1. To never see pet mixer in the game again
2. More English speaking players
3. Quests to be more beneficial (such as quest center giving much larger and more noticeable amounts of exp, or giving small amounts of RPs each time you complete one)
4. Slight balance changes for various classes in PvP and bug fixes for skills that affect PvP balance.
5. For premium kiosks to not be taxed (they're paying real money to vend, you know)
6. Fixes to the guild war system and prizes/automated events to encourage guild warring.
7. The ability to vend in places other than unison square (I enjoyed being able to buy quest items from shops next to the quest centers.
8. Pet drops at higher levels. Perhaps in mid level areas (70-120ish) drop 2nd stage bird pets, then at higher areas (130-200ish) drop 3rd stage pets, and in places like dungeon of death drop 4th stages (including salamander and eagles at very very low chances). That way not only those who run pet feeders 24/7 can raise pets as well.
9. Perhaps a smart phone app that will allow you to connect to your character on seal to talk to people while you are away and feed your pet while not at home.