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  1. #1

    Bug In Flame Gale (FIRE WIZARD)

    Dear GM,
    I would like to report a bug in several skills with multiple damage effects. For example, the Flame Gale skill. Only one damage figure is displayed. If it were just a display issue, it wouldn't be a big problem, but it also affects the actual damage dealt. I tested it by hitting OHM with Flame Gale, which dealt around 4 million damage, leaving OHM with very little health. However, when I hit it again with Flame Gale, OHM didn’t die and only took 500k damage. If it were just a display issue, OHM should have died with the second skill hit.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Playwith Staff CytadilGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Hello nikolaidis!
    We appreciate your time to inform us of this matter.
    In order to better assist you with the issue you are experiencing, please send us a ticket to our costumize service platform so we can help you: http://support.playwithi.com/
    GAME MASTER - Cytadil
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

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