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Thread: FCK LAG!

  1. #1

    FCK LAG!

    Lol 5+ hours to hunting bunos ! then got 1 time jewel.

  2. #2
    yeah so much for the massive weekend boost, exp drop rate everything is off because there is so much lag that toons are slow AF auto attack times are triple what they should be. Inter dungeons are hell. but hey its a holiday weekend all the gms are drunk at a bbq on the beach and the server is off the rails and on auto pilot

  3. #3
    Hello toril, we are working on it.

  4. #4
    "Working on it"

  5. #5
    Hello firedust, We kindly ask to be patient. Dev team is doing his best.

  6. #6
    Yeah about that... im not a computer genius by any means but..... seems to me more ram more memory or simply allocating more resources in your server farm would rectify about 90% of the issues...

  7. #7
    I came back, logged in, raged at the lag and quit again =)

  8. #8
    Hello chupachupss, we are going to report your issue.

  9. #9

    Does the ROHAN staff have any intention to create another server? or is this completely out of plans ?


  10. #10
    Hello SecondHero, for the moment we cant provide that information , but stay tuned , we always notified with anticipation this kind of implementations.

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