search something about me and take it from my fb tht i made OFFICALY . for you LOL.

    because since ages you love stalking me and threatening to post my pics thinking i would give a fak.

    and the circle goes on omg ,

    i just fought with koce today cuz when he soloed your temps+ def priest pt. he didnt fraps it-_- temps party losing to single dhan.

    enjoy watching you selves forever fail


    lot of people now spend too much to the internet hahahahaha.. Just kick their ass every PVP. dont push your self and go down. its worthless...

  8. #58
    sands oil bit her, d era of camel oil will end soon. shes up cuz she need financial help.:P, King Canadian will cmin xD.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by withoutu View Post
    Lmao I lmao this guy still posting macros thinking he's trolling anyone. It just isn't classy. Quit posting. You're dumb. I'm starting to feel embarrass for you, srs.

    Don't confuse me with ceazar though. :]
    this comes last for you and your crew;

    When i comment on any thread,example of (e2n people)

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by YuMadBro View Post
    this comes last for you and your crew;

    When i comment on any thread,example of (e2n people)
    ur the only keyboard warrior here , u camping sz with ur 71 DD zhen aww Pu$$y , what r u w8ing for ? how long it will take to gear ur char ? , stop stucking people FB and play the game

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