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Results 181 to 190 of 466
  1. #181
    -The Love story of Belladitta

    Long Time ago. There was a girl named Belladitta who lives in Elim, her parents were strict and selfish. So that belladitta is working hard and studying hard just to please her parents and be notice.

    As belladitta workhard/studyhard she went to many places such as Zaid, Lime, Silon and Madelin just to be knowledgable to many things in order to please her parents. But that not gonna happen.

    One night Belladitta is crying because of her situation.
    She thought her parents doesnt love her. So she decided to pack and stay away from her house, she thought that will be a nice decistion.

    As Belladitta walks away. On a way to lime she meet a guy name Raid.

    Raid asked politely "Good Evening Maam it dangerous to walk alone here it may a evil baile approach you and attack you."

    Belladitta answered "WHAT! Are you serious? Or are you trying to scare me ?"

    Raid reply "NO! Im just trying to help you here. For your safety ill walk with you just to be sure youre safe on you way home."

    Belladitta "Hmmmphmm! Im not going home i want to live alone."

    Raid "Huh? Why?"

    As Belladitta and Raid walks to Lime Belladita told her story about her parents.

    After a year belladitta and Raid were become friends
    And lover.

    One day Raid asked Belladitta to meet and wait him no matter what happen at the well of LIME near to their house . belladitta dont know why ( Raid is gonna propose to Belladitta )

    Belladitta is waiting for Raid at the well

    While Raid is walking to lime a bunch of Rascal Rabbit appeared and attack Raid Heavely! Raid Fight back but they are to many so that Raid got injured and taken by a bunch of Evil Rascal Rabbits. Raid was taken and nowhere can be found.

    Meanwhile Belladitta is Waiting in The well . she dont know where , when and what happen to his Love of Her LIFE.

    -The End-

    IGN: Altier
    Server: Duran

    Account: ytoidz

    God Bless!

  2. #182
    Why NPC Kant stayed at Library? Did he keep a BIG secret ??

    Once upon time, there's an adventurer called Kant, he is a person who loves to read. Everywhere he go, he always took his book. Repeat and Repeat
    Because of that, he's very knowledgeable and he decided to look around for a books that another person can't found out there

    Initially he was just finding regular books like science books, kids book, and others basic books.
    Until he found a largest quantity book which is so amazing there is a library that contains all the knowledge in the world.

    Kant began to read the books until he finds a secret history in Shiltz. He was surprised by the fact that he knew.
    He decided to keep this secret with the best of the best, because there was no panic in people if they didn't know the secret.

    He decided to stay in the library to keep that Secret history books of shiltz from adventerur or villager. Thats why until now, he is still keeping the library.

    Nick : Nortwest
    Server : Arus

  3. #183
    Wagon driver is a old man who live in madelin. from his childhood he has a friend who is a blacksmith. one day wagon driver got a serious paralyzed on his food. this blacksmith create a staff from stiff horse and created a cart . so he can travel again.

    Bank Teller is an old man who lived in Sevis. He live with his wife and 3 child. they are a peacefull family. He is a rare item keeper traveller. One day, He go to searching for food in southern poibus and got a mushroom. that mushroom is so attractive so he take it to home. he cook that mushroom and give it to his Whole family. in a second all the family member are died. he is so sad and think nothing to do then. So He keep all the item that the family usually use. Then people know he is a trustworth. So people keep item on this old man. And now people know him as a "Bank Teller".

    The old knight is a veteran knight in his age. people know he never got married. now he did not to do anything. he become so lonely, because of this loneliness. He see clown in Madelin start to dance. He enjoy the dance and ask them to teach him. So now, he know to dance because of Clown from madelin.

    Name : Wenzel
    Server : Duran

  4. #184
    WHO or What job that the first had a completed battle pets in shiltz ??

    Once day, there is a couple adventurer, they went to outside of the village with peacefully, they was looking for small bales, for increase their strength and experience on fight ( It called leveling him/her self )
    but There is a bales was disturbing their way. SO they must fight with thus Bales.
    The first Bales was A Lion and some Little Rascal rabbit, they look easier to defeat them.

