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Thread: Apparently...

  1. #381
    Reagent Lyrical's Avatar
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    Yeah you did all these imafakegirl **** for a lion in the end. One might think you have bigger aspirations. Like scam all the rulers out of qndys ass.

    Lyrical. Plays Everything. Guildmaster of Forever
    The game includes a player-versus-players system, including a "Vengeance" system. Players can also participate in in-game groups called "Guilds", which have the opportunity to control areas within the game, dictating rules such as taxes, or battle other guilds.

  2. #382
    Colonel FrontlinerCDV's Avatar
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    One of Linn`s boys doing the dirty job for her
    Quote Originally Posted by GarthyJBI View Post
    Dana is an RN, she is allowed to do that. She is my wife and was with me when I was diagnosed with it. Dana handled everything without the other nurse's help. It's hard to explain, but it's kinda like a stockboy a walmart stocking then a guy just starts stocking for him, not even working there. Understand? And as I said, Kate was going to play on these account, probably the reason she placed the rp on it but she's dealing with **** right now. As far as the Aello character on my youtube is concerned, I've already explained it. You just weren't paying attention.
    Actually, the opposite is the case, I pay attention, which is why I notice you dont answer my questions:

    Why do you keep on talking about Dana treating you when I already said I`m withdrawing my interpretation? The fact remains that what you both said about her whereabouts contradict themselves, and its highly unlikely for you to know about her whereabouts when you dont talk to each other.
    Why did you say before that the account is yours, and that no one is gonna play on it again when
    Kate was going to play on these account[s]
    ? For sure you are capable of seeing it the same way: When she spend 50k RPS on that account just to get it going along nicely, then why dont you feel bad for locking down the account for her? No real need to feel guilty, eh?
    You said Aello is a char in GunZ, not the name of a game. Ok, good. And the reason why her MSN is named after the char is.....?

    You got punk'd. I have my own lion. Clearly.
    I`m not even a native English speaker, yet I can see you clearly avoiding every direct answer. If you have your own Lion, then where is one Kate said its to be found on the account of your wiz?

    You got own`d. We have got your ass. Clearly.

  3. #383
    Reagent Lyrical's Avatar
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    The deal is no longer about the lion. It's about the cheated feelings of men who play Rohan and who sincerely thought Kate was a real vagina.

    Lyrical. Plays Everything. Guildmaster of Forever
    The game includes a player-versus-players system, including a "Vengeance" system. Players can also participate in in-game groups called "Guilds", which have the opportunity to control areas within the game, dictating rules such as taxes, or battle other guilds.

  4. #384
    1. You do not pay attention because if you actually read what I've placed here, you'd know I said Aello is on a SHARED youtube account (more or so the reason I stopped using that youtube and made ITZH0RR0R so she could go ahead and have it since most of her uploads were on it). It's hard to get information in the army and I'm nearing deployment. That means my cell phone had to be disconnected. Do you know how hard it is to contact someone whom isn't online or near you on post without a phone? All I've heard is what I had to hear from a few of my friends in 4-4. Yes, she was going to play Garthy and yes, I took it back. With no contact from her I cannot send her any rp until I do get contact from her. Aello? It might be because her GunZ female was named AELLO. And no, I'm not avoiding your remark about how Kate said I have a lion. I do have a lion. Provided proof I bought it. Provide proof that she said it was on MY ACCOUNT.

    Clearly you do not know the definition of "owned" because you have yet to do it.

  5. #385
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyrical View Post
    The deal is no longer about the lion. It's about the cheated feelings of men who play Rohan and who sincerely thought Kate was a real vagina.
    Oh but it is about the lion. Why else would the Nimbus kid send me that message on fb?

  6. #386
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyrical View Post
    Yeah you did all these imafakegirl **** for a lion in the end. One might think you have bigger aspirations. Like scam all the rulers out of qndys ass.
    And this is why I respect you. You're smart.

  7. #387
    Colonel FrontlinerCDV's Avatar
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    One of Linn`s boys doing the dirty job for her
    Why did you buy Garthy and not Kate?

  8. #388
    Reagent Lyrical's Avatar
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    It's hard to believe why the elaborate set-up, the e-girl masquerade, the excuses made whenever Kate was asked to talk on vent, just for a lion. But looking back at those past 40 pages of discussion, everyone is more intent on busting your chops though there should be a slight realization here that answers to this are as good as :

    Getting an answer out of OneSlip whether he took Forever's kasas. "My account, so my drops."


    Getting Frank to admit he stole his pictures off some random guy's Facebook. "You took my friend's pic. We have same first name and different last name"

    It's easier to get an answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, then these questions.

    Lyrical. Plays Everything. Guildmaster of Forever
    The game includes a player-versus-players system, including a "Vengeance" system. Players can also participate in in-game groups called "Guilds", which have the opportunity to control areas within the game, dictating rules such as taxes, or battle other guilds.

  9. #389
    Colonel FrontlinerCDV's Avatar
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    One of Linn`s boys doing the dirty job for her
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyrical View Post
    Getting an answer out of OneSlip whether he took Forever's kasas. "My account, so my drops."
    I already had that one. Youre not the only one here who is smart

    inb4 Leo has to go to Afghanistan, theres a question still waiting for him on the previous page.

  10. #390
    Linn, so why do we exist?
    Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I've tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice.

    Emanoela - 110 Priest - Forever! Rosemud - Ranger Guild Wars 2
    Lark - 108 Predator - Forever! Jalliel - Mesmer Guild Wars 2
    ~Robert Frost

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