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  1. #11
    99.9999999% if you're lagging on rohan its not because of graphics card. Even the ****tiest graphics cards are generally more than enough for rohan (rohan runs at 20-fps). Its mostly about your processor.
    Last edited by Kophy; 09-17-2013 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kophy View Post
    99.9999999% if you're lagging on rohan its not because of graphics card. Even the ****tiest processors are generally more than enough for rohan (rohan runs at 20-fps). Its mostly about your processor.
    ummmm you kinda contradict yourself XD

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  3. #13
    everything is relative when we talking about performance

    a crappy graphics card and processor all contribute to poor game play

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    ummmm you kinda contradict yourself XD

    edited, lack of sleep and class all day is killing me

  5. #15
    And koph is right when it comes to notebooks however in a desktop a stronger GPU trumps a processor.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  6. #16
    good information! thanks

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