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  1. #111
    Wagon Driver Story

    Long time ago before the peaceful shilltz like we all know now , there is a mage who travel all around shiltz to help people in need .He is strong enough to travel alone by himself.
    But along the journey he watched people who died along the dangerous path they go through to meet their family and their lover.

    Feeling guilty , he made a resolution to travel to all of the city in shiltz , put some a good use to his power , connected all of the city.
    Now like we all know , he is working as a wagon driver that help adventurers to go to all the big city without go through the dangerous path.

    IGN : Religia
    Server : Duran

  2. #112
    Npc Graham

    Graham is a nobleman who join militia after prince mercutio passed away because a bale's. then npc graham take a captain of silon milita . once graham take a captain and control , so much children from nobleman or not want join silon milita. after that silon milita especially graham feel like have high pride than other than militia. because silon milita help defense elim then invasion bale's to , without silon miltia , elim would be demolished . thats the reason why graham feel like have a high pride and other militia and graham call other militia by sissy militia.

    Nick : Boora
    Server : Duran

  3. #113
    Who is the Wagon Driver?

    Along time ago, there was an evil powerful warlock called “Billy Dagon”. Billy was a natural-born warlock, he is gifted with an ability that allows him to turn anyone into anything he desires. Since he is so evil, he destroys everything that gets in his ways. Turning people into weak bales like piyas, beanies, stiff horses, and killing them slowly was his favorite.

    Billy once fell in love and had a wife. He then had a son named “Warren Dagon”. Since Warren is the son of a warlock, he inherits a natural gift. His ability allows him to teleport anyone anywhere he desires. Unlike Billy, Warren is kind and gentle. Seeing the kindness in Warren, Billy blamed his wife for teaching his son improper attitudes. He turned her into a stiff horse and broke her to pieces.

    After learning what his father did to his mom, Warren went rampage, He fought his father. Billy tried to use his magic to transform Warren into a piya. But before he finishes the spell, Warren teleported him to a realm where he can never hurt anyone ever again. With tears dripping from Warren’s eyes, he pick what is left of his mom, which is a head and a neck of a stiff horse. He then swore to himself that he would do anything with his powers to repay what his father have done to his mom and the people of Shiltz.

    Today, Warren is the person we know as “Wagon Driver”. He will teleport anyone anywhere they liked with just a little cost. Don’t let the name “Wagon Driver” fools you. Look around! There is no Wagon, his service is pure magic... pure teleportation. "WAGON DRIVER" is a disguise name for “Warren Dagon" the Driver.

    IGN: Arthrow
    Server: Duran
    Last edited by calvinsetia3; 04-17-2016 at 07:32 AM.

  4. #114

    The Fairy Craftsman

    Let me introduce myself, my name is Arquette. I just an ordinary girl who live in isolated city, Sevis. In year 299 Sevis was not a city like adventurers know, it was full of dark and terrible things. The villagers were individualistic either youth or elder, which made the country uncomfortable to be lived in. The Bales (read : monsters) were the same, they were mean high leveled bales, they attacked everything they see , even if their own kind. Maybe you are wondering why I lived there. I don’t have any choices though, I was born in Sevis so obviously I lived there.

    But the condition changed when “It” happened. The boy who live in ranch disappeared, his name is Jimmy. Her sister, Gunrett asked for help to all of the villagers but everyone ignored her. “I don’t think he would survive and still live” said one of the villager. “I don’t have time for this joke, so stay away from me” said another one. “I would never get any advantages if I rescued him” said the other. Gunrett was hopeless, she came back home crying.

    I want to help her but I don’t have any power to do that, I think. So I pray to the goddess of Elim Hokma, The Wise One, looking for a blessing. A strange voices whispered my that night, “Go, Find Fairy Queen, she will give you miracle”~~ and quietly I went out of town to meet fairy quuen, the place called Southern Pobius. I was surprised fairy queen is high level bale, but she understand “human language”. I told her everything I know, the town, the villager, jimmy, and my wish to have a power. She want to make a deal with me, if she can changed them all I should become her vessel. Without further consideration I agreed, suddenly she casted unknown words of spell. When she slowly disappear, I felt my inner body changed. After that, I felt weird because I can see magic in the air, the colour of mana of living things.

