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    Playwith Staff SasoreGM's Avatar
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    Mar 2022

    [Guide] General & Special Wish Ticket System 🎟️

    Greetings Rohanians!

    Here is a guide that will help you know more about the: General & Special Wish Tickets in R.O.H.A.N.!

    ➡ NPC Tinto:
    Tinto, renowned for his wisdom and knowledge, is now the recipient of General & Special Wish Tickets. These tickets grant you the opportunity to make unique requests, tapping into the depths of Tinto's esoteric understanding of his secrets.

    a) General Wish Ticket:
    ㄴ 1) Elemental Ruler's Heart Exchange
    ㄴ 2) Silva Pet Exchange
    ㄴ 3) Weapon Exchange (Type)
    ㄴ 4) Gear DLVL (Requirement Lvl Decrease)
    ㄴ 5) Weapon Option Exchange
    ㄴ 6) Armor Stat Exchange
    ㄴ 7) Abyss Material Type Exchange
    ㄴ 8) Abyss Material Option Exchange

    b) Special Wish Ticket:
    ㄴ 9) Talisman Enhancement (up to +10)
    ㄴ 10) Weapon Option Stone Exchange
    ㄴ 11) Equipment Upgrade

    c) Important GM Notes

    ㄴ How to obtain General & Special Wish Tickets
    ㄴ Additional Inquiries

    a. General Wish Ticket:

    1) Elemental Ruler's Heart Exchange: (Requirement: 1x General Wish Ticket)
    Like the previous Wish Ticket System, it will allow you to exchange your item for an Elemental Ruler's Heart, this time in a automated way.


    *May not function if there is not enough space in your inventory.
    *Elemental ruler Spears and Gloves cannot be deleted from the Trash Can.

    2) Silva Pet Exchange (Requirement: 1x General Wish Ticket & 1x Silva Pet)
    You can exchange your Silva Pet, for the Silva of your preference.


    *If your Silva pet is Dead during the exchange, Tinto will return to you a dead Silva Pet as well.

    3) Weapon Exchange (Type) (Requirement: 1x or 2x General Wish Ticket)
    You can exchange your Onyx, Abyss and Celestial Weapon, for another Weapon Type.

    Demonstration (T. Celestial Sword -> T. Celestial Club)

    *Takes 1x for Onyx Weapons & 2x for Abyss & Celestial Weapons.
    *You will keep the yellow stat but the attack option will be adjusted to the weapon type you change into and the pink stat (option stones 3-7-30 day duration) will be lost, so bear that in mind.
    *You will maintain the DLVL (Refine Level) of your weapon.
    *If you have a Staff/Spear Fragment changed to a different type of weapon, the existing mana option will disappear.
    *When you exchange any type of weapon for a Staff or Sphere Fragment, the mana option applied to the new material is set at 11%.

    4) Gear DLVL (Requirement Lvl Decrease) (Requirement: 1x General Wish Ticket)
    You can apply a -15 DLVL to any Onyx, Abyss or Celestial Item, for example (150 -> 135, 180 -> 165).


    *Enhancement values, options, and ranks remain intact.
    *Accessories (pendants or Glasses) cannot apply for this service.
    *Spirit stones inserted in the items will disappear after using the service (also applies for shields).

    5) Weapon Exchange (Option) (Requirement: 1x or 2x General Wish Ticket)
    You can convert any Onyx, Abyss & Celestial Weapon Option (available options: Melee Attack, Magic Attack, Ranged Attack & Health) , but maintaining its values.

    Demonstration (Transcended Celestial Bow)

    *Takes 1x General Wish Ticket for Onyx Weapons & 2x General Wish Ticket for Abyss & Celestial Weapons.
    *It can also work for Fragments (*Only Abyss Fragments can be used (not Celestial or Onyx parts))
    *Cannot apply for the Mana option (just the 4 option types mentioned earlier).
    *The weapon/ fragment must have at least 2 option types to use this service.
    *This wish cannot add two different stats, the only thing that is allowed is the exchange (keeping the same values).

