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  1. #11
    Sineida, im yet to recieve my rewards from yesterday's Clashing Valley. I just sent a ticket about it

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    German White Chocolate Factory
    Iam giving all the prizes right now! If you are missing any more prizes please send a ticket and I will load the prizes as soon as possible!

  3. #13
    Thankyou GM Sineida for a quick reply
    ticket number 202173 has been sent.

  4. #14
    Sineida, i'd like to know whats the normal delay to load up the prizes from clashing valley. I ask because im yet to recieve yesterday's reward too. should i sent a ticket about that one too?

  5. #15
    Sineida we have to obligatory send ticket to get rewards or u did already to all accounts? let me know plz

  6. #16
    Squire Kraszer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Tower of Babel
    I still didn't receive any prizes... Sineida some people got their rewards from last week... What's going on?
    Retired/Quit status.

  7. #17
    i still didnt received the prizes of wednesday and thursday, and i sent ticket -_-
    "If it bleeds, we can kill it."

  8. #18
    It would be good if u tell us something about the issue. There is no response and some of us (me being one) havent recieved our prices from wednesday and thursday's clashing valley.

  9. #19
    no yet for prizes and i sent ticket

  10. #20
    ya there's something not right here, I smell a rat. i've sent 4 or 5 tickets regarding this issue and just keep being told to be patient. If I'm not going to get rewards then just come out straight and tell me.
    Then I wont bother staying up till 1:30am or getting out of my bed at 4:30 am to do the event. Signing off, a very tired and pissed off player!!!

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