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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by LadyIntegra666 View Post
    Wow no way! When did you realize that?

    The only way people would start considering to play it again if another company takes over the game, as that is not going to happen...
    Not even. It's almost a full-time job to play rohan. I've better things to do than spending straight 2 months to level/getting geared and stuff like that. Not gonna happen even with a company overhaul.

    If I had to list everything that is wrong :

    - spending $40 each month just to be "play'able" and that doesn't even take into account all the reinforcements you need in order to be on the same level with everyone. We all know it takes 2 months to get one abradant at PA, and we all know the rates are like 1 success out of 20 tries, meaning you either gotta pay the abradants (ie : giving free money to YNK because you gonna encounter 15 fails before it works) either spend your life farming items (ie : no1 has the time for and it's boring).

    - overall mechanics of events : I don't like the idea of logging ingame at a fixed time to do an event. When I want to play a game, I run it, i get my fun, and it's all good. And no one decides when I want to have fun.

    - game's mechanics are broken (blunt mastery, bossdrops with +all atk, overpowered skills (aka shieldstrike and dffs) and terrible imbalance.

    plus overall fails rates and pay2win game.
    Last edited by OrdinoArcalis; 11-02-2014 at 03:44 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    But the forums are cool though, hopefully there isn't a monthly subscription to troll here neither a special service which allows you to write 50 extra more words if you pay 2 dollars.

    Hai Ithilliar.

  3. #13
    The GMs can fix the game with the tools they got if they REALLY wanted to. (with the exception of skill reviews which would rely on Korea but some class balance changes can be done through items just like the talisman system was intended).

    Event server, item creation and quest creation is all you need to make any update independently. Event server being the most under utilized tool, you can test out all items beforehand and test the waters to see how people react and how it will affect class balance as a whole. The development cycle would be something along the lines of: make item, initial testing, test on event server, build implementation system (hidden from players to make it more of a surprise) and finally implement on official server.

    Want to make farming a thing again? make exchange quests that require tradable goods (voucher like items think: hween event right now but limited to a SPECIFIC spot) from various dungeons across the game. Connect all the lategame exchange quests together into a web-like structure which requires all the dungeons be farmed adequately (so you never have over-saturation of a certain farm spot/item). Players can sell those items on the EM for ecash and I had an RNG pouch system that I had come up with but im not gonna explain it here.

    Want to make class balance? While skill changes themselves are harder (and rely on korea) we can buff various classes with the balance talismans. By giving more bonuses to various classes you will open other players up to play the other classes. There are only 2 classes (save your builds argument for someone else) that are more or less useless in pvp 1st being scouts and 2nd being sages; every other class (guardian, defender, priest, templar, ranger, savage, berserker, wizard, warlock) all have a use in pvp. Minor buffs (like the ones the talisman can deliver) will be more than enough to make them "playable" and I use that word loosely because I know all these classes are already good in group pvp but people are hellbent on 1v1s and who can hit the hardest in 10 seconds which is not what the game is about. My personal recommendation is that talismans be re-explored with some weapon options (mobi/attack speed/block/crit/wa etc.) instead of just giving 300 in their primary stat and some HP.

    Want to liven up pvp? dont take a hint from this

    Quote Originally Posted by LadyIntegra666 View Post
    cmon PA is most boring thing I ever saw in this game, and the fact you gotta log on certain time for something that requires no skill, or team play is just a no.

    The fact that the last thing 'cuz of some people were playing i.e. boss pvps,
    Certain situations living on a clock is important it gives people a chance to show their group pvp skill. The boss is at 6:30 pm and all my friends are from the east coast yay lets show the other side what we got! and power arena is a great pvp scenario especially on isen where you cant switch sides. You gotta pvp with whoever you got and most importantly you gotta protect the noobs its a game of exchanges and map control how is that not fun?

    Also the idea of boss drops is not really any good for the game it forces people to join a single guild and work their way up the chain to get virtual items who wants to spend a year like that? Also it fuels an elitist fire which encourages unfair play (cheating, scamming, bug abuse, BM play etc.) due to the imminent demand of being level with these elitist players. I think isen had the right idea but crones was the wrong approach id rather the best ring be given through a quest and then the boss drops be exchanged for some of the items needed for the quest (like a faster way to get the same thing).

    To liven up pvp and activity in the game as a whole you need to make it so there is always something to do which is what these farming exchange quests do players are scattered across 5+ dungeons gathering those resources and bigger fish are on the hunt to control various supplies for their own gain. Not to mention even bigger fish are out to hunt the pkers in a cycle of cat and mouse. Right now you have a bunch of useless grind/farm spots where people can go uncontested for hours leave come back dead no big deal we start again. Change that to where a player logs in and is instantly called to help out player x whos being hunted by player Y or player x whos guild is in a battle with guild y over dungeon z.

