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  1. #1

    Severe LAG (10+ Secs. Screen Freeze) when Monster use Skill (ex. Stun from Molek)

    Severe LAG (10+ Secs. Screen Freeze) when Monster use Skill (ex. Stun from Molek)

    Somebody, please help me with this issue

    I'm running the game in PC with Above Sys. Req. with Windows 10 and 20mbps Internet (Globe ISP / Philippines)

    Thanks guys...

  2. #2
    Hello JMGAME333, are you using a VPN? , or multiple accounts? And some websites that may use your internet?. Know that 20MB is not that high. If you are using any of the mentioned, please try to not use it and test how the game goes.

  3. #3
    None of the mentioned is being used except for 20MB Internet Connection, maybe this game needs a higher Internet Speed since it was a Global Server. I'll try to troubleshoot some more. Thanks Sir HatheiGM! =)

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