Greetings Rohanians!

We have this new event! We would like to see how good your investigation and deduction skills are!
Come and participate to win rewards with the “Decoder of Truth”.

[What to do?]

YYou will find a code of 3 symbols. You will have to find the correct numeric match to get the answer!
Remember to see the analyze the left side of the puzzle to find the 2 hidden clues on the left side.
Once you have the hidden clues you will have to start solving the right side of the puzzle!
The two hidden clues in the left side are as following:
1. A hidden symbol, once found you will have to find this same symbol on the right side.
2. A number, you need to figure out the meaning of the pictures on the left side to know the answer.
3. You will have to match 1 & 2 on the right side by rotating the position of clue #1 to match Clue #2 and you will see everything in a different order
Find the right answer to get the best rewards!

Follow this link to participate:
click here


We will have a maximum of 5 lucky winners, those who answer correctly all the questions will participate in a raffle to receive the following rewards:

⭐ x2 200% Combination Scroll(Event) - 2 hours
⭐ x2 400% Growth Seal(2H)
⭐ x1 New Year Festival Box

Participation (for all the players who answered correctly but did not won the raffle):

⭐ 10m Crones
⭐ x1 New Year Wooden Box

If you are one of the first 5 to submit your entry and provide the correct answer you will get the rewards automatically!

⚠️ The event starts on January 19th until 20th 23:59 PST Time.
⚠️ One account PER PLAYER
⚠️ Multiple accounts will reduce the chances of winning.
⚠️ Double check and make sure you provided the right answer and information
⚠️ Be aware that we are allowed to disqualify entries that we deem not eligible for the rewards for being incomplete, incorrect, due to bad behavior or breaking the rules of the event.

With that said let's start cracking that code!

Best regards
-R.O.H.A.N.:Eternal Vengeance Team-
Vengeance Never Ends