Weapon: Mace/ Dagger/ Bow..ETC
2.0 Mace 71DD
2.1 Mace 67 DD
2.0 Bow 70DD
2.1 Bow 60% Ele option
1.0 Bow Crit Option
2.0 Dagger 69DD x2
1.0 Dagger 60DD +15
Epic Dagger
Epic Sword
2.1 Zhen; Katar; Staff un_forge
Insurgent Neck +18 x3
Feather +18 x3
Asbor set +12
Enchance Chim +3 set
Upg Aqua +18
Upg Atisa +18
Feather / Bez / Eud+++
Bindfol eye (Epic Event)
and further more of Armor and other I miss to list here!!
To be Continues...