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  1. #41
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  2. #42
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    For Eagle's sake I am using the words US and WE here rather than Me or I. Just so we are clear.

    Again, who says it was French? Who gives a rat's ass if you are French? I don't. Did you consider it just might be a bastardization of Mexican and ENGLISH? OMIGERD!
    I'm not French. I'm not Spanish. I'm not Mexican. So if my French GRAMMAR is a little off well, EXCUUUUUUSSSSSE MEEEEEEE! Who cares except grammar nazis?

    Don't like that. Tough.

    That is not the issue - This is:

    You and EaglePhoenix accused us of advertising a private server in these forums. I personally asked you both to prove that lie. Neither of you has. Nor do we see a retraction from either of you for spreading that blatant and unfounded LIE. You know what Libel is?

    We are promoting a private server? OK What's its name and where is it? We sure as hell did not name it or place a link to it here.
    Did we tell anybody to quit playing here and join us? TBH This is the last place on earth we would advertise a private server for ANY game much less Rohan.

    You guys are publicly making the accusations here I am personally demanding that YOU publicly prove otherwise NOW.

    Have at it boys!

    Sorry it has been getting boring around here. Haven't popped in for a while so I gues it was time to shake the place up a bit
    So, you are saying that "Mexican" is an actual language then? FYI, there are over 150 languages spoken in Mexico, none of which are called "Mexican". Spanish is the main language however and many are derived from that as well.
    Spanish and French are Latin languages and thus have a lot in common - therefore claiming that "Vive la Revolutions" is correct because it's neither Spanish nor French but is "Mexican" instead, holds no value whatsoever.

    Additionally, stating that you neither care nor can be bothered with to know something is correct - you're doing one hell of a job just to state otherwise. It's contradictory.
    As such is the rest of your claims towards the private server or the name you gave to 'your/the' project.
    I am also well aware what the definition of 'libel" is, but are you? Since I am, I have no issues with what I have posted and see no explicit reason why I should not have done so. I also see no issue with me posting my opinion on whether or not something should be appropriate or not.

    It is true, 'you' did not post a direct link - as for its name of said project, I am sure that "your play of words" has nothing to do with that. Quite obviously. Absolutely not.

    Or perhaps one could merely say it's just an extreme coincidence.

    I dont really get why you guys really have to make up such a huge hassle just because of a clever pun...
    It was some simple word play and does acctually have nothing to do with advertising a rohan private server nor does it have anything to do with french grammar. You know, word plays do not always have to be totaly grammatically correct.
    Either way, jumping him just because of that doesnt make sense, neither does discussing about grammar.

    However, this post was about the acctual iRohan facebook likes. They are freakin low, in contrast, what ish was referring to, ePvP does have way more traffic and most advertised private servers over there score more likes. Anyways, that still wasnt an advertisement, nor was PJ's post... I dont see any sentence which stats "Hey go to this and that private server".

    Furthermore, stating that private servers just want to earn some money while shutting down after a month is simply false. Yes, there are some private servers which do that, but noone really plays them anymore. On the other site, there are real professional servers out there which acctually target proper changes, low prizes and overall balancement so people acctually enjoy the game again.
    Coming to another point most people acctually dont see, without those proper private servers there would have been lots of systems never acctually being released on this version. To say it clearly, PWi took ideas from private servers and implemented those over here. Tho, they've implemented those in failing ways. (Best example enhanceable bossdrops) Hell, pserver dev's acctually helped PWi to fix their game... Not even considering the fact of PWi having a proper fix for templars for YEARS already, they got them from a specific (no named) source but never implemented it since, yea, templars generate their income.

    Furthermore, its not their game, they only licensed it from PWi korea. Even tho they are a child corp, they still dont own the intellectual property on it. PWi acctually only does have intellectual property on the source code of client and server. Thats aswell why pservers can be taken down by DCMA issues.
    However, rights on ideas or acctual content? Well, ideas are so generic, they dont own any right on those. Content (a.k.a graphics/sounds/etc), I acctually doubt the company owns any rights on them or could use them as reason for a sue. Such content is highly dependant on acctual artists and how they were acctually employed/the working contract they've signed.

    The point is, they might have rights to host this game, but there is no reason why players should except PWi generating money on their backs. There is no reason to stay on a sinking ship. Rohan is like the costa concordia, if you get what i mean.
    However, thats aswell not an advertisement but just a fact. It’s always hard to just turn your back on a game if you've spent money worth a luxus car on it.