    I looked around, there was a suspiciously strange colour of mana I had never seen. I follow that track of colour and found Jimmy the lost boy under the palm tree unconscious, there was a letter near him “If you read this, it means WE can trust you to bring this unlucky kid home.” So I touched the kid and casted the conscious spell. It worked, the kid started wake up and cried. He was terrified, “It’s Okay, you are safe now”, I told him. So I brought the kid back to Sevis.

    Two month after the incident, I was bored. I tried to make jewelry from the thing I found suspiciously in my pocket the day I wake up after rescued that kid. I did that “craftsman” thing into that thing, like melting, forging, tempering. Not only that, I also casted a lot of spell which I learned from my dream every day, spell of joy, beauty, luxury. Then finally it turned out into a necklace, when I finished one, there was a fairy suddenly summoned in front of me. The fairy which never able to speak, but it was wonderful. It wondered around the town, and change villager personality. Seeing that, I made another one, and the same thing happened. I made it again, again , and again until the “thing” in pocket out of stock. But it was never enough, finally I realized that “thing” was dropped from high level bale when newcomer come in Sevis and bring it to me. Since that day, I am Called Arquetta, The Fairy Craftsman. The Beauty of Sevis now is the prove of hard work of all Shiltz’s Adventurer did, and of course myself.

    Thank You, all the Adventurers, from me who still need your help for making jewelry in the Sevis.


    Note : Arquetta is NPC in Sevis (C4)
    Jimmy is NPC in Sevis (D6, ranch near Dean)
    “The Story Based on an interaction between character and NPC with a lot of imaginary story behind”
    Sorry For the bad grammar, (English is not my native language xD)
    Server : Duran
    Nick : Ryukki

  5. #115
    I like this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #116
    Story of NPC Jin

    Jin was once a proud member of Lime's militia. Back then, he was but a simple bachelor who tries his best in life to live on. Encouraged by his need of money, his fit physique was what it all takes for him to be able to join the militia.

    One day, he learned that he could make more money by selling foods and drinks to adventurers while working for the militia at the same time. At first, he was selling some meat, milk, and vodka. But suddenly, he feel a powerful desire to invent an original ingredient of his very first homemade food: a peanut cookie. At first, he borrowed his mother's kitchen instrument to experiment the best possible combination of material to create the perfect peanut cookie. The process was really hard considering he was still busy working for the militia, if not for his inexperience and bad luck. He often went to the interrogation room that mysteriously connects Elim and Sevis just to discuss his project with the mad scientists for unknown reason. The cookies he got from those experiments were all failures. Those never ending failures and his unstoppable determination of producing supreme peanut cookie had driven him nuts (pun intended). He sold all his belongings just to get ingredients that would go to waste. At this point, he has used up all the peanut available in town. Soon after, he was kicked out of the militia due to his craziness. This incident really shocks his mind, making him realize that he would never create an edible peanut cookie. All what was left for him was his militia uniform and disappointment.

    Weeks later, a noble met him on the streets of Elim. Intrigued by Jin's militia uniform, the noble asked to him what had happened in his life. After a long story, the noble felt a pity for him. The noble then introduced him to the tavern he used to hang out. Jin decided to work there as food seller.

    Months passed after Jin took that job. Still wearing his old militia uniform, his curiosity about the ingredients of perfect peanut cookie came back to him. But luckily, his ambitions was not as crazy as before. This time, he asked adventurers to bring him peanut cookies in exchange for his information instead. To his surprise, the peanut cookies brought by the adventurers was really delicious. He was really addicted that he asked every single adventurer who talked to him to bring him those cookies.

