Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
ROHAN: Game s0x
Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461
were talking about mobs! templar best mob killa 50% aoe chance 20% hp leach op blunt mastery
Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
ROHAN: Game s0x
Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461
we can ask maha, that makes us a guide on hacking, Needless to mention that many people lost accountable for their irresponsible administration of the first SG, when she hacking and doubled countless packets of parchment, and handed out saying that winning in events, or we can say to make a guide on how to send many emails to ban whole guilds, thereby eliminating competition, or maybe we can even say that makes us the famous guide forging this using Maha and KnigthDreams, pra forge feathers + 18 rulers, and weapons upg without the use of stone shining, also can start by explaining the meetings made by GM and Maha Al Azmi, his sister and ahmed in prison, where they receive weapons forged by the gm and then pay on paypal , the double standards of the gm to ban the trade for real money is unjustified, because not punish these people want to hear opinions before posting some nice videos and screenshots of talks on cochinos business of these people, so as paying to ban accounts, etc etc etc .. SuperDuperMaha strikes again .. but now with the help of GM PH