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  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Gadwin83 View Post
    What is a value you think is fair for a templar regular to hit people on the high end of the upgrade dd spectrum that is still a threatening amount of damage without being massive overkill to someone with average dd? I've asked you that like 18 times, if its so easy to balance around upgrade dd why can't you just give me a simple numerical value for an answer. I don't want any words, just give me a number please.
    This is a stupid question you should not need an answer for this.

    If it is so easy to balance the game around upgrade dd then please give me a value you think will be fair for a templar regular to hit someone with 50dd that is also fair for people on the upper end of the dd spectrum.
    Another stupid question.

    Yeah let's just forget that piece of Rohan history where epics/upgrades demolished the playerbase and the only reason divinity(jin) exists was to get some of these players back.
    Another stupid point hello earth to retard there would not have been a problem if YNK kept them on sale instead of enforcing the scarcity of the item.

    <Some retarded stuff here>
    Some people were at the right place at the right time others were not its the way life works. Stupid players like you stuck in the past....just ruin the game completely. What was yesterday is different from today and will be different from tomorrow if I have any say in it. You are not the spokesperson for jin and the endgame pvpers have already spoken they want to merge with ran. Who do you think makes YNK more money? your little HK buying ass or 50-200 people that have high upkeep chars? As far as people spending more or less money (for gear) you knew what you signed up for. If you stayed on ran you could have had better rings you left to lvl faster and pick up obsolete glacials and get 1 hit in the process. Dont act like YNK owes you **** all if anything you owe YNK an apology for intentionally sabotaging a thread aimed at balancing the game.

    And one more thing before I sign off for the night...

    If you are going to use THH's ideas at least suck his figurative dick first you brain dead ****.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  2. #122
    mad strelluran is mad

    "this is stupid" "this is stupid" "this is stupid" "this is stupid" "this is stupid" "this is stupid" "this is stupid" "this is stupid" "this is stupid"

    Okay. We understood you're completely mad, almost becoming a GNYU-like, but to contradict the previous sentence and avoiding being GNYU could you answer it ? Could you also note that krohan devs are balancing on DD existing on Jin, not the one on Ran ?

    friggin fkin derp.

    PS : just answer it. One line, and no derpy calculations biased as usual.

  3. #123
    pointless thread is pointless

    i predict nothing coming of this thread - and in 2 years time HellHunter will say something along the lines of.....
    "i told you all so! you guys didnt help with videos so now the game is broken and its you guys fault for not submitting videos!"

    wat a fkn waste of time this thread/show is

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Atzigan View Post
    Greetings guys!
    The reason of this thread is to gather some information regarding certain topics:
    • Humans
    • Elves
    • Dekans
    • Dhans
    • Half Elves
    • Dark Elves
    • Giants

    It's not news that many of these classes are in need of some help, and some classes are in need of some balancing in order to have every class compete against each other and feel that each character has a chance to be best.

    I have been discussing and testing on my end things like how much HP can the Dekans currently obtain and how much damage can they deal to a player, how damage can Templars deal in a combo and why are they so strong etc.

    I have been investigating and sending reports to our devs in order to obtain a positive reply from them and make the necessary changes to characters without crippling them.

    I am currently in need of the following:

    User created videos about why are Templars so strong "Gameplay required", I have already received the how it works and I have already tested several characters but the devs require actual user gameplay footage and actual in-game equipment information etc.
    User created videos about why are Dekans so hard to kill yet, they do a lot of damage.
    Any suggestion you have regarding other classes, and how you would help them to improve the gameplay is well received.

    Now, don't confuse this thread with a rage/grief complain thread. The purpose of this thread is to gather all this information and send a report to our devs with as much suggestions/feedback from the players as possible so they make balancing and fixes a high priority over anything and we receive the much needed changes as soon as possible.

    I will try to reply to most of you guys but I apologize if I can't respond much or if I don't instantly talk, but I will be reading and creating a report with the information provided.

    Avoid complains, rage, grief, arguing.
    Keep it on topic at all times.

    Why should we have to do this?
    We would like to hear your opinion and hear what you think about certain classes and how you would resolve certain aspects of the game. This way we don't make the final decision on our own thoughts but it is also affected by players opinions.
    The problem not about Chars
    the problem is that stones u put in IM like INT Stones so sure dekans will be 1-2 shot from temps
    Counter with only 15 guild stones and cd every 3-4 mints so we wont pvp like befor who pop counter he win
    Dekans just have Dffs and need to 17 sec cd so all give up dekans while u cant 1 shot temp and need like 17 sec w8ing for ur Skill
    everyone now great a warlocks couz of hit damg all temps not hit over 50k damg lolz
    so Just remove Stones from IM - make Counter with alot guild stone or remove it
    Don't Scare from Whatever Coming

  5. #125
    u can see Dekans dont hit hard like b4 cuz temps get now 9x k hp ,, and temps can kill dk in 6 secs ,,ss over 9xk at least

    actually the dk is dead since the dffs cooldown became 17 secs too long ,if the temp tanked the 1st dffs it means dk is dead

    if u want to make balance then redcrease dmg of ss and regular dmg of temps

    Dragon Knight 115 (+10)
    Server: Jainus
    Active To Fight !

