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  1. #1

    [Update] Patch Notes 12/19/2023

    Greetings, Rohanians!

    On this post you will be able to find news regarding events and contents.

    The following contents had been conducted during our Maintenance:

    ☃ Tower of Infinity New Dungeon.
    -- 100 Levels of intense fights!
    ☃ New Engrave System.
    -- Become even more powerful!
    ☃ Rise to Infinity Playtime- Start.

    ☃ X-mas Fest Login event - End.
    ☃ Ruler's Weapon - Removed.

    ☃ X-mas Fest Login event Rewards - Supplied.
    ☃ Ruler's Weapon - Supplied.

    ☃ Vengeful Scratch Season 35. More info: Click here
    ☃ Royal Sword Season 36. More info: Click here
    ☃ Premium Season Pass - Winter now available! More info: Click here
    ☃ New 5 socket costumes

    ☃ Guild Logo Issue.
    ☃ Half Elf (Scout) Skill Tree Window Bug.

    ⚠️ We released the 1st version of the game optimization. We want to receive feedback from the issues you may encounter so we can check them. Please stay tuned for more improvements in upcoming updates!
    ⚠️ We would like to hear your suggestions and if you find any issue about this last update, please remember to report it through the Ticket Platform.

    Thank you for your continuous support!

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    Last edited by SasoreGM; 12-19-2023 at 10:42 PM.

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