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  1. #21
    If upg will be over 5k rps for each parts, i quit this game!!!! TOO MUCH EXPENSIVE!!!!
    <a href=http://i59.tinypic.com/25rysr5.jpg target=_blank rel=nofollow>http://i59.tinypic.com/25rysr5.jpg</a>

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by pippipoppo View Post
    If upg will be over 5k rps for each parts, i quit this game!!!! TOO MUCH EXPENSIVE!!!!
    lol ur mace will be 65melee65magic64dd now xD but still no hp 1 shot templar xD

  3. #23
    Guys, come on. Changes are changes. Why dont you try to cope up with the upcoming changes? I mean, instead of complaining just play and enjoy it. If you can't then meaning the fault is in you. Initially, you chose to play the game and now youre complaining about the changes? OMG.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by pippipoppo View Post
    If upg will be over 5k rps for each parts, i quit this game!!!! TOO MUCH EXPENSIVE!!!!
    Dude ask for a 100% hp boost you deserve it

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by tepitepz View Post
    Guys, come on. Changes are changes. Why dont you try to cope up with the upcoming changes? I mean, instead of complaining just play and enjoy it. If you can't then meaning the fault is in you. Initially, you chose to play the game and now youre complaining about the changes? OMG.
    Except those changes are absolutely ridiculous. They claimed the upg 2.0 would be weaker than upg 1.0 then they decided to throw that idea out and turn it into a balancing attempt without understanding the bigger picture. Now we can only hope upg 2.0 is fixed so the stats on all of them are the same and that the epic-esque stats are removed. (attack speed like wtf)

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Except those changes are absolutely ridiculous. They claimed the upg 2.0 would be weaker than upg 1.0 then they decided to throw that idea out and turn it into a balancing attempt without understanding the bigger picture. Now we can only hope upg 2.0 is fixed so the stats on all of them are the same and that the epic-esque stats are removed. (attack speed like wtf)
    translation: QQ people won't be paying hundreds of dollars to buy weaker gear then I got 6 years ago

    Raising the bar a little and giving Ran players a reason to buy new weapons too was the only thing they got right with this merge. You scrubs got off easy since you reinforced all your upg boss drops at higher rates and you still cry.

  7. #27
    There is raising the bar and then there is piling skids underneath the the posts because the bar originally couldnt go that high. Its funny you want to play this update off like its no big deal when templar's attack speed was the big complaint for you. And nowhere in that post did I say it should be significantly weaker than upg 1.0 I just said that the stats should be the same (not some 95% ra xbow and 8x dd axe).

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  8. #28
    funny that all ran players were talking **** saying gl to jin players on merge not look at them crying coz they need to purchase upgrades like every1 else again ahahahahaha

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    There is raising the bar and then there is piling skids underneath the the posts because the bar originally couldnt go that high. Its funny you want to play this update off like its no big deal when templar's attack speed was the big complaint for you. And nowhere in that post did I say it should be significantly weaker than upg 1.0 I just said that the stats should be the same (not some 95% ra xbow and 8x dd axe).
    Oh god those OP rangers...what are they going to be hitting like 4k regs with that new xbow...meanwhile temps gonna be hitting 30k+? Yeah better cry about those rangers rofl.

    As far as this update being no big deal...you'd have to be pretty stupid to say that. This merge/upgrade bull**** is going to be the most destructive change to the game since the first sale of epics/upgrades.

    Its like I said...they only thing they did right was make the new upgrades better then the old because if they do manage to pull off some miracle, and the next update is some badass skill balance patch and they balance everything around the new upgrades...it puts everyone on a completely level playing field. And as far as bitching in the past about attack speed...the complaint was that templars were the only ones that could take advantage of it because of double dipping the %attack stones. It didn't matter if you were swinging faster on a str toon if you were doing a lot less damage per hit then a glacial. Only in your mind would it make sense that templars swing super fast with a craft weapon for 20-30k a hit and a str toon with a slower swinging glacial hits 2-3ks.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stevied View Post
    funny that all ran players were talking **** saying gl to jin players on merge not look at them crying coz they need to purchase upgrades like every1 else again ahahahahaha
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshine View Post
    aka bringing a sense of newness into the game but you're probably not interested in that because OH MY OLD UPG SUX I HAZ 2 BUY A NEW ONE!!! Rangers suck they need quite the 95% boost but I agree of reducing dd on axe it's way off...
    Nice to see some people that understand.

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