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  1. #1

    gm, whats the chance of failure for upgrading Champion seal?

    I've just got my first x100 stack Champion's Seal Stones from Elemental Dungeon event & Royal Sword and upgraded my Warrior's Seal (Stats + 4) to (Stats +5)
    but I failed and lost the stones.

  2. #2
    Playwith Staff SasoreGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hello Lacemedonio !

    Regarding your question:

    1) Within the game, the chance of failure when enhancing this type of items is an integral part of the gameplay mechanics. It adds an element of risk and reward. Unfortunately, in this instance, we're sorry that the chance did not favor a successful outcome, however just to bring a little bit more info:

    ->As the level of enhancement goes up, the % success rate decreases.
    ->Although we do not have the exact percentage, raising said talisman from +1 to +5 has a medium - high probability from +6 onwards is when it becomes a real Challenge.

    More info: http://forum.playrohan.com/forum/sho...#ixzz86ijzlemX

    We will take this post as a feedback to add more methods to obtain the Champion Ehancement Stone in the future.

    We appreciate your dedication to the game and the time and effort you've taken.

    Best regards
    -R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends

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