  6. #126
    ppl QQing about dekans while they're actually fixed. LOL

    and to decrease damage of SS, you need the new armor set with %skill defense

    and ceazar, the main goal of a dekan isn't to 1shot someone, that's in 1st place what was wrong. You can't be a vit tank with 260k hp AND doing sick damage. Or just give defenders the same **** and a skill that nukes you 1shot insta while having 200k hp.
    Last edited by arthurderohan; 12-01-2013 at 11:00 PM.

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by township View Post
    actually the dk is dead since the dffs cooldown became 17 secs too long ,if the temp tanked the 1st dffs it means dk is dead
    That mean you don't understand how to play a dekan. If the temp tanks it and survives, then you went wrong on the timing of the dffs. It has to be the last shot-nuke, not a retarded thing that has 260k hp AND who 1shot you before you even started to atk.

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by Gadwin83 View Post
    Well yeah, that's because templars are just that OP. No crap they are the primary target for a vacuum when they are doing 5x the dps other classes are doing lol.

    Lol 35k is a lot less then 50k. 35k is just a little more then what a pimped out templar on Jin hits for. Plus, I don't really care if they had 100% dd because KS bypasses it anyhow.

    Not sure if it bypasses skill defense or not, but if it doesn't the most pimp of all pimped out guardians would hit a KS out of combo for less then a temp regular hits lol.

    All your doing is comparing upgrade templars, which don't his as hard as craft templars, to humans dual wielding upgrades. Your comparing templars with less then optimal dps to characters with broken damage drop, because quite frankly 90%+ dd is game breaking, unless you can tell me what is a value you should hit those characters for that will be reasonable to hit(just to prove my point we'll ignore Jin) people on the lower end of the upgrade dd spectrum with low 5x dd for? What's a value you could hit that 9x dd toon for, that will actually be a balanced amount of damage, that will not be stupid when applied to a 5x dd toon? I'd really like to hear what you have to say, because quite frankly hitting for 5ks on the 9x dd toon means the 5x people are taking 25k regs, which is way too much, and if you say 5xdd toons should be taking 8ks from a temp, that means you'd be hitting those high dd toons for 1xxx?

    Again, all your doing is comparing dual upgrades with broken amounts of DD(plus an extra 20% crit compared to humans on Jin) to temps with sub par dps when there are better options in the dps department, and like I just said above, upgrade dd is simply broken.

    If upgrades are so great and balanced, I'm begging you, please give me a number you think is fair for blunt mastery to hit a 9x dd toon for that's actually threatening, without being gamebreakingly stupid for the majority of players in the 5x dd range. I've asked a similar question multiple times in this thread and nobody has an answer...since you are the smartest player on the forums can you give me one?

    Step 1 - nerf blunt mastery so it scales like all other forms of damage
    step 2 - sell costumes that favor +defense instead of +attack so costumes add survivability instead of killing power so people live a little longer

    Now could you please enlighten me how you would balance the game around upgrade dd when you are talking about trying to balance a range between 5x and 9x, and you have people on the lower end of the spectrum taking 5 times the damage as people on the higher end?
    1st- what fking classes do you play?
    2nd-some1 start a new thread about jin problems...
    3rd-Temps have to be the superior class always or we would stay a whole day to kill a boss,or to finish a pvp and so on.....like templar u are good 90 seconds and other 120-150 seconds u are just locked down which mean more then half of time u are useless...and other classes can be op too...just look at dhans or guards,and any other classes could be op if we were about to use all stuffs and scrolls we use on templars on any other class. U cant nerf templar while priest/wizard/warlock have soo much debuff.....while every class have so much stuns and aoe stuns and while vacum lvl6,7 its actually more longer then reflect WTFF?
    stupid thread.
    Last edited by ciapa07; 12-02-2013 at 01:59 AM.
    Gm of Downpour & 69LegendXD
    When i log in i can feel your love&hate for me !

    Don't care about what other people think of you.There will always be those people who want to see you fail because they can't succeed.
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  9. #129
    Knight LadyIntegra666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arthurderohan View Post
    That mean you don't understand how to play a dekan. If the temp tanks it and survives, then you went wrong on the timing of the dffs. It has to be the last shot-nuke, not a retarded thing that has 260k hp AND who 1shot you before you even started to atk.
    Right, because you understand everything yet you can't even pop reflect in pvp Haily. Can't blame you with 6k regs you are chrono debuffer temp like Hantu.

  10. #130
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.
    There's so much pink in this thread,,,

    I also think something deliberately went wrong with "no arguing, no griefing, keep it on topic at all times".

    Anyway, first time i actually see this thread although it's apparently already a month old.
    Anything new about this?

    @THH: I would have gone with "I told you thusly"
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