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    Playwith Staff TokageGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    [Guide] Title System (H.C.S)

    Greetings Rohanians!

    Here is a guide that will help you know more about the: Titles in R.O.H.A.N.!

    1. Introduction
    ㄴ What is H.C.S?
    ㄴ How to Use Titles

    2. Titles Available
    ㄴ 1) Basic Titles
    2) Warsong Titles
    ㄴ 3) PVP Titles
    ㄴ 4) PVE Titles
    ㄴ 5) Event Titles
    ㄴ 6) Tournament Titles
    ㄴ 7) IM Titles

    3. GM Notes
    ㄴ New Myth Titles (UPDATE)
    ㄴ GM, I have deleted my Myth/Shinhwa Ticket (or other)

    Use [CTRL + F] to quickly find your preferred title/content!

    1. Introduction:

    > What is H.C.S?

    Tokage : Hunter Challenge System most commonly known as H.C.S. It's a system that lets you take challenges, once you fulfill certain requirements you will be able to obtain the title corresponding to the completed challenge.

    Challenges can vary from:

    ->Farming Mobs (Kill)
    ->Collecting Title Tickets (Collect)
    ->Explore Certain Areas (Explore)

    Note: We can open the menu by clicking the H.C.S. Icon on the right side of the screen ().

    > How to Use Titles

    Tokage : Once the menu is opened several title challenges will be displayed and you can filter them through their categories (methods to obtain them). We can take a Challenge by clicking the button with the said name right beside each mission:

    * You can challenge up to 20 title challenges simultaneously and receive a title when you complete the challenge.
    * You can collect titles faster by completing the kill and exploration quest together.

    2. Titles Available:

    Tokage: Title Tickets can be classified in 6 categories.

    > Basic Titles:
    Stats are low, (titles that are used for collection purposes or when starting your journey in R.O.H.A.N.!).

    * For more info check the H.C.S. System In-Game.

    > Warsong Titles:
    * Very good titles to start your journet at R.O.H.A.N!

    * You can obtain the last stage (Star of Victory) with two methods, (Choose the one that suits you).

    > PVP Titles:


    ➡ Trans. Titles: Click here

    Title Ticket - Transcended

    Effects: All Stats + 100, HP + 10000, Attack + 100, PvP Defense increased by 10%

    Title Ticket - Spearhead

    Effects: STR + 1000, HP + 10000, Melee Attack + 200, PvP Defense increased by 10%

    Title Ticket - Hunter

    Effects: DEX + 1000, HP + 10000, Ranged Attack + 200, PvP Defense Increased by 10%

    Title Ticket - Commander

    Effects: VIT + 1000, HP + 10000, Attack + 100, PvP Defense Increased by 10%

    Title Ticket - Chief

    Effects: INT + 1000, HP + 10000, Magic Attack + 200, PvP Defense Increased by 10%

    Title Ticket - Sage

    Effects: PSY + 1000, HP + 10000, Magic Attack + 200, PvP Defense Increased by 10%

    Title Ticket - Assassin

    Effects: AGI + 1000, HP + 10000, Melee Attack + 200, PvP Defense Increased by 10%


    ➡ God of War Titles: Click here

    Title ticket - Humiliated

    Effects: HP +10000, PVP Attack +1%

    Title Ticket - Killed in combat

    Effects: HP +15000, PVP Attack +1%

    Title Ticket - Never Retreat

    Effects: HP +20000, PVP Attack +2%

    Title Ticket - Struggle

    Effects: HP +25000, PVP Attack +3%

    Title Ticket - Deadly Warrior

    Effects: HP +30000, PVP Attack +4%

    Title Ticket - Archery

    Effects: HP +40000, PVP Attack +5%

    Title Ticket - Victory

    Effects: HP +50000, PVP Attack +6%

    Title Ticket - Veteran

    Effects: HP +60000, PVP Attack +8%

    Title Ticket - Invincible Veteran

    Effects: HP +70000, PVP Attack +10%

    > PVE Titles:

