Why Grabbit So hard already 30.000k Rps , no Costume _sss
Why Grabbit So hard already 30.000k Rps , no Costume _sss
not only grabbit, golden chest, Lucky rascal coin bait, and any box related content its really low probability for a rare item compared to a year ago.
can you GM post publicly the rate/probability/chance when opening the related content box? like in korean server?
why playwithi so in love with RNG games wkwkwk
wkwk ada juga yang paham, menurut lu itu nomernya di assign pas buka box apa pas nuker ke npc ? untuk noise untuk <0.5% nya gw udh ketemu tuh kelipatan 8 jam abis server dibuka wkwkwkwk
segimanapun randomnya tetap aja masih ada noise