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  1. #491
    wait shadowace still doesnt use a mic? lolol

  2. #492
    Quote Originally Posted by LadyIntegra666 View Post
    Because you been so nice and haven't attacked me personally. Play the victim now, when you got nothing to say.

    If you treat people like trash, you gonna get the same treatment.
    I dont have to play the victim and it is you who started being hostile and insisted on being hostile in all future posts. My main focus is on making the game better and removing the modularity that this game has now by introducing max forged weapons will just make balancing on playwith US's end harder because they will have to go through korea. It would be one step forward and 2 steps back simple as that.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  3. #493
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunraven View Post
    I can read quite well. Maybe you don't know what you're writing.
    nonono, you actually can't read

  4. #494
    Knight LadyIntegra666's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by StateOfMind View Post
    but is it true ? cuz thats a game changer.. if she is right about u, in my books, shes right about all her observations about these accs.. so, how is it ?! do u use a mic and are u a dude who pretends to be a chick ?!
    Don't boost her ego even more by making this thread about her so she can pretend to be victim in front of Atzigan. All the questions we posed for Atzigan she was replying, ain't no one gonna put up with that.

  5. #495
    Quote Originally Posted by LadyIntegra666 View Post
    Don't boost her ego even more by making this thread about her so she can pretend to be victim in front of Atzigan. All the questions we posed for Atzigan she was replying, ain't no one gonna put up with that.
    Because providing input is a bad thing if you wanted to privately discuss the topic then use the private message function this is an open forum where people can provide input whenever they want. On other forums it is actually against the rules to direct your post at someone because it leads to derailment and leads to subjective posts and people attacking other player's outside of the forum's topic. Ohwait didnt that happen here?

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  6. #496
    Contradiction count: #12

  7. #497
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Sure Iceyy its an open forum where u can do w/e you want, but is that what you are doing? rofl lmao, all you have been doing is replying to those questions like if you were actually Atzigan, and what is even better you **** talk anybody who would argue with you, you just wana apply everything you say on anybody on this forum.

  8. #498
    Knight LadyIntegra666's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Because providing input is a bad thing if you wanted to privately discuss the topic then use the private message function this is an open forum where people can provide input whenever they want. On other forums it is actually against the rules to direct your post at someone because it leads to derailment and leads to subjective posts and people attacking other player's outside of the forum's topic. Ohwait didnt that happen here?
    Then you were the one directing your posts to me, because my first post wasn't a quote but a question for Atzigan i.e. the stuff I wanted to know about server I started to play. So apply your theory for yourself.

  9. #499
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.
    If there's one thing we can all agree on - it's that this thread has missed its point and could as well be disregarded / closed now.
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  10. #500
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    So where's atzigan ? :|

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