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    R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Ban Policies (Updated)

    Greetings Rohanians,

    We have updated our Ban Policies, please read it thoroughly.
    Disregard of our policies is not an excuse

    Ban Duration

    3 days up to permanent ban.
    All banning is according to the Games Master’s discretion.

    Punishable Offenses

    - Spam Trade
    - Selling overpriced items hidden besides similar items at Kiosk.
    - Blocking NPCs
    - Hacking/Cheating
    - Benefit from Hacking: Taking advantage of a hacker’s exploit.
    - Partying or making use of hackers.
    - Picking up items or getting carried by hackers.
    - Assisting Hackers (either by refining items or trading items to another character).
    - Seeking benefits from Ticket platform by providing false information in tickets.
    - Insulting playwith staff members.
    - Interrupting GM events.
    - Advertising Private Servers.

    3rd party programs

    - Any accounts that are found using a 3rd party program will be permanently blocked.
    - Altering game files can result in getting banned if used to exploit, benefit or abuse in-game features, systems, mechanics, npcs, etc.
    - All accounts involved will be permanently blocked.


    - Impersonating someone else, another user, Non Playing Character or Game Master ("GM").
    - Beware of players who ask you to show your items with another character or at kiosk as they may try to scam you.
    - When you trade with another of your characters, please double check that it's your character and don't do it with others players around.
    - In some cases we might not be able to help you so be aware.

    Abusing Mechanics/Bugs/Glitches/Exploit

    - The use or abuse of glitches, game errors, game mechanics, and exploits will result in a ban corresponding to the severity of the case.
    - Intentional Red Status Induction: Making a player red(murderer) intentionally when they are using a hunter kit will be penalized and all accounts involved.
    - Spamming Venge with Alt Characters: In the same context, using an alt or dummy account to continuously venge to a specific player in a short period of time will be penalized too, especially if the alt character is poorly equipped or significantly under-leveled compared to the target. The intent behind this behavior is considered abuse, especially when used to manipulate the game mechanics unfairly.
    - Spot Claiming is prohibited, all the maps are free for all the players. Bear in mind that is a PVP server but selling spots will not be tolerated and demanding fees to be allowed to farm is strictly prohibited.

    Account Theft

    Account theft cases must be reported as soon as possible with all information that the user may regard as helpful for his case.
    The longer the players takes to report the case the less likely that we will be able to help him recover his items on this case.
    Warning: Accounts that have been shared will not get support on this case and if demeed neccesary we will ban the account.

    Inappropriate Names

    - Names that are vulgar, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racist, derogatory or offensive; any usernames which are sexual in nature. (All languages will be considered)

    Hack Related Chat

    - Providing hack information
    - Requesting hack information


    - Griefing
    - Blocking Content
    - Offensive Phrases
    - Stalking
    - Sexual Harassment
    - Posting Account Information
    - Posting Personal Information
    - Racism / Hate speech
    - Heavy or Explicit Sexual Language
    - Anti-religion speech
    - False Reports

    Trash Talk will be not considered.


    - Selling / Buying / Scamming/ Trading / Selling / Buying Accounts.
    Real Money Transactions for in-game items/crones.
    - (RMT) is the sale of in-game items, currency, characters or other data in order to obtain real money.
    - RMT activities are strictly prohibited and any players caught participating in RMT-related activities will be banned. This includes but is not limited to Selling, Buying and Advertising.
    - Promoting of Scam Activities

    In the case that a player decides to trade/sell/exchange his account for in-game items/crones/accounts, etc we will not be able to assist as the player would be sharing the account information.
    We reserve the right to ban those accounts if deemed necessary.

    Ad Promoting

    - RMT Sites
    - Hack Sites
    - Inappropriate Sites
    - Coupon websites
    - Events and free items websites.
    - Private Servers

    Playwith reserves the right to modify or update these policies as necessary. Additionally, in extreme cases, Playwith may immediately ban player accounts pending an investigation.

    The entire duration of a ban must be served if the account in question is found guilty. Remember that insisting will not change the GM Team’s decision.

    Promoting any services (game related RMT) inside the game, hacks and/or exploits will result in an immediate and permanent ban.

    Best regards
    -R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    Last edited by SasoreGM; Today at 11:07 AM.

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