    Just may two cents, dont flame;
    Nobody “jumped” on somebody. The linguistic part was merely mentioned as a “p.s.” and could easily have been regarded as such or, better yet, ignored. Since the need existed to insist, well – obviously it’s in my needs to insist as well.

    If you don’t care that it is wrong, then you obviously don’t care if it’s right as well – so why bother insisting on it?

    As for “stating that private servers just want to earn some money while shutting down after a month” – to say it with PJ’s words: “I never said that”. That aside, as you mention, there are some. The fact that they currently no longer hold much of a player base makes it only worse. It only means they already ripped people off to the extent that they left faster than on irohan – go figure.

    My question then is: why would one leave a sinking ship where they have to pay as if they’re on a cruise.. for another sinking ship – that’s not even bound to much regulations, even less regulations than the one they’re already on?

    To your other point of “without p-servers, things wouldn’t have been implemented” – that’s like asking: what’s first? The egg or the chicken? Would there be any p-servers if there hadn’t been an actual game?

    There’s also the misconception that I am “against” p-servers in general. Which is not the case. I do have a problem with them being advertised on the original game’s forum.
    They may be licensing it from PWi, but they are licensing it at least. Copyrights are hard to pinpoint down – so unless you or I are lawyers in said field – I doubt any of us can say to what extend certain content is a copyright infringement.
    Which, to be honest, is none of my business.

    And no, players should never be expected to grow money on their backs. I’m hardly one to claim different – I never bothered to throw more at it than 20-30 euro a month and not even on a regular basis.

    As for the rest, I kindly revert back to my previous posts in regards to this.
    That aside, advertisement is not defined by flashing billboards – per se.

    As for flaming: I enjoy a good discussion once in a while – it’s been a while to say the least.

    P.s.: i'm typing this from work between several mails - so it's not as thorough as I wanted it to be - just don't feel like waiting another 5 hours before replying - lest you feel standing awaiting the cold
    Last edited by EaglePhoenix; 08-19-2014 at 03:49 AM.
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  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Dis penguinjoe so maaaaaad.

    he got trolled so baaaaad.

    ew ew ew baby~

    and wtf is that mexican language lmao gtfo grow some brain cells plz.
    Don't hate, friends.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    Nobody “jumped” on somebody. The linguistic part was merely mentioned as a “p.s.” and could easily have been regarded as such or, better yet, ignored. Since the need existed to insist, well – obviously it’s in my needs to insist as well.
    Like I said, it was just a word play and had nothing to do with acctual french grammar. Yet you keep iterating on it. Why dont you just take it as word play and do away with the grammar discussion?
    You are obviously right when it comes to the grammar part, but PJ is aswell when it comes to his context about using the said phrase.

    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    If you don’t care that it is wrong, then you obviously don’t care if it’s right as well – so why bother insisting on it?
    Im not insisting on it. I've explained the context pretty well I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    As for “stating that private servers just want to earn some money while shutting down after a month” – to say it with PJ’s words: “I never said that”. That aside, as you mention, there are some. The fact that they currently no longer hold much of a player base makes it only worse. It only means they already ripped people off to the extent that they left faster than on irohan – go figure.
    Or might it just mean that people got more critical and dont even bother joining such servers? To say it with your words: "Go figure".

    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    My question then is: why would one leave a sinking ship where they have to pay as if they’re on a cruise.. for another sinking ship – that’s not even bound to much regulations, even less regulations than the one they’re already on?
    There is no point to stay on a sinking ship the one or the other way. Even tho iRohan has its regulations, there's still no point in staying. Its like chosing between a pile of **** and a pile of **** with additional flies.
    Yet, why would you care for regulations if you get the cruise for free.
    You can play private servers pretty well without spending a single penny, at least the "good" ones. You'll just make yourself a good time, even tho its not guaranteed to last forever, but on the other hand what acctually lasts forever?

    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    To your other point of “without p-servers, things wouldn’t have been implemented” – that’s like asking: what’s first? The egg or the chicken? Would there be any p-servers if there hadn’t been an actual game?
    It seems you havnt understood what I was saying since the story with egg and chicken simply cant be compared with this. If its just about you saying such a thing just for the sake of saying something at all, I guess i can just skip this.
    However, iRohan was first, nothing against it. PServers exist because of the game. No problem aswell, quiet obvious. But that doesnt have anything to do with the fact of PWi taking ideas from private servers and implementing them over here. You are talking about apples while I am talking about peaches.