    To this day, legend has it that he is still asking for adventurers to get him peanut cookies, that is not even really made of peanuts, but PEA instead.

    In the end, what caused Jin to be craving for the perfect peanut cookie ingredient? What caused him to fail every single attempt of creating the best peanut cookie? And most of all, why in the heavens does he love PEA cookies? Could it be the Balie's doings? We still dont know... But two things are sure to be known; first, he still lives healthy though he's been eating tedious amount of pea cookie, and second, he still wears his dang militia uniform.

    The End.
    Note: For more information regarding the story, please read about "Making of Peanut Cookie Quest".

    IGN: Antonidas-E9106
    Server: Duran
    Last edited by FGlare; 04-17-2016 at 11:32 AM.

  7. #117
    This is the secret story of the old knight "NPC"

    Twenty years ago, there was a brave knight who love a challenge, one day knights are getting a challenge from a very wealthy king named “Dungking”. The challenge was sent brave knight to kill all the monsters Balie modifiers all jobs.
    Long story short, the knight started the challenge in Northern Poibus, starting from Balie Devender at the coordinate "F4", Ice Wizard and Templar in "G5", Demolitionist in "B4", Assassin at "B1", Balie Archer "E1" and the last Balie Berseker in A5, there the knight defeating the sake Balie Balie easily, no significant barriers against the Balie Balie.
    The next day, the knight immediately went to Eastern Red Soil to kill all the Balie of each character, in Balie Artisan halted from "B1" and then ran beat Balie Gambler "E4" after the heading Balie gunner in the "C5", no serious obstacles and barriers against the balei. but when the knight fighting against Balie Apostle "E2", the knight get a little hallucinogenic effects, he was tempted by the seduction Balie Apostle makes supplies pot ions wasteful, but the knight was able to bounce beat the Apostle Balie, and with less inventory pot, the knight struggling with hard beats fire A2 and renegade wizard in C1.
    After that, the brave knight trying to see past that Balie Balie sword master, with as many potions maxred supplies 64pcs and 78 pcs blue potion, he struggled mightily to budge the Balie sword master, albeit with a little pot supplies The knight exhausted even managed to kill Balie Sword master, but the tragic poison that is given Balie SM is difficult to disappear (the effect of the poison that makes one a dancer and hallucinating) so a trip back to the city elim little difficult, but in the spirit staunch the knight managed to return to the city elim, tragically, no one is able to cure viral dance SM such, and finally the knight can not venture back browse through each Balie who want in losing his right, but the knight described his experience to the NPC taylor, so boldly tailor made an alliance aim to provide the missing facilities to every young knight who wants to strive to become stronger.

    ThE End ~

    Ign : Rumbaka
    Server : Duran

  8. #118
    NPC Monster Survival
    he was a great adventurer, a lot of monsters that killed him, he was always analyzing and taking genes from each of the monsters who killed, then he cooperated with the NPC Johnson and Slater to make a small training for each of the fighters seal.
    NPC johnson make a place for fighters lowly, while the NPC Slater made a special place for the fighters who want to defeat the Boss. and many fighters participating in the training, many among them (fighter) to get gold coins and coin hunter, for subsequent exchange into a capsule.
    That's a little story about a monster npc survival.
    The End

    Nick : Ujangbensin
    Sever : Duran

  9. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by emosaint View Post
    I like this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks, the story just pop up in my head

  10. #120
    NPC Yuyi's story. Her cutest pig

    Her Mother is bashful, she always welcome some travelers in past.
    Yuyi was engaged, his husband was lives in sikara, he's still young,
    but he's valiant and affectionate, they met at empress claire's
    Yuyi have a pet (pig) herself, her mother will have a field day if she
    finds out. Yuyi keep it outside the village because her mother
    doen't like animals.
    It's hidden amongest the trees outside the east gate of lime,
    that cutest pig was keep in outer lines of lime. Sad story

    Nick : Altius
    Server : Arus

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