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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by rio533 View Post
    Do you have superiority complex or something? Maybe elitism?
    I didn't beg mercy nor crying. Are you drunk?
    You're just assuming things based on your ego.
    I didn't participate in the event nor do I want to.
    It doesn't worth it imo.
    This is just constructive criticism. It aim to make an awareness for GM about other player perspective.
    In my perspective your critics more sounds like big baby crying and asking mercy
    if you aim for GM awarness , i think GM already aware alot of dummy character created for expoit their event.
    that's why he give a condition lvl 275 and fame 250k
    so that the event created is not easy to exploit.
    and if they still want to expoit it they need more hard work ^_^
    In my perspective if newcomer and comeback player who want join this event
    their still can join the time limit was 6 jun 2023 thats mean still 3 weeks.
    3 weeks is a huge time to lvling up from 272 to 275.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by treuk View Post
    being casual player mean I don't have a lot cegel duh..
    Use your logic please.. If I'm expert player you can assume me have a lot of cegel..
    I'm using my logic
    that's why we should asking where is the item / cegel you collect go ?
    if not for upgrading your character , then the cegel / item should go to somewhere else right ?
    the biggest possibility is you doing RMT with the item / cegel you get from previous even.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Guardianzxc View Post
    I'm using my logic
    that's why we should asking where is the item / cegel you collect go ?
    if not for upgrading your character , then the cegel / item should go to somewhere else right ?
    the biggest possibility is you doing RMT with the item / cegel you get from previous even.
    Are you blind or what? I clearly said I don't have a lot of cegel.
    BTW I don't know if is this game allowed RMT, I guess you are the one who doing it cause you seems expert in RMT.. LOL

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by treuk View Post
    Are you blind or what? I clearly said I don't have a lot of cegel.
    BTW I don't know if is this game allowed RMT, I guess you are the one who doing it cause you seems expert in RMT.. LOL
    The reason you don't have cegel is because you selling your cegel with RMT
    hahaha so easy to predict.
    if you don't do RMT with your cegel you should don't have a problem with the event requiment.
    because old player already get the advantage with this event condition.
    so why you need do complain ???
    except you can't take any advantage from this event.
    because your dummy account doesn't reach that level requiment yet.
    So easy to predict you Pinhead

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Guardianzxc View Post
    The reason you don't have cegel is because you selling your cegel with RMT
    hahaha so easy to predict.
    if you don't do RMT with your cegel you should don't have a problem with the event requiment.
    because old player already get the advantage with this event condition.
    so why you need do complain ???
    except you can't take any advantage from this event.
    because your dummy account doesn't reach that level requiment yet.
    So easy to predict you Pinhead
    Clearly you are so dumb.. GM can easily check my account and ID if I'm selling my cegel or doing suspicious transaction.
    So what if an old player like me complain?? All I wanna do just have some fun as casual player in this game.
    For me it's not fun anymore because I can't participate in this game event.
    I am a customer too.. I have right to complain..

  6. #36
    Playwith Staff SpynoGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hey Shiltzians!

    We really appreciate every insight you have on this event.
    Rest assured that our team is constantly listening to players in order to keep a healthy balance within their game experience.
    Regarding the event requirements, we set it that way in order to prevent dummy accounts from participating, however, rest assured that all your insights are being taken into consideration for upcoming updates.

    Finally, please try your best to maintain good and harmonious communication within the post and the Forum.

    The People's GM.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by treuk View Post
    Clearly you are so dumb.. GM can easily check my account and ID if I'm selling my cegel or doing suspicious transaction.
    So what if an old player like me complain?? All I wanna do just have some fun as casual player in this game.
    For me it's not fun anymore because I can't participate in this game event.
    I am a customer too.. I have right to complain..
    Of course you can't find the fun
    because you can't exploit this event and all the opinions I gave turned out to be true for you to do
    hahaha you don't deserve do any complain since you just want exploiting this game.
    Your bad intentions have been discovered thats why you can't find the fun hahahaha.

    @SpynoGM just rise the lvl up on the next event so your job will become more easy separeted the dummy characther with main character
    and reduce the event exploiter

  8. #38
    If the management's attitude is that characters under 275 are not eligible to participate in the event, that's fine.

    But in that case, don't let characters under 275 drop event collectibles.
    Unusable items can be a nuisance if left unattended, and if picked up, they will overwhelm the item column and become a nuisance.
    Just being in sight is an eyesore

  9. #39
    increase the level cap for the event is not the way out to prevent dummy account to participate, if GM increase to 275 then what happen when in few months after all the dummy reach the level requirement to participate the event? increasing the level and fame cap again? 275 > 279 > 283 etc etc why not just make the requirement level 300 with like 3 milion fame so no one can't abuse the event

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by wangdawang View Post
    A level requirement of 275 is unreasonable, especially for new players. The game's events are intended for all players, not just a select few or only veteran players. Therefore, please reconsider, GM. If 275 is required for participation in RTV or Candy, what about users who do not meet the RTV requirement? Should they not be allowed to participate in the event? Please think carefully about this.
    Briliant idea
    Keep rise the lvl cap will reduce the dummy character to join the system event.

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