    6) Armor Stat Exchange (Requirement: 1x General Wish Ticket)
    Change or add the armor stat options of an Abyss or Celestial Set (armor, tasset, helmet, gauntlet, boots, or shield), only options (STR, DEX, INT, VIT, PSY, and AGI). (Example: STR:50 , AGI: 50 → VIT: 100)

    Demonstration (DEX: 12, PSY: 16 -> VIT: 28)

    *The refine level, enhancement level, and stats are maintained on the item used.
    *In the case of Shield items, please send us a ticket through our Support Platform: http://support.playwithi.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit.
    *Stat values ​​cannot be divided (Example: STR: 100 → Agility 50, VIT: 50 -> not possible)
    *Spirit stones inserted in existing armor disappear when stats are changed or added.

    7) Abyss Material Type Exchange (Requirement: 1x General Wish Ticket)
    Change the Type of any Abyss Weapon (Dagger, Sword, Double Sword ... Sphere), to another weapon type you like. (Cracked Abyss Fragment (Sword) → Cracked Abyss Piece (Katar))

    Demonstration (Cracked Abyss Fragment (Katar) -> (Bow))

    *If you have a Staff/Spear Fragment is changed to a different type of weapon, the existing mana option will disappear.
    *When you exchange any type of weapon for a Staff or Sphere Fragment, the mana option applied to the new material is set at 11%.
    *Only Abyss Fragments can be used (not Celestial or Onyx parts).

    8) Abyss Material Option Exchange (Requirement: 1x General Wish Ticket)
    Change the Option of any Abyss Material [Broken/Cracked/Enchanted/Unknown], to another option type you like maintaining its values.

    Demonstration (Melee Attack -> HP, Ranged Attack -> Melee Attack)

    *Cannot apply for the Mana option (just the 4 option types mentioned earlier).
    *If the % option values ​​are different, please send us a ticket through our Support Platform to give you proper assistance.
    *The weapon fragment must have at least 2 option types to use this service.
    *Only Available options: Melee Attack, Magic Attack, Ranged Attack & Health.

    b. Special Wish Ticket:

    9) Talisman Enhancement (up to +10): (Requirement: 1x Special Wish Ticket)
    Like the previous Wish Ticket System, it will allow you to increase the enhancement level of any talisman possessed by +1, up to +10 in a automated way.

    Demonstration (Elemental Talisman +9 -> +10)

    *Apply for all main talismans (Universal, Elemental, Walter, Transcendental, etc).

    10) Weapon Option Stone Exchange: (Requirement: 1x Special Wish Ticket)
    You can transfer your option stones from any Abyss/Celestial Weapon to another Celestial Weapon or viceversa, maintaining the exact same values as in the example provided.

    *As you can see in the example the Source Weapon is destroyed during the transfer.
    *Equipped spirit stones in the Source Weapon also disappear.

    11) Equipment Upgrade: (Requirement: 1x Special Wish Ticket)
    You can upgrade lvl 15~23 -> +24 & 24~26 -> +27 , any Onyx, Igniel, Abyss & Celestial Item.


    * Applies only for Chakras Of Verdict, Onyx, Igniel, Abyss & Celestial (Armor and Weapons).
    * Options are maintained when using this wish.
    * Does not work with Ruler's Guarder or Celestial Chakras.

    c. GM Notes:

    -> How to obtain this new General & Special Wish Tickets?

    Royal Sword Events
    Elemental Dungeon Roulette
    Tower of Wish & Tell me Your Wish (subject to availability)

    -> We can revert this system once any wish is done?

    GM: After the system is used (any wish), it cannot be restored to the previous state (nor you can recover the wish tickets), so take your time in order to think well your decision.

    -> What happens with the classic Wish Ticket?

    GM: The old or "normal" Wish Ticket System will no longer be available from now on and only cases in which players still have said item in their inventory will be attended.


    We hope this guide has been helpful, if you have any questions or something pending that you want to add to the guide, send a PM to any GM In-Game, Discord or all our official platforms.

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends

    Last edited by SasoreGM; 10-10-2024 at 07:35 PM.

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