Need this cegel revaluation again.
I'm a returned player after 4 years of vacuum. At that time, the jewels still have some value(600k-800k/piece), but it's just a shiny rock now.
That problem would be for recently new player, since farming equipment, doing highest level quest is the only way to obtain decent cegel.
It takes way too much time and I needed to go to unhealthy side just to do decent in this game.
Also, there's arcane and gem too that needs a lot of cegel.

In years of my vacuum, I played some gacha games.
Looking at their QoL, it makes me wonder, there's no minmax spirit in here
Why there's no festival that makes people look forward to it?
In that festival, you can double the price for item you sell to npc, refine g,dg,xg cegel discount.
This festival could do quarterly along with changing season.
There's also need npc that specialize mass refine equipment with crystal, since it's 100%, it's too bothersome to do it one by one.
That npc could be improve cegel situation a bit for people that farm equipment.
You could also raise a bit for cegel rate with every refine. Since from my observation, +3 equipment raise 30% of its value.
It could be raise up to 50% or 60%.
Also, why there's still no "sort" button in the item menu or bank? It's kinda barbaric.

Anyway, it's all about how to make player stay, rather than how to wring out more money from player.
It needs to be more friendly for newbie player, though the situation is much better with R shop, but they'll still be blocked by cegel problem.
But then again, all of this will be meaningless if the seller think "they have more cegel now, let's up the price". It's just endless.
At least, it's much better for independent players that do their refine and crafting on their own.