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  1. #191
    The Crying Child ( The Secret History Of Shiltz )
    The Crying Child is a only successor to the kingdom. Long time ago he live happily with his family in his kingdom. Until one day The Crying Child was have a pet, but his family didn't want him to keep his pet because he had been looking after a cute pig. His family had warned him to dispose his ugly and dirty pet, but The Crying Child still want to keep his pet.
    The few day after that day, there was an accident. The cute pig was ate all of the kingdom's food supply. The king was became angry and throw out the cute pig. Therefore, The child was ran out of the kingdom and he went to upperstream of glasis river. The Child become so sad and since that day he was called The Crying Child.

    ~~~ T H E E N D ~~~

    Created by
    Nick : Mison
    Server : Arus

  2. #192
    Imagination and Creativity at its finest :<
    Let me try also.

    Once upon a time, an orphan child in a basket was seen floating in Elim river.
    He was a cute little boy, a Street merchant see him and pick him up.
    All the people in Elim are wondering what to call him, but sadly... No one gives his name.
    From then on, the boy went to town Lime and promise to himself that he will be kind to anyone who wants to change their name.
    All over the towns he became famous and he earns the title of Name Changing Specialist.



  3. #193
    Once opon a time there is a boy who want to be a doctor but when invasion bale come to town and he see militia def elim town, he feel like sad and want to help but he think again , he want to be a doctor or militia for def a town or a doctor help milita. but once graham take over captain miltia in silon. he adore graham so much then he change his mind to militia.

    Nick : Jongki
    Server : Duran

  4. #194
    Kid At Graveyard

    first she was a shepherd
    Always cheerful and happy
    Because I love to work
    Never lazy or careless

    Every day she brought cattle
    To pasture, in the foothills

    The grass is lush green and many
    Livestock eat never sdikit

    until one when a rainstorm swept through the village
    she desperate to graze his sheep

    words brother jake and sepia grandmother could not stop her
    in the middle of the desert lightning struck her until she died,
    he was a small child a viable and vibrant, sepia and jake grandmother always remember her

    The end

    IGN : Hade

  5. #195
    Gaius didn't believe in god. One day, his mother fell ill. He was desperate. He went everywhere to search for the cure but to no avail. Even the nurse couldn't help his dying mother. A fellow of his suggest that he should try to pray to god for help. And so, he listened to his fellow because he couldn't think of any other action to help his dying mother. The next day after he prayed, his mother got well. And since that day forward, he is determined to serve god. He now works in the church in Elim.

    The End


  6. #196
    This is a story, a story which is almost forgotten in Shiltz. It tells the story of an adventurer named Hermes.
    One day, there lived an adventurer named Hermes. He was very kind and generous, but one day he felt empty, lonely, and empty as if there is something missing in him. And he also tried to find out why he was like that.
    Years passed Hermes get missions one by one, until one day he got a mission that changed his life without realizing it, is to kill Snow Lady. Arriving at the location Snow Lady Hermes face to face with the Snow Lady and to pass a fierce battle. Hermes lost but Snow Lady does not kill but heal wounds, wounds that he felt during this time.
    Time after time elapsed they fell in love. But one day hermes back to report on his mission and told me that Snow Lady that he had killed. And hermes back to his lover.
    Suddenly villagers heard that Snow Lady is still alive. And villagers move to kill him, but Hermes forbid to kill her lover. villagers was arrested and imprisoned lover.
    What happened to Hermes? Hermes is regarded as a traitor and forbidden to meet with her lover for the rest of his life. But Hermes and sought help from people outside the village in order to help him. And who is they? They are the Player of Shiltz (Seal Lovers)



  7. #197
    Have you ever wondered how did the wagon driver exist ? Who was he ?
    Long time ago , there was once a noble man from the royal bloodline . He used to be carried away with a beautiful wagon pulled by a horses . One day he met a old granny by the side of the street , the granny ask him a help to carry her to lime from elim , of course the noble man thinks " im the noble man , and she's just a dirty old granny , why should i help her ? " , then he just looked the other way and keep on continuing on his journey . After that suddenly , the granny pop outs of nowhere and sit by his side inside his wagon and turned him into a wagon driver himself .



  8. #198
    Why villagers called maya as a Pet Expert ???

    In the old times, pets live peacefully in the wild until one day Bales appeared and sealed them into their eggs state.
    Warriors began to defeat Bales and help the pets grow back to their original form, such as pheonix, Greenwing, Dragon, etc.
    The pets and warriors decided to work together to defeat Bales and rescue more pets.
    One day, a girl with special power was born. Her name is Maya. She has a special power to see through the Bales' sealing power.
    She found out that all pets actually has another secret seal cast on to them, limiting their unique power.
    She began to study magic of sealing and one day she succeed to unseal the secret spell on the her pet doctor owl.
    Ever since then, she worked assiduously and become a magic seal expert.
    People praise her as Maya the Pet Expert, who can unseal (appraise) the secret power of each individual pets.



  9. #199
    Wagon driver is a old man who live in madelin. from his childhood he has a friend who is a blacksmith. one day wagon driver got a serious paralyzed on his food. this blacksmith create a staff from stiff horse and created a cart . so he can travel again.

    Bank Teller is an old man who lived in Sevis. He live with his wife and 3 child. they are a peacefull family. He is a rare item keeper traveller. One day, He go to searching for food in southern poibus and got a mushroom. that mushroom is so attractive so he take it to home. he cook that mushroom and give it to his Whole family. in a second all the family member are died. he is so sad and think nothing to do then. So He keep all the item that the family usually use. Then people know he is a trustworth. So people keep item on this old man. And now people know him as a "Bank Teller".

    The old knight is a veteran knight in his age. people know he never got married. now he did not to do anything. he become so lonely, because of this loneliness. He see clown in Madelin start to dance. He enjoy the dance and ask them to teach him. So now, he know to dance because of Clown from madelin.
    The end


  10. #200
    First of all there is a world that has a lot of history and stories.
    Shiltz is a huge continent and beautiful. There are four (4) major cities are becoming the main cities in Shiltz, namely Zaid city located in the northern part of the continent Shiltz, Zaid is a temperate city cold and full of snow. If you're venturing to the southeast of the city Zaid, you'll find the Lime City cool climate, because it is surrounded by trees and snow plains.
    If you keep walking towards the south of the city Zaid, you'll find the town very unique and bustling with the gipsy and clown, the city of Madelin. Other cities Elim is a city located in the southeastern city of Madelin and south of the city Lime. Elim city is also the capital of Shiltz.
    Wagon driver is the one who gives the facility to teleportation each player and the wagon driver as guards of any village or town and wagon drivers are always accompanied by a nurse who was at his side and he is responsible for providing a revival point in the place.
    Bank teller gets paid from us to take care of our money and goods. we can learn the Bank Skill at Level 8. All the Bank Tellers access the same bank. Depositing into bank is free. However, withdrawing items uses 100 Cegel for every item slot. we'll be asked for a password for the bank. Make you do not forget the password, or you will have to ask a GM for help. and bank teller to be a very useful in the shiltz world.
    And we have beggar is the one who can give us teached so usefull, he teach beginners some Basic Skills. Basic Skills:Sleep,Combos,Fishing and Chat/Emotes. he is the one who very important in the shiltz world and he can give us some quest of history shiltz.

    The end


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