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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Well, I was plannin on comming back but.....

    Seriously I bought 4part upgrade katar parts, and 4part dual sword parts and now I have been waiting what? Almost a month or more for yall to sell shiney option items?!

    Lets be real PWI, I buy my rps for cash every time. Im not spending time farming them. Im not spending time forging crap to make a few dollars to get these things. I came back, didnt look at im to see that the opt items wasn't on sale no more.

    Then after I drop 160 bout to drop more. To forge my weapons my friends like yo dont forge shiney opts not on sale no more.

    Da fuq yall on?!

    Like forrealzies men?! One of the potentially BEST selling things yall was selling and you aint even gonna do that no more?! Yall for real right now?!

    What does it give people "an unfair advantage"?! LOL

    Oh kinda like the 4part sales that you milking the free to play players for OVER double the value of the cash sale for... LOL Yalls a strait up joke.

    I think yall pulled the alchemist outta game. Correct me if im wrong. But even then lets see... you got like a 15% chance at making a shiney opt?! If you can even do sucha thing. So thats only 5 of the adorned? or brave w\e opt items at what 299rp each so 15$ for a shot at making 1 shiney cause we only need to make at LEAST 3 of em...

    Strait up joke.... Seriously back on that bull...

    Like really?! Really?! Yall think we all a buncha stupid motha fuqas right?!

    "Der if dey want they gotta spend" naw... if yall dont sell fuq yall get out off here when yall on that bullish for real.

    I been givin yall my money cause yall need it like welfare recipiants. Your game player base is lower than most dubstep drops. GTFO with this scammin bs...

    Yall player base is toxic af when it comes to new players. The other server is dead so there might as well only be one. I mean yall polishin a turd but at the end. If people aint getting what they want, getting what they expect, havin fun. People gonna bounce.

    There's a dozen other games out there, offering the same thing. You think yall got something unique?! Naw yall gottanother dime a dozen pony. People aint gonna stick around when they find out that the pony just wanna fuq them. I mean some people might like that deek but damn.

    I mean dont get me wrong. I like rohan. Its a cool game. However, yall just on that dumbish that made me leave before.

    I mean bravo yall made 1 class that can power level to like 90 in a week of moderate playing and crappy gear. Thats cool, but the rest of the characters gotta grind they asses off for weeks to get to the same place.

    For what? Just to realize that oh even if I got the money to throw at the game. Yall refusin to sell items to make items on par with what others got. Yall something special.. Seriously. Like the kinda special only an autistic kid can be when they flirtin with another autistic kid.

    Its funny and sad at the same time yo. Stop with this bs gimmick siht. It just irritates the players that are keepin yall in business. Sell the damn items keep em on the item mall. While your at it throw up other things that people askin for. Even if they expensive people gonna buy em cause they want em. Then if yall wanna profit spike... havea weekend sale on the items aite?

    But naw yall too dumb to see people tellin yall how to make profits instead yall rather tie a noose round yalls necks and jump off the cliffs cause yall dont see that a business. Should try to appease their player base rather than bend em over and strait raw dog...

  2. #2
    The saying "The customer is always right" doesn't apply to this company lol. By the time they put shiny option stones on IM they'll probably release onyx upgrade parts. In regards to the alchemist npc being removed, it seems they are trying to implement option stone crafting instead but is only partially implemented since i don't see any blueprints dropping for them but it does in fact appear under the spirit stone job.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    LOL thats strait shady af.. but im not sayin that the customer is always right... lets face it most the time the customer is usually an asshole.

    What I am sayin is that they gotta line of people outside of a store with an infinite supply of virtual stuff that they could profit off of but instead they keep they doors locked refusing to sell things that the customers askin for...

  4. #4
    Yea cuz Shiny Options was unfair advantage vs players who plays for free xD
    I wonder why they sell Upgrade weapons, rings, scrolls and other stuff that make U OP vs som1 who just grind for free.

    (just trolling)

  5. #5
    meh! I've stopped caring about the health of this game. These guys are too dense to listen to their community and I am way too tired of trying to help them fix it.

    So I am just gonna sit back and shake my head at all the complaints I see around here knowing that they are going in one of PWI's ears and out the other without a brain getting in the way.
    There is nothing noble about being superior to others. True nobility is gained by becoming superior to one's former self.

  6. #6
    the game has never recovered since the departure of the mighty Latvala

    Get rid of Mareas battle and skill defense
    LexusGS 115 ran - Best Dekan in history retired
    Latvala 114 ran - 2nd Best Dekan in history retired

    GM WalkingDead retired

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    its sad though... one of the best selling items they gonna pull and make it a random grab bag item... get the fuq outta here with that ish...
    Sure lets keep selling 4parts and porking the free to play users... lets make end game completely unobtainable to people who havent been here for 4+ years or dont have DEEP pockets.

    But lets face it. People have the bosses spawn times on lock. Since they only spawn EVERY so often. Other people cant haphazardly wonder upon the boss get some friends and kill it. Its a best of the best battle for bosses and the people who dont have wont have for a LONG time till they trickle into the market. Which is VERY slowly.

    See im the type of person who is able to see things from all sides. I can place myself in others shoes. To look at things and see them from my perspective and the perspective of others. This gives me the ability to point out things that others might not see and or care about. I can understand how it feels to get completely wrekt by someone no matter how much work you put into getting your char on lock. Getting your gears lookin right and if you dont got the money to spend no matter what you are second rate to people who do spend.

