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  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Betcha can't find me
    Quote Originally Posted by Bubac View Post
    I agree with Corndog and what you say here.

    Any ideas what to do?
    I mean PWI gave us nukes, they gave us too much power and what to do now?

    How to enjoy more in the game, attract more ppl to join us and at the same time secure some profits for the GMs?
    I think Corndog coined the phrase "Elitist" that describes most of the population left in this server. That population loves being able to overpower the main player base with their nukes and/or invulnerability. They are that way because PWI caters to them as the main cash cow for this server. It is sad but true that money talks. And the amount these guys shovel into this game speaks their opinions the loudest. They want ever more and more attack force and more defense. They don't care in the least that this makes only those classes best able to use that new level of attact/defense makes the game unbalanced for anyone else.

    News Flash! Humpty Dumpty has fallen off off the wall and can never be put back together in a manner that that the cash cow players would agree with no matter what PWI does. The class changes were a step in that direction but as we have seen with every new round of changes, a new OP class is introduced as the power mad elitist players find ways to exploit it. IMHO the story is over for this game and I am really sorry to see it go, but the writing is on the wall and it can't be whitewashed over.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Corndog480 View Post
    The only way they will FEEL that need is if there was a sudden dramatic drop in population (going on strike), or some other reason to cause them sudden panic. But let's get real here. No one here is going to that, and PWI knows this. They know they have all the leverage until something like this happens, which it will not.
    Something of that sort can be arranged. Just get a ranger or dhan with a semi decent weapon and keep killing the noobs in Ahkma, Lower, R1, Ronelia and elsewhere until they stop coming back. It has to be done properly and often though; if you do it occasionally it's just annoying.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Betcha can't find me
    Quote Originally Posted by bosshunt View Post
    Something of that sort can be arranged. Just get a ranger or dhan with a semi decent weapon and keep killing the noobs in Ahkma, Lower, R1, Ronelia and elsewhere until they stop coming back. It has to be done properly and often though; if you do it occasionally it's just annoying.
    Problem with that is that 80% of those lowbies are really bored folks that have 2 or more 115 +10 (or more) alts. Painting that target on your back will get old really, Really fast You very quickly become the current BigSteel (most old timers here will get this reference) with 100% of the server hunting you.
    Last edited by PenguinJoe; 09-06-2016 at 10:27 AM.

  4. #34
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Or a friend of a friend has that kind of beast :l
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
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  5. #35
    Perhaps this can be done if it's a medium term goal? Like broadcast what you are doing for a while? Tell all your friends and get them to join your cause over time? Even if it means to join kos side temporarily to achieve this shared interest for the game at large? I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm down lol. I'm sure if it's talked about at Lime, everyone will know in a short period of time. At times, these kinds of measures, sometimes seen as 'sacrifices', need to be made.
    Last edited by Corndog480; 09-06-2016 at 09:10 PM.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    Problem with that is that 80% of those lowbies are really bored folks that have 2 or more 115 +10 (or more) alts. Painting that target on your back will get old really, Really fast You very quickly become the current BigSteel (most old timers here will get this reference) with 100% of the server hunting you.
    Duuuuude!!! BigSteel LMAAAO.... I didn't recognize that name right away, but as I was brushing my teeth I remembered. I remember him always trying to kill my pt at J4. That was way back when the original Ottoman played, right? I remember Ottoman hiding near our pt ready for when BigSteel would come along haha

  7. #37
    Is it just a weird coincidence? Or are they really listening? Just a day after we write what we did, they gave us an event that actually gives prizes that everyone can use. Sure, the money I spent just last week on the ALL MASTER titles are a complete waste, but if this is the kind of change we can expect to see, prizes that can actually help everyone - especially newcomers, those few bucks don't seem like a loss. And surprise, surprise! The event isn't stupid tedious like almost everything else about the game! ;D

  8. #38
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    LMAFFFAO!!! Weird it is :l
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
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  9. #39
    Commoner Emrus's Avatar
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    Brought back from the grave made of pencils and papers.

  10. #40
    No comment lol....

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