its not balance to all divisions of class as long as the bug of gunner/archer and Templar still exist
the decision to make this event without equipment limitation makes the event not balance its like "who have the better equipment win the event"
now the dry run is over you can see it by yourself the number of people attending or taking part in this event is too low and its the same player that participate in this event for 2 week and yet you're talking about the possibility to to increase the number of participant
an event should should be enjoyed by all the players not just some player with "the best equipment in game"
Bring back warzone
we know why you decided to stop warzone event its because too much hassle for gm team so you guys choose the easiest way out and make this event instead rather than fix the listing procedure
and replace warzone with balie invansion and team battle is your way to cut your work time as gm
usually with warzone you need to organize the event for 2 hours or more and with the new event all it need is 1 hour of your time : )
PS: use captcha as requirement to post in forum so your forum is clean and tidy