    Heck I logged in yesterday and a dhan who is 115 +10 was messin round at lime and was completely buffed was hitting my dhan who was unbuffed no item mall but I have pimped out gears. Im walkin on 78k hp without a lion, alm, scrolls, talismans, costumes, ect. Yet for all the time they put in they are fully buffed critting me for 1.4k im unbuffed smacking them for 1.2k auto attacks + invenom.

    YNK/PWI wont see it as people cant afford the things. They have the ability to make new items that could be obtained in game that could be way better than current normal items yet not as good as upgrade parts or even on par with parts to make epic weapons and these could be some extensive multi-part quest. Since they have the ability to do this. Kinda like the lvl 30 better than average quest weapon part of the chain of storyline quests that all characters have.

    But Dekon... we cant give great stuff away for free. LOL Do you not think that if people had the ability to make some epic like weapons that they wouldnt spend some crazy amounts of time playing your game... Well with hunter kits.... GTFO with that bullish already. It would give some free to play users a small amount of... hey im not complete trash in the grand scheme of things feeling. Cause they can work towards what others have bought. Cash shop should never be a complete paywall over free to play users. It should just be a short cut to getting there faster. Yet here we are. Yall making people who dont have the funding feel like complete bunk cause they cant and wont ever reach levels people like I am on.

    Personally, if I invested the time. I feel like I could have the best gear in the game.... but then again I can just turn on the p-server I have log into it and be at the same place. The best geared in a dead game.

    I have said this once, I will say it one hundred times.

    A game that solely caters to 5-6% of its playerbase will ultimately fail because the other 94-95% of people will figure out that no matter what they will never be on the same level as the other 5-6% that was able to boost through and be the first to get certain land marks that grant large power spikes.

    Heck for the longest time R4 boss drops were the most op thing in the game. Then zeit eyes were op because people could build pure ______ and still have the tank from the eyes. Then feathers/flame diamonds were king of the game. Then beze, ruler, and im sure something new will come sooner or later to blow all the before items out of the water. However these items have always granted power spikes to people who could get them first. While the spikes initially were small they were still there giving those with a better chance than those without. As things progressed factions form core groups usually distribute certain items to certain people, with lessor items being distributed to out of core players. However as one sides amount of items grows. So does their advantage.

    Boss's need to spawn way more randomly, and in different areas so that they cant be camped and controlled by a single group. When you allow for one or two groups to have majority control it leaves a power gap. It always has. I have seen people quit out of the game because of these power gaps and realizing that they cant or wont ever get to that point because they arent part of this group.

    You have people who dont have who join groups with hopes of one day getting but usually end up leaving out the guild because of greifing in game. You have maxed out players who are complete douche nozzles who "for fun" will run around and kill people who are trying to level and simply get sick of being pked when they spent a few dollars to get some scrolls only to have them wasted by some bored jagoff.

    This games maxed out playerbase is toxic af they run around rpking because they can and the people they are killing dont have a snowballs chance in hell of fighting back. In the rare and highly unlikely chance they DO manage to kill the douche rpking them. Its very likely that they will just venge back or show up with a few friends wipe the party and call kos on them because they defended themselves.

    Because ya know 5yr old logic when it comes to any sort of diplomacy what so ever.

    For the last few weeks while I was playing I was only doing the instance dungeon on my dekan, and noir because it was the one place I knew for sure that I would get 4 solid hours of exp without interruption however it was frequent when I would get to a spot, get set up. Here comes some ass out the cut just rpking people cause "lawl noob you suck" and they a 115+10 or better rpking low 1xx chars to high 9x chars. I mean I would say your pro but I log my dhan in and 1shot your failed asses most of the time. If thats not the case I talk to a few other people who keep tellin me to come back and they come and wrek your ass. Either way there needs to be more stuff to keep higher levels busy and from harassing people who are leveling.

    There needs to be better quest rewards than some bunk ass +10 pdef armor or crappy ass weapon. People dont even bother with most of the quests because most of the items are complete crap. Theres maybe 2-3 quest chains in the game that lead to some good items the rest... lol Dont even bother unless they are for the new class.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by walkingdeadnyc View Post
    the game has never recovered since the departure of the mighty Latvala

    Get rid of Mareas battle and skill defense
    O_o... you musta been one of dem people who thought they were good after players like Lamia and them left... right? I have fought dozens of dekans... and yet I never once have I ever heard someone say something about you... The only person I have ever seen call you the best.... was well you...

    I mean congratz on the huge ego but damn man tone it down a lil its hard to breath while laughing at you most the time men

    Besides... there are tons of dekans now who play every day and get this.... they do it just fine on dekans, dhans, and the works with mareas battle, and skill defense and the only one I see cryin bout those things is... well you...

    Its cool we know the real reason you left. Your parents made ya get a job to pay off them credit cards you maxed out... JK but for real... SD aint that bigga deal. Maybe... dont target that speciffic person when you use your 1 button win skill?!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaBandit View Post
    meh! I've stopped caring about the health of this game. These guys are too dense to listen to their community and I am way too tired of trying to help them fix it.

    So I am just gonna sit back and shake my head at all the complaints I see around here knowing that they are going in one of PWI's ears and out the other without a brain getting in the way.
    Rohan is kind of like when you drive past a bad car accident...you know there is 0% chance you will see anything good on your way by, but you look anyhow. I've come to expect a 0% chance of a decent update here...but every time there is an update I have to look for the lulz and just to reaffirm that taking a break since the server merge/upgrade sale was the right choice.

    I can't imagine how awful the new ascended weapons or w/e they are calling them will be...you make one out of a high 6xdd upgrade and slap a dd craft weapon stone in one of your sockets and everyone and their brother will have 100dd. Yeah...thats "fun" looool.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Well as far as I know they capped DD to like 85% or something...

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