    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    There’s also the misconception that I am “against” p-servers in general. Which is not the case. I do have a problem with them being advertised on the original game’s forum.
    Thats nice, however, like I've been pointing out before, PJ wasnt advertising neither was ishtaria.
    Just because I use the word "coke" in a sentence doesnt mean im advertising coca cola.

    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    P.s.: i'm typing this from work between several mails - so it's not as thorough as I wanted it to be - just don't feel like waiting another 5 hours before replying - lest you feel standing awaiting the cold

    Im always in on a good discussion, tho, I hate to keep iterating on the same stuff over and over again.

    But the question in place would be, is there still any need to push this discussion any further?

  5. #45
    Yurneroo=noob dekan )))))))))))))))))))

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
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  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Yurneroo=noob dekan )))))))))))))))))))
    Look, the pro troll appears.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    The ultimate point is that the animal, chicken or otherwise, had to come before its egg. So, the "chicken" came first, and you're wrong. It's not circular logic, because there was a time when there where no chickens and an earlier time when there were no eggs.

    It's like saying who came first the human or the human? Even though they both are humans. A chicken put their young in eggs "shell" for providing their needs, just like when human is surrounded by his mother's amniotic fluid "shell" to provide his needs, would you then say "Which came first, the human or the amniotic fluid?!"
    Last edited by Bledo; 08-19-2014 at 05:10 AM.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    So, you are saying that "Mexican" is an actual language then? FYI, there are over 150 languages spoken in Mexico, none of which are called "Mexican". Spanish is the main language however and many are derived from that as well.
    Spanish and French are Latin languages and thus have a lot in common - therefore claiming that "Vive la Revolutions" is correct because it's neither Spanish nor French but is "Mexican" instead, holds no value whatsoever.

    Additionally, stating that you neither care nor can be bothered with to know something is correct - you're doing one hell of a job just to state otherwise. It's contradictory.
    As such is the rest of your claims towards the private server or the name you gave to 'your/the' project.
    I am also well aware what the definition of 'libel" is, but are you? Since I am, I have no issues with what I have posted and see no explicit reason why I should not have done so. I also see no issue with me posting my opinion on whether or not something should be appropriate or not.

    It is true, 'you' did not post a direct link - as for its name of said project, I am sure that "your play of words" has nothing to do with that. Quite obviously. Absolutely not.

    Or perhaps one could merely say it's just an extreme coincidence.
    Not sure where you get the idea a PUN is supposed to be grammatical. Maybe you are butt hurt because you are having to stay at a server that has long ago stopped being anything but a black hole down which all your money disappears.

    Perhaps I would be bitter in your shoes too. After all, if all your pals here find better places to game, you will be left here all alone - until PWi finally throws up their hands and shuts down.

    But I am not in your shoes. I don't have to nitpick at puns to make myself feel better about having this as my only life.
    I do have fun and fulfilling things to do with my time to the point that I only bother to troll here once every several months. And when I do, who do I see pounding on his "holier than thou" grammar bible? EaglePhoenix! So sad little man.

    Congratulations on your >10000 posts trolling the bulletin board of a game that has one foot in the grave & the other on a banana peel. You truly the spamming toll extraordinaire! Take a bow.

    You still have not proven in any way, shape or form that we had advertised a private server ON THIS FORUM. Calling my pun 'advertising' is a joke. Calling Ish's link to some gaming forums 'advertising' is a joke. Come on and show us some real proof!

    Last edited by PenguinJoe; 08-19-2014 at 07:04 AM.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by zyklo22 View Post
    rofl, owned. watch out though, that kid will endlessly stalk you at an attempted sarcastic talk and troll hating at a 3th grade style.
    Lol yeah, I know.
    No worries if this kid wants to stalk me, he has a pretty wide Internet he's gonna have to do it in. I only pop in here once every few months -- if that. And every time I do, there he is jumping on any post I make with his grammar bible

    Sometimes it is fun to shake his tree & see what falls out once in a while.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    The chicken came first !! Just think about it, what if the nature once had chickens which were so young then grown up and couldn't adapt with the environment around them that they had to put their next chickens in eggs. The egg came first? Then why there is an egg in the first place, you aren't supposed to think which came first, you are supposed to think what is the use OF THAT EGG.

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