    ➡ Abyss Titles: Click here

    Title Ticket-Passionate Challenger

    Effects: Attack +15, Defense +25, PvE Attack increased by 10%

    Title Ticket-Warrior of Passion

    Effects: Attack +35, Defense +25, PvE Attack increased by 10%

    Title Ticket-Fighter of Passion

    Effects: Attack +60, Defense +40, PvE Attack increased by 10%

    Title Ticket-Knight of Passion

    Effects: Attack +85, Defense +55, PvE Attack increased by 10%

    Title Ticket-Knight of Power

    Effects: All Stats +20, Attack +120, Defense +80, PvE Attack increased by 10%

    Title Ticket-Judgment Guardian

    Effects: All Stats +40, Attack +155, Defense +105, PvE Attack increased by 10%

    Title Ticket-Light of the Abyss

    Effects: All Stats +60, Attack +195, Defense +130, PvE Attack increased by 10%

    Title Ticket-King

    Effects: All Stats +60, Attack +195, Defense +130, PvE Attack increased by 10%

    Title Ticket-Legend

    Effects: All Stats +150, Attack +300, Defense +200, PvE Attack increased by 20%

    Title Ticket-Myth

    Effects: All Stats +500, Attack +360, Defense +240, PvE Attack increased by 30%

    > Event Titles:

    Title Ticket - Treasure Seeker

    Effects: All Stats + 50, Attack: +150, Defense: +150, PvE Attack: +5%

    Title Ticket - The Dragon's Bane

    Effects: All Stats + 50, Attack: +150, Defense: +150, EXP Bonus: +20%

    Treasure Seeker and The Dragon's Bane are Titles exclusive to login events (from time to time) or system events: Treasure Hunter and A Tale of Ice and Fire respectively.

    Title Ticket - 3rd Anniversary Fan

    Effects: All Stats + 100, Attack: +150, Defense: +150, EXP Bonus: +15%

    * This titles can be obtained occasionally in Events.

    > Tournament Titles:

    ➡ 3vs3 Team Battle Arena: Click here

    Title Ticket - Grand Marshal

    Effects: All Stats + 150, Attack: +150, HP: +10000, PVP Defense: +12%

    Title Ticket - Warlord

    Effects: All Stats + 500, HP: +10000, PVE Defense: +12%, PVP Attack: +10%

    > Item Mall Titles:

    * Some Titles can also grant multipliers besides stats such as +% drop rate, +% EXP, +% PVE Attack, or +% PVP Attack.

    4. GM Notes:

    > About PVE Title Myth:

    Title Ticket-Myth

    Effects: All Stats +500, Attack +360, Defense +240, PvE Attack increased by 30%


    <God Fragment>

    * This item is tradable.
    * This item can be obtained from Abyss Maps (Mobs) and players. More info: CLICK HERE


    * This item is not tradable.
    * This item can be obtained from Elemental Dungeon Roulette and NPC Obel Shop. More info: CLICK HERE

    <Divine Decision>

    * This item is not tradable.
    * 5x God Fragment <> 1x Divine Decision at NPQ Qrri (Fishing Hole). More info: CLICK HERE
    * This item can also obtained from Abyss Maps (Mobs). More info: CLICK HERE

    <Divine Essence>

    * This item is not tradable.
    * 5x Divine Decision <> 1x Divine Essence at NPC Qrri (Fishing Hole). More info: CLICK HERE
    * This item can also obtained from Abyss Maps (Mobs). More info: CLICK HERE

    <Ohn's Transparent Bubble>

    * This item is tradable and can be obtained from players.
    * 1000x Celestial Fragment <> 1x Ohn's Transparent Bubble at NPC Austin (Kallistia). More info: CLICK HERE

    <Celestial Fragment>

    * This item is tradable and can be obtained from the Celestial Maps (Mobs Drop) and Players.

    <Myth's Energy>

    * This item is not tradable.

    ➡ Quest: [Repeatable] Myth's Energy Level requirement: 1

    This quest requires you to get Myth's Fragment x 20 and bring them to NPC Qrri at Fishing Hole.

    <Myth's Fragment>

    * This item is tradable and can be obtained in the Transcendence Shop (NPC Obel)!

    > GM, I have deleted my Myth/Shinhwa Ticket (or other):

    Bear in mind that the Shinhwa title is the same as the Myth title, so if you have deleted it for some reason in the past this title
    you can send a ticket to restore it in your event Inventory so you can complete the new Myth Quests later.

    <Title Ticket-Shinhwa>

    * Shinwha is the same as Myth.

    Ticket Platform: https://shorturl.at/gsLMU

    We hope this solves any doubts regarding the Titles and H.C.S.!

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N. Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends
    Last edited by SasoreGM; 07-18-2024 at 03:08 PM.
    For Someone's Glory Not For One's Own Glory

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