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  1. #1

    Exclamation Please help - need make chrone quest - dont find

    hi, i'm an old rohan gamer, and i'm back to playing now, but i found things changed, and one of them is the repeatable chrones quests, with which in my old days we used to make money to be able to buy things and craft items. for example the dexter fangfold quest that was taken in the TEMPEST WATCHOUT npc, now the npc are not there and the quest does not exist.
    I would like you to help me and tell me how it is done now to be able to make CHRONES to be able to equip.

  2. #2
    Hello robertejo, you can get crones from system event and from GM events that we run each day. http://forum.playrohan.com/forum/sho...#axzz7A3gnlCdj

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