    BUT.... when they defeated A lion and a little rascal rabbit, There was A GIANT RASCAL RABBIT with Rabbit Shield and Rabbit's Cleaver
    and this couple couldn't fight with it. That's why he was summoning his ALL Battle pet for help.
    When GIANT RASCAL RABBIT saw a 4 Battle pets was summoned, it was run away like a wind.

    and below is their video clip for you
    and you will know, what job that the first who had a completed battle pets

    NICK : Looki
    SERVER : Arus

  5. #185

    Once Upon a time there was a traveller. his name is Joe. He was searching for his son.
    That traveller so far away and found a funny horse that named stiff horse.
    They talk together and become a good friend. They traveled together for several years! they across some village and know some place and the shortest road to go.
    One day Joe found that stiff horse is sick and going to die because of its age. that stiff horse told to Joe "hey, do you know? i am a person long time a go. i got a curse from a witch and become like this. I search my family for my this whole world. but i am so happy that found you in this journey. Hopefully you know i am your son." this Joe shocked and don't want to lose his son for a second time. So he bring this horse head and become driver to help people across this town. he is doing this for nostalgic the journey with his son. and people called him "WAGON DRIVER".

    Nick : Lanhok
    Server : ARUS

  6. #186

    Sir Wilphson in Bar of Elim

    Once upon a time... there's a man who lived in Elim Village named "Sir AlexanderT.SergeiGaussianRandMckneeley". He was a noble man and a father.

    One day, his son wants to be an adventurer. As a father, he was only able to support his desire and awaits his return. He never tired of waiting for the return of his son. Until time has passed for so long and he gets old.

    Finally he decided to wait for his son at the bar Elim, although there he was ridiculed for his name. But still he's waiting, because he knew his son would know where he would wait.


    IGN: Rp555
    Server: Arus

  7. #187
    How did the bank teller get his job?

    Wagon driver is a richest guys in town because he take some cegel from every journey.
    He don't know how to use it. He remember there is a man is very kind. So every night Wagon driver board out his money for this person.
    This person know he is nothing to do and every people very trust him. And he also want to gain some money just like a wagon driver.
    And one night, wagon driver also give his money to him, and he ask wagon driver " Friends, i also want to get some cegel just like you "
    and Wagon driver recommend him to become a BANK TELLER. Because of his kind and trusted. And he did it.

    Nick : Scorpio
    Server : Arus

  8. #188
    Who taught an Old knights those crazy dance moves??

    Wagon driver traveled all over the world and found so many unique and good dancer in his journey. And he also a good Singer and dancer.
    Every travel to another place, he always dance and sing with others.
    And one day, he saw his good friend, a Old knight, he was bored to his job, so that he taught this old knight to sing and dance.
    And the old knight very interested with his dance unique, that's why he never stop to dance like a wagon driver.

    Nick : Juno
    Server : Arus

  9. #189
    long time ago there was a 3 young knight who became the slave of cruel bale, once of them become was a dancer to entertain the bale. until one day, the two knights plan to escape from the cruel bale. In the middle of night, they began to escape. the plan is sacrifice the knight who like dancing. the knight who like dancing doesn't know the plan. the two knight left the dancer knight when he entertained the cruel bale. when they almost succeed, they were catched by the cruel bale and then they killed. the cruel bale cursed the dancer knight keep dancing until his old. the cursed can't be denied although he was saved by the greatest magician.

    Server: Duran
    IGN: Angelics

  10. #190
    3 years have passed. Afro, a Hair Designer in a town called zaid. Every day she serves customers which most of kstaria to replace nominally hairdo. He People Cheerful, Friendly and Humorous but behind it all he's an orphan, her mother dies while giving birth and two years later was His father had died.

    Afro Living with her grandmother until she Aged 20 Years, No and Afro grandmother was now stick of Kara. Physical Weak he has not as their peers who could be a knight or Swordsman. how many times he joined the group for a mission to fight monsters bale but because of physical weakness he was released from the army. but do not give up despite his Afro excluded from the army, he was still trying to please people is to make people become interesting to see that hair designer

    And you know guys, it turns out Afro fell in love to the Street Merchant named Karen in Will Afro Zaid .. hehe could reveal his heart to Karen ??? Afro hairstyle options would increase ?? we wait for the next maintence .. <The End>

    Thus One story from an NPC in Shiltzl, for the attention I say thank you .. ^^

    IGN : Bucha
    Server : Duran

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