    Want to make the game more fun? streamline the lower lvling process with boost quests at certain milestones. (lvl to 30 get boosted to 40, 45 boosted to 55, 60 boosted to 80, 85 boosted to 95 etc.) Get people up to the endgame lvl faster so they are not alone like they are at lvl 40.

    We went a bit offtopic but I want to answer OP's suggestion: Gambling on a side is just not viable because people will end up throwing to get the most out of it. (especially in an isen-version power arena where you cant switch sides) a guild would just assure the side with the most guildies wins in exchange for profit sharing. You dont make as much off your bets but you are guaranteed to make crones which means you will never lose out.
    Last edited by ShadowAce; 11-02-2014 at 06:31 PM.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
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  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshine View Post
    Hey ShadowAce, I know I haven't really put into it much of a thought or details, but I just laid out the general idea of my suggestion for them to go off of. This fighting arena I'm talking of isn't exactly typical to the power arena's...not sides, party's. It would be really just like any pvp on the daily of anywhere but with crones gambled actually and a set timer with pk-points. Would be nice if they configured such an arena and people might start showing up to some pvp knowing they can gamble and get something out of it instead of just getting their asses crashed and losing exp.
    It would still be subject to fixing :P ever try the old survival arena? XD

    I think you have a good idea with a party-exclusive pvp scenario but the idea of gambling is just too risky for the game economy. This is why the pvp scenarios like SA and PA give power badges instead of crones. Separate currency separate value than that of crones.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    And when will you have a real life, Strellan ?

  6. #16
    just turn back to game how it was 6 year ago and put epic,upgrades on item mall permanent so people can buy anytime. thats all u need,clear trash shiits on game lol 99 patch was best.

  7. #17
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrdinoArcalis View Post
    But the forums are cool though, hopefully there isn't a monthly subscription to troll here neither a special service which allows you to write 50 extra more words if you pay 2 dollars.

    Hai Ithilliar.
    Some time ago, I would have payed that subscription.
    Keep your friends close - your farmers closer
    Leveling slow - to give you a headstart

    BlazingSun | Sushi | Mischievous
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  8. #18
    Conscript Jester999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YuMadBro View Post
    just turn back to game how it was 6 year ago and put epic,upgrades on item mall permanent so people can buy anytime. thats all u need,clear trash shiits on game lol 99 patch was best.
    and put them(epics only since the new shiny option stones would be insane for upgrades) up for an ridiculous low price like 10k rps so everyone can get those so upgraded bossdrops gonna become the main target / difference between players again.
    After all, merge the fvkking servers and try to save what can be still saved
    Last edited by Jester999; 11-03-2014 at 03:35 PM.

    (i) Made Str Dhan great again
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    Longer than you've been alive, you idiot

  9. #19
    Knight LadyIntegra666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrdinoArcalis View Post
    Not even. It's almost a full-time job to play rohan. I've better things to do than spending straight 2 months to level/getting geared and stuff like that. Not gonna happen even with a company overhaul.
    No it's not. One of the reasons why I like Rohan and why I always went back to it, because I'm so familiar with the content of the game and unlike any other new MMO I would start, I don't have or have to spend time actively exploring a new game. I just like to have smth in the background of my screen, because a lot of work is on pc. If I'm active 1-2h for boss pvp or some other pvp, which is the main fun in game for me, I don't need anything else. With HK around it's not a full time job at all. Plus if you don0t have time, or don't want to dedicate certain amount of time to the game, simply don't play it instead of qq'ing how you have a life and no one else does.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    The GMs can fix the game with the tools they got if they REALLY wanted to. (with the exception of skill reviews which would rely on Korea but some class balance changes can be done through items just like the talisman system was intended).

    No one said it's not impossible, changes are totally possible if only they understood how the game works, and had interest to earn smart money off people who favor this game so much.

    Want to liven up pvp? dont take a hint from this

    Certain situations living on a clock is important it gives people a chance to show their group pvp skill. The boss is at 6:30 pm and all my friends are from the east coast yay lets show the other side what we got! and power arena is a great pvp scenario especially on isen where you cant switch sides. You gotta pvp with whoever you got and most importantly you gotta protect the noobs its a game of exchanges and map control how is that not fun?

    Map control? Protect the noobs? All the noobs in the PA are alt chars of other people, who just sit their char at the fountain or if they see they got more ppl on other side, and enemy is on their side they just suicide their alt chars so the enemy on their side would lose. So much fun and group skill lol

    Also the idea of boss drops is not really any good for the game it forces people to join a single guild and work their way up the chain to get virtual items who wants to spend a year like that? Also it fuels an elitist fire which encourages unfair play (cheating, scamming, bug abuse, BM play etc.) due to the imminent demand of being level with these elitist players. I think isen had the right idea but crones was the wrong approach id rather the best ring be given through a quest and then the boss drops be exchanged for some of the items needed for the quest (like a faster way to get the same thing).

    The problem here are not the boss drops but the word elitist. That word, should not exist, but then again that goes on the game management. If you give all people equal gear, and not encourage elitism by pumping items in IM you will not have that issue. People joining 1 sided guild would be solved if there would be more ppl in game. The cheating, scamming, abuse you mention is not encouraged by existence of boss drops but by the bad management who allows such things to happen and doesn't even know how to solve it. Boss drops should be there to give people sense of achievement. By all means I'm for equality as well, but not for such equality give everyone boss drops for free or accs. No, make it challenging and competitive. If everyone would have it for free why would I even play. It's that factor of being unique that encourages people to play and strive for smth.

    All other things you mentioned I would put under polishing ideas, but this game doesn't even have the pillars that would hold those ideas, so it's pointless to even talk about it.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    The GMs can fix the game with the tools they got if they REALLY wanted to. (with the exception of skill reviews which would rely on Korea but some class balance changes can be done through items just like the talisman system was intended).
    If they REALLY wanted too...one of the best things they could do short of a skill balance would be to make it so melee/magic/ranged/crit scrolls don't stack. Pick one. Part of the problem with our version is too much stat inflation...why multiply the problem with scroll stacking...isn't an alm scroll and one damage type scroll enough?

    Or better yet...they've already proven they can add in behind the scene stat caps, why not put one on pure melee. Just set it to like 5k and the only ones that would notice would be templars...double dipping +attack and having waaaaay to much int to work properly with the current blunt mastery formula wouldn't be as much of an issue anymore if they did that. Two birds with one stone with that one.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Event server, item creation and quest creation is all you need to make any update independently. Event server being the most under utilized tool, you can test out all items beforehand and test the waters to see how people react and how it will affect class balance as a whole. The development cycle would be something along the lines of: make item, initial testing, test on event server, build implementation system (hidden from players to make it more of a surprise) and finally implement on official server.
    The event server really kind of sucks for testing stuff, because its so far off what any of the servers are like. Compare it to Isen...nobody gets +18 gear there its all capped at 12. Compare it to Jin...only ones using craft weapons are templars and since the +attack stones changed some of them are switching to glacials, and I think +6-15 gear is way more common then +18. Compare it to Ran and people have way more dd on Ran. Plus, unless they've changed something since the last time I did something on event server...there isn't any scrolls on test server, and we all know scrolls favor templars in the most ridiculous way because you can stack melee and magic ones. Whatever they do on the event server isn't going to really apply to any server.

    If they want to test something out why not just add them to the live servers for a maintenance then wipe them like they've done in the past with walters events or talisman events. They are going to get better feedback if its used in an environment we actually play in vs some make believe server that is really irrelevant to either of the 3 existing servers.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Want to make farming a thing again? make exchange quests that require tradable goods (voucher like items think: hween event right now but limited to a SPECIFIC spot) from various dungeons across the game. Connect all the lategame exchange quests together into a web-like structure which requires all the dungeons be farmed adequately (so you never have over-saturation of a certain farm spot/item). Players can sell those items on the EM for ecash and I had an RNG pouch system that I had come up with but im not gonna explain it here.
    All that needs to be done to keep farming relevant is to stop buffing craft crap/spirit stones so stuff you can make via forging isn't all second rate. Well, and stop raping Jin with impossible rates. I'd love to make some more combine armor, and I'd be farming my nuts off right now for some of the new onyx armors if the forge/refine rates won't so awful. I'm not gonna spend money on pres/option stones just to not get anything but fails out of it, if they wanna fix the rates I'll gladly be forging up so gear though. If the gm's are competent at all they'll fix this quickly if they want any of the ph transfers to stick around for any length of time.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Want to make class balance? While skill changes themselves are harder (and rely on korea) we can buff various classes with the balance talismans. By giving more bonuses to various classes you will open other players up to play the other classes. There are only 2 classes (save your builds argument for someone else) that are more or less useless in pvp 1st being scouts and 2nd being sages; every other class (guardian, defender, priest, templar, ranger, savage, berserker, wizard, warlock) all have a use in pvp. Minor buffs (like the ones the talisman can deliver) will be more than enough to make them "playable" and I use that word loosely because I know all these classes are already good in group pvp but people are hellbent on 1v1s and who can hit the hardest in 10 seconds which is not what the game is about. My personal recommendation is that talismans be re-explored with some weapon options (mobi/attack speed/block/crit/wa etc.) instead of just giving 300 in their primary stat and some HP.
    Wtf? You accuse people of being hellbent on 1vs1 right after you claim two classes that are more useful in group fights then 1v1 are useless?

    But besides that...no thanks on the options. One of the big reasons they were adding them was to make people more survivable. If your gonna start tossing around attack speed, crit, and wa on them that kind of defeats the purpose of making them. The intent of them was to make classes more resilient, not balance them with templars, because quite frankly 800ish armor isn't going to be noticeable on the 20k+ regs temps can dish out, and 300-350 to your damage stat really isn't going to close the gap much when class x hits for 2k and temps are hitting for 20k+.

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