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  1. #1
    Playwith Staff TokageGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    [System Event Guide - November] Anniversary Party in the Theme Park

    Greetings Rohanians!

    Here is a guide that will help you enjoy this event First Anniversary.

    The sky is now clear! A visitor has appeared in R.O.H.A.N. . Mr. K has decided to personally viist and will be on Fishing Hole

    Let us all welcome Mr. K! This new NPC will stay with us during the First Anniversary. Mr. K will be helping Rohanians celebrate and enjoy our dear R.O.H.A.N.'s 1st Anniversary.

    Event Duration:
    November 9th(After maintenance) until December 7th (before the maintenance)

    NPC: Mr. K <Anniversary Manager>
    This new NPC can be found in the Fishing Hole.

    For the duration of the event you will be able to obtain the Event Items according to the tables below:

    Mr. K will be giving 6 new quests for Rohanians seeking to obtain the 1st Anniversary costume, event boxes and to those who wish to explore the Theme Park.

    ➡ Quest 1: [Repeatable]Anniversary coin exchanger

    For this quest you will need to secureR.O.H.A.N. Coin x 250 and deliver them to Mr. K.

    “R.O.H.A.N. Coin" is a World Drop , this means that you can get it from killing any monster (Elemental dungeon included)).

    <R.O.H.A.N. Coin>

    As a reward for completing the quest you will receive 1st Anniversary Present x1

    <1st Anniversary Present>

    Here are the things you can get from it:

    *You have a 50% chance to get "Anniversary R.O.H.A.N. Coin" from 1st Anniversary Present

    ➡ Quest 2: [Repeatable] Go big or go home coin exchange

    For this quest you will need to obtain R.O.H.A.N. Coin x 2500 and deliver them to Mr. K.

    For completing this quest Mr. K will reward you with a 1st Anniversary Chest

    <1st Anniversary Chest>

    *1st Anniversary Chest provides 10 1st Anniversary Present.

    ➡ Quest 3 [Repeatable] R.O.H.A.N. Anniversary Magic!

    In order to complete this quest you will need to turn in Anniversary R.O.H.A.N. Coin x 4.
    Once you deliver the items you will receive 1st Anniversary Giftbox x1.

    <Anniversary R.O.H.A.N. Coin>

    <1st Anniversary Giftbox>

    Here are the things you can get from it:

    ➡ Quest 4: [One time] R.O.H.A.N. Anniversary Level requirement: 115

    For your last trial. The Mr. K is providing an awesome costume as part of the Anniversary Celebration! All you need to do is deliver R.O.H.A.N. Anniversary Ticket x2000.
    Once you complete this task you will be able to pick Anniversary Costume.

    <R.O.H.A.N. Anniversary Ticket>

    <1st Anniversary Armor Costume (Male - 4 Sockets>

    <1st Anniversary Helmet Costume (Male - 4 Sockets>

    <1st Anniversary Armor Costume (Female - 4 Sockets>

    <1st Anniversary Helmet Costume (Female - 4 Sockets>

    *This quest can only be completed once per character.

    *If you delete the costumes you can send a ticket to our ticket platform!

    *This costume is permanent and has 4 sockets!

    ➡ Quest 5 [Daily] R.O.H.A.N. Anniversary Theme Park Grand Opening!Level Requirement: 115

    Mr. K will provide once pery day the opportunity for Rohanians to deliver R.O.H.A.N. Coin x 1500.
    Once you deliver the items you will receive Anniversary Theme Park Admission Ticket x 3.

    <Anniversary Theme Park Admission Ticket>

    *This special item has a level requirement of 115 and a cooldown of 3 Hours.
    *The buff can't be manually removed.
    *While you have the buff active you can access the Anniversary Theme Park!.
    *Once the buff expires you will be removed from the Theme Park.

    ➡ Quest 6 [Repeatable] R.O.H.A.N. Anniversary Tickets Exchange!

    In order to complete this quest you will need to turn in R.O.H.A.N. Anniversary Ticket x 100.
    Once you deliver the items you will receive Theme Park Box x1.

    <Theme Park Box>

    Here are the things you can get from it:

    We sincerily hope you can enjoy this event!

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    Last edited by TokageGM; 06-08-2022 at 09:55 AM.
    For Someone's Glory Not For One's Own Glory

  2. #2
    Playwith Staff TokageGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    ➡ Anniversary Theme Park

    With the arrival of Mr. K, a new area has become available!
    Rohanians who acquire an Anniversary Theme Park Admission Ticket will be able to access this new area provided they use the item and speak to the correct npc.

    How to access Anniversary Theme Park?
    During the event you can find Theme Park Gatekeeper in Fishing Hole.
    You will be able to access the Anniversary Theme Park by speaking with this npc as long as you have the buff Anniversary Party obtained by using Anniversary Theme Park Admission Ticket.

    NPC: Theme Park Gatekeeper
    This new NPC can be found in the Fishing Hole.

    <Anniversary Theme Park>

    You can obtain items from killing the monster in Anniversary Theme Park according to the table below:

    Anniversary Theme Park Chests
    Once you acquire a Theme Park Treasure Chest Key you can head to Anniversary Theme Park and

    Here are the things you can get from it:

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    For Someone's Glory Not For One's Own Glory

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