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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by SweetestShampoo View Post
    Actually, he did post his picture on another thread. It's still there if you just go find it.
    And I have plenty more. What he doesn't realize is I don't care if people think I'm ugly or if they think I'm attractive. He on the otherhand, is scared to admit to who he is and has to try to be something he clearly isn't. I mean, a kid playing a character called "Magical" living in Queens, trying to be thug, stealing pics? Yeah. I don't have to add anything to that.

  2. #12
    Commoner Conia1991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank93usa View Post
    wat happen son? ashamed of being ugly? its okay, put the mask back on your face.
    im bak to class, so ill be waiting .....
    Frank said it when he looked into his mirror with pink trim... THE END. xD
    Conia's first owner
    Mizu - 101 lvl temp - retired

    99Percent & Forever - these two guilds always be in my memories.

    Currently playin' better mmo than that xD

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Conia1991 View Post
    Frank said it when he looked into his mirror with pink trim... THE END. xD
    You are the single reason I'm not attacking 99% players.

  4. #14
    Commoner Conia1991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archfiend2 View Post
    And I have plenty more. What he doesn't realize is I don't care if people think I'm ugly or if they think I'm attractive. He on the otherhand, is scared to admit to who he is and has to try to be something he clearly isn't. I mean, a kid playing a character called "Magical" living in Queens, trying to be thug, stealing pics? Yeah. I don't have to add anything to that.

    /10 chars
    Conia's first owner
    Mizu - 101 lvl temp - retired

    99Percent & Forever - these two guilds always be in my memories.

    Currently playin' better mmo than that xD

  5. #15
    Commoner Conia1991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archfiend2 View Post
    You are the single reason I'm not attacking 99% players.

    /10 chars
    Conia's first owner
    Mizu - 101 lvl temp - retired

    99Percent & Forever - these two guilds always be in my memories.

    Currently playin' better mmo than that xD

  6. #16
    Commoner BlackWidow4's Avatar
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    Lyrical all you need to do is admit that your life is a failure, and all you can do is troll on forums, you are just as fail as any other person on these forums.

    PS: If you didnt care you wouldnt have responded to the thread so therefore you care that he posted it and he forced you to reply therefore you have been reverse trolled.

    SexyAnia-99 Templar

    “Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”

    When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new world. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."

  7. #17
    Knight Captain SweetestShampoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackWidow4 View Post
    Lyrical all you need to do is admit that your life is a failure, and all you can do is troll on forums, you are just as fail as any other person on these forums.

    PS: If you didnt care you wouldnt have responded to the thread so therefore you care that he posted it and he forced you to reply therefore you have been reverse trolled.

    just..... lol.

    PumpkinPie (MattysPie) - 99 Priest - Original Esoteric - TURNED TEMPLAR 4/12/2010 -->Forever
    CherryPie - 99 Priest - Masters -->Forever

  8. #18
    They always go after lyrical...... and miserably fail.

    When will ppl understand that whats right and whats wrong will NEVER apply on the forum. Whoever's guild has the most population on the forums will always come out of every argument on top. You can say something like "Koph is a noob I kill him all day every day" even drop a screenshot or 2 but there will be 10 ppl from that person's guild to argue that point. Yeah sure u might be right but the friendship of those 10 ppl backing up koph overcomes that every time. Its more or less like talking to wall trying to flame the guild with the most population on the forums. :P

    Warcraft3 B-Net: Haruka@useast ~~~ Haruka@uswest
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  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bvitamin View Post
    They always go after lyrical...... and miserably fail.

    When will ppl understand that whats right and whats wrong will NEVER apply on the forum. Whoever's guild has the most population on the forums will always come out of every argument on top. You can say something like "Koph is a noob I kill him all day every day" even drop a screenshot or 2 but there will be 10 ppl from that person's guild to argue that point. Yeah sure u might be right but the friendship of those 10 ppl backing up koph overcomes that every time. Its more or less like talking to wall trying to flame the guild with the most population on the forums. :P
    Just to let you know, Koph isn't challenging at all. He's easy for me.

  10. #20
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    